
New Earth Frequency Update ~ Oct 21 2014

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Wed, 10/22/2014 - 12:43

The New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse of Oct 23, 2014 represents a period of REGENERATION

Greetings and Blessings to All,

We are the Unified Whole Command within the 144th dimension of Oneness as the Great Divine Director, Master Thoth, and Master Einstein along with the many Christed Beings of Light.

The energetic exchange of the Universal Consciousness is being felt in many levels of existence.  We are sure you have been experiencing it within your feelings, thoughts, dream-states while walking upon the Earth.  Since the Autumn Equinox there have been extensive light energies that have ensued upon the planet with the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon moving towards the partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon.

The portals of light that have been actualized within GAIA are here to help every individual to receive more of their higher essence within the avenues of their physicality.  In the midst of these elements it is causing more debris to be removed from the Etheric level of the Earth along with each human being.  So as a result, it causes a feeling of uncertainty within each individual unless they fully understand that those thoughts and feelings do not belong to them any longer.

Some may say, “What do you mean they don’t belong to me?  I live upon this earth; I have emotions and I am affected by what is happening within the world.”  This is so very true but since the earth is going through her acceleration, the light infractions coming into the core of Gaia’s being are affecting more Light to be acknowledged than the Darkness.  But in order for the Light to be realized, the Darkness must be removed.  So what happens is a period of regeneration, the old leaves in order for the new to be realized.

Embodying the Golden Flame of Resurrection ~ Lord Buddha

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:54

This is the transcription of the LIVE call within the Clarion Temple of Oneness with Lord Buddha on April 7th, 2014.


It is I, Lord Buddha at your service. It is my divine pleasure to be here in the Temple at this magnificent time of creation upon Earth.

As the Planetary Logos of this beautiful Earth of Gaia, it brings me great pleasure to come into the Temple and to express myself in the essences that Meleriessee allows me to do. I will bring to you what it is that I am here to express. And I give to you my sincere appreciation and gratitude in these moments.
Why do you think that you are here at this time?


I am not only referring to your existence on Earth at this time. I am speaking about this moment, at this time of coming together, in this beautiful Temple of Light. There are many Higher Selves that participate in these frequencies and are bringing forth these energies unto the Physical Self. Hopefully one day we will arrive in this Temple and see many souls in physical form joining us for these beautiful ceremonies of Light. I ask each of you to look within yourself to see how truly special you are, for the awakening that has happened, for the creation of your Light, and the divine continuation of what is occurring for you in every moment.
We are coming upon the beautiful Festival of the Christ. It is a beautiful time for each of us in the spiritual realms, as now physical human conditioning opens up to our essences in a completely different manner than ever experienced before. Sometimes, it is taken for granted by some individuals that we are here to assist them in their continual upbringing of Light within their own Physical Self.

Becoming the Beacon of Light That You Are - New Earth Frequency Update

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:47

It is our pleasure to be with each of you once again through this venue of light.  We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein along with the entire God Force of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The frequencies of light that are coming into the planet are beyond what you can truly understand within your physical consciousness.  It is so important to continually work through your higher essence in your physical mind and heart.  We know that this can be a challenge but the more that you do it, the easier it will become.

The Lunar Eclipse on April 15th will represent the first of a succession of energy patterns that are going to be intertwining within GAIA.  Those of you that know astrology are aware of the Cardinal Grand Cross and the Solar Eclipse on the 29th of April which will herald the frequencies of light for Wesak on May 14th, 2014.  These energies are all part of the design plan of 2014.

We know the magnificence of these energies represent the Unification of Oneness and grounding these energies into the planet and into each of you.  We can look to the science of astrology for detailed information but in truth what does it mean for each of you, individually?

That is the big question to ponder but travel no further.

The Three Upcoming Ascension Festivals

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:41

We are at that time of year once again when we will be experiencing the three Festivals of Light that represent our role with the Spiritual Hierarchy to advance ourselves into a higher existence within our mastery pathway.

Each of these festivals falls upon the full moon cycles within Aries, Taurus, and Gemini.  Each of them is a stepping ground into one another.  This means that each festival represents our Divine Purpose on this earth and how we can assist ourselves on deeper levels to become more of what we were previously.  The festivals also help with the transformation of every sentient being upon this Earth whether an individual participates consciously or not.  It is a time of high acceleration and understanding more about them helps a soul to fully accept the challenges and achievements that they will encounter through this three month cycle.

