
Weekly Tarot Reading ~ Monday, March 4 – Sunday, March 10

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Mon, 03/04/2013 - 08:07

Keep in mind that energy is not static. The descriptions of the day could flow from one day, to the next. Themes could even continue throughout the week, especially when there are opposing or reinforcing cards. I’ve done my best to note these.



We start out the week with the energies of the suit of pentacles, which governs practicality, security and material concerns.


Monday March 04.

Nine of Pentacles

We begin the week with a reminder our hard work will pay off soon. This is a “time-out” card. We’ve been working hard lately, tending our garden. As was mentioned a week ago the seeds are sprouting. We may need to stop and assess what we are doing, but we can clearly see the fruits of our labor paying off. This reminder is important to carry with us into Tuesday.

Tuesday March 05.

Five of Pentacles

Tuesday may feel the complete opposite of Monday. We may fall on hard times, or feel lacking in some area today – knowledge, experience, material items, health – anything really. What we felt assured of yesterday, may not be clear at all today. The figures on the card seem to be outside of a church – a gentle reminder that our spiritual work and practice is important to remember and stick with throughout troubled times.

For the end of the week, we are in the energies of the suit of swords – for the most part. Swords govern intellect, thought and reason.

Wednesday March 06.

King of Swords

I don't want to, but I have to.

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 12:58

I don't know what I'm writing when I start this. It has something to do with my heart feeling cold, though.


There's a positive and negative to everything. I haven't been meditating daily, like I know I should. I'm recogizing the differences now. Postive and negative. Dark and light.


When I don't meditate, I'm cold. I know I'm cold. My heart is cold and mine and that's it. I recogize others, but I don't really seeeeee them.


When I do meditate I am warm. I am kind. I am compassionate. I am miserable.




You heard me, I am miserable.


That doesn't make sense.


When I do meditate, I am giggly and I am nice and I am warm, I am so warm. My heart is warm and soft. I wake up in the mornings and cry and cry and cry. I don't want to keep living in this 3D world. The thought of getting out of bed, and going out in 3D rattles me.


So when I don't meditate. I still smile. I'm still kind, but I am hard and cold.


It's not something I think that others notice the way I do. They still see the smile, they still get treated kindly. But not as kindly as they could.


I don't want to venture into that 3D world, but I have to.


When I don't meditate, I can get by. I don't have an aching feeling in my heart, a longing for something better.


What's worse? I'll tell you.

When I don't meditate, there's nothing pushing me. I'm "content", for lack of a better word. I don't realize that aching and longing, it's hidden inside of me. Buried in the layers of density from 3D living to keep it hiding from me, so it's not there to give me that motivation.


I don't want to go out in the 3D world, but I have to. I have to because someday, I won't have to.


Does that make sense?



Letting go of perceptions

Submitted by Justagirltm on Mon, 01/07/2013 - 08:52

The arrival to the fifth dimension is an inner journey.  Our perceptions of what ascension is, what is entails, involves, and means limits our experience to what ascension beholds; limitless creative power of your world.  Any expectation bestowed on our physical world that is let down immediately creates the experience we are not creating our world, when in fact we are. 


The date of Dec 21, 2012 signified an important date around the wolrd, on a collective level, the death of the world or the birth of a new one, and if you take duality out of the picture, it was simply a unifying date of to take gaia out of duality, and the collective into unity. 


As part of the old collective, we were either waiting for some sort of radical change to produce proof to us that there was a re-birth or to others the end of time.  They both did happen, we just need to wake up to what has occured.  Also, there are others that remained unconsious to any occurence but are slowly being forced to wake up to some other sense other than their ordinary senses which percieves the world around them. 


Constantly we are bombarded with everyday occurences from society, friends, and loved ones that attempt to instill their reality to ours.  It can be difficult to let go of 3-dimensional dynamics that effect your flow of source between you and your world.  We are given a choice here, remain in 3-d or transcend into 5-d when needed and transmute the energetic dynamic of 3-d into creative force of source. 


Ascension Symptoms Hitting the Workplace 9/21/12

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Sat, 09/22/2012 - 05:21

The O.R. is not unlike the military: everything is clean, crisp, organized, and efficient. There is a hierarchy in the Operating Room. As an attending physician, I have higher 'rank' than some, and because of that 'rank' I am given a certain amount of respect for it. Our schedule runs like clockwork, or as much as possible in this aim, given emergencies and other unanticipated events that come our way.

As Reiki Doc, I am a Karuna Reiki Master. Because of this, my access to the Higher Dimensions is open. The opening process has a 'cleanse' that has some very particular symptoms. Support is needed by the student as they navigate their own set of changes they experience as they 'move up' in Reiki.

Some of these signs are unmistakable to the experienced Karuna Reiki practitioner, so much so that we fondly call a day with these symptoms 'a Karuna Day'. We change our plans, allow time for this process to happen, ride it out, and know that tomorrow is another day.

Yesterday in the O.R. I saw evidence of multi-dimensionality at work. I didn't say anything to my coworkers, but now I am to you. And looking back, there have been a few coincidences I had not pieced together leading up to yesterday.

The first one that caught my attention was a patient who did not show up for their surgery. 'Wasn't it next week?'. This is a classic symptom: the distortion of the perception of Time. At Reiki class, we have had people convinced their Karuna class was on a Sunday, not a Saturday, and slept in. These are ordinary, responsible people. This patient, was educated and also someone who has undergone surgery with us before.

Everyone else shrugged it off, the surgeon saying it was his scheduler, or the patient misunderstanding the options of today or next week given in the preop visit.

I just went into a Light Box

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Fri, 08/24/2012 - 17:53

This is the story of a meditative experience I had of going to inner Earth and getting into a Light Box:

I was guided into Agartha. It looked different in colors from earth, not as solid, more shimmery for all the trees and buildings and land formations. There was a laboratory office, and I was there. I was to be placed into a healing Light Box. I did not want to go. I was afraid, and I wanted someone to hold my hand. I was told this was not possible. I was put in, the lid was closed, and I started bawling.

They took me out and had me play on the swings like I did when I was a child and I loved it. I got upset and said, 'this will not do!'

Then I was back in the Light Box again, and I was given a cat to hold. But I am allergic to cats. I never played with a cat in my life, I don't know what to do! So it transformed into a dog, my first puppy, Ottavio. I was also given a soft blue baby blanket by Blessed Mother Mary. As they were closing the lid, I had concerns:

Will I still be me? I want to be me?
My children? My pets?

What will I look like after?


More is at:


Galactic Federation of Light Message - May 10th 2012.

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Wed, 05/09/2012 - 13:19

We see a lot of you still very firmly enmeshed in your third dimensional lives, either unable or unwilling to move beyond the restraints that are holding you back and not allowing you to move beyond, into the higher realms.

Releasing 3rd dimensional restraints is an essential part of ascension, so if you are struggling with any aspect of this, you need to ask yourselves a few questions.

What is is that is holding me back?

Why am I unwilling/unable to move beyond this restraint?

What am I willing to do about it?

Know that we are always here to offer you guidance and assistance with any concern or any situation that you are unable to cope with on your own. Indeed, many situations will not be resolved until you admit that you do need assistance.

W have been here for millenia. As have you. The only advantage that we hold over you at this time is that we remember. Everything. Whereas you do not - due to the veil of forgetfulness which befell you upon your arrival on Earth.

Is it pride preventing you from seeking help? Confusion? Fear? Whatever 3rd dimensional emotion you are struggling to deal with at the moment, know that all you have to do is ask, and we will gladly assist you in any way we can.

Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 22nd 2012.

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 13:46

Tonight is the night that many of you will be called upon for first contact. Those of you who have been previously told of your first contact details should now prepare for the exciting events that tonight and concecutive nights will bring. It is not necessary to 'prepare' yourselves as such, as the actual earth time that you will be absent from your families will be minimal, but many of you will be called at night time, when there is less chance of disruption to your 3rd dimensional lives.

All of you have been given indicators to look out for, to know that time is drawing near;a certain alignment of stars in the sky for example, so keep a look out for these visual signs to occur. Those who are ready to undergo first contact will receive our verbal notice too, and many of you will already have received your 'notice' that first contact will occur at any time now.
You will also have received instructions of what to wear and what to bring, so have those items ready, as when we give you the call, we would like things to move as smoothly as possible, with minimal disruption to your lives.

Some of you have been asked to meet us at a certain location. These locations have been chosen primarily for the privacy that they will provide, as we do not wish to announce our presence to the inhabitants of the Earth before they are ready for us. We are building up our anticipation of this event finally occuring, as it has been a long time in its preparation.
For those of you who do not receive a call from us in the next week or two, fear not, your call will come. This first initial contact is a test of sorts, and the people we have chosen to assist us in this are ones who are more than ready to meet up with us. They will be, in your words, our 'guinea pigs', and from this initial contact, we will be able to decide whether our methods of initiating first contact can be improved in any way.

Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 29th 2012.

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 13:39

Discouragement, disappointment and uncertainty. These are all emotions based on fear. Fear has no place in the higher realms, so those of you who are experiencing these emotions at this time need to recognize these feelings for what they are, and ask for assistance in ridding yourselves of them. We can help you with this.

We realize that many of you are awaiting your own personal experience of first contact with us, many of you already have, and we have learned much from these initial contactees. Subsequent meetings will therefore be much more favorable, as there were many difficulties for us to overcome in arranging meet ups with you all, but experimentation with our technology upon your world has opened up many new options to us. So we anticipate that subsequent meetings will be a lot easier to organize and more beneficial to us all. 

Fear not if the call has not yet sounded for you. There is ample time for these meetings to occur; the way that we view time as such, so do not panic if nothing has happened for you yet. With events occurring all over the globe, to remove and relocate the last of the Dark Cabal, the time for us to step up our visitations to Earth are about to increase.

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