The Festival of the Christ ~ April 15th, 2014 ~ is the first of the three events that we celebrate within the mastery pathway.

This festival occurs during the full moon in Aries .  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third, Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY - The New Earth Frequency Update

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 14:59

Planetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.

With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.

It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

The number “14” represents our karmic rebirth.  This is the year in which we are “righting” all our past deeds and in doing so, we are receiving the Divine Dispensation from our Higher Essence to be manifested within our world.  The keywords for this year represent, “harmony, balance, temperance, and prudence”.  It is a year in which elements will come into alignment to allow for the true manifestation of our heart’s desire from our highest consciousness into a physical reality.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ A New Paradigm of Light

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 11/26/2013 - 17:47

PLANETARY AS SHARED BY MELERIESSEE ~ This last month in 2013 is going to prove to be the lightning being shown by many levels of creation.  We have gone through so many planetary accelerations through this year that the changes each of us is going through is representative of the changes it has brought into our lives.

We are now in the midst of the Comet Ison spinning its essence through the hemisphere into the Sun approximately on November 28th, 2013 and then hopefully, it will survive and move into the Earth’s skies.  What does this mean for us?

It all started with the Portal of Light with Uranus Pluto Square that allowed for the integration of the Galactic forces of light merging into the Solar level and within the planet’s surface.  This alignment represents all that we have experienced in 2013 with the changes, the purification that we needed to do, to allow for the intermingling of energies from the 24th dimensional level to spin into the 4th of Earth’s current status.  All of this could not be possible without the previous activations that we experienced of each moon cycle, eclipse, with the Solstice and Equinox experiences to be felt by the human race into the core of GAIA.  We are definitely experiencing energies that have never been before accepted into GAIA’s field, but yet it is happening.

The Acceleration of Human Consciousness-Dec 2013 with Master Einstein

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:53

Due to the influx of energies within Gaia which started on the 23rd of November with the Uranus Pluto Square configuration and the Comet ISON, we have been asked to share two special messages from Spirit on this subject.  It is being shared in two parts.

(1) Lord Bear of the Great Bear System shared the Galactic perspective,; (2) this message from Master Albert Einstein of the Unified Whole assists lightworkers to understand what their role is by holding this light frequency and helping the rest of humanity to accept the changes that some individuals may be facing.

We are honored and blessed to be able to share the perspective of both the Mastery level and the Galactic energies.  To see the Galactic message from Lord of the Great Bear, please click the link, The Galactic Surge of Light within Gaia,

It is my pleasure to be with you in this moment.  We bring forth the energies of the 144th dimension in this writing.  Please breathe deeply, call upon your Higher Essence to fully be with you so that you work with the information from your Higher Mind and not the Lower Self.

Thank you, I Am Master Einstein.

The Galactic Surge of Light Within GAIA

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:48

Lord Great Bear is the Logos of Sirius within the Universal Level (24th dimension through the 35th) that oversees the Christed Intergalactics and work within his essence.  Some of planets that he works with are the Arcturus, Pleiades, Andromedea, and Sirian-B.  He oversees these planetary systems to stay in alignment with the Divine Guidance of the Cosmic Level.  He works directly with the Ashtar Command and Lord Sananda on communication of the Galactic forces within the Universal Structures including the Solar Level of Earth.

The following message was conveyed from the perspective of the Galactic forces as it represents our alignment with our Star Brothers and Sisters in a more powerful way.  As each of the Christed Planets becomes aligned within Oneness of the 144th dimension, they are releasing the old elements that have kept them separate from the Earth’s energies.  We look to them for help and many of us feel at HOME with their essence.  This is the first part of understanding the changes through Uranus-Pluto Square on November 23, 2013 and continuing with Comet ISON.

This means that we are bringing the energies of the Galactic timelines into our present timeline for them to be healed and to help GAIA ascend.  It must come from a vibrational rate at first and this is what ISON is presenting to us.  We have the power to make this a positive experience but we must work within our own consciousness to release anything that does not serve the higher purpose.  This means that there could be havoc upon the planet within certain individuals and geographic areas.

Becoming One with your Highest Essence - The Cosmic Great Central Sun

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Sun, 11/03/2013 - 14:35

Channeled Message from Divine Mother and Father God as the Cosmic Great Central Sun, Clarion Temple of Oneness Teaching, October 28, 2013

The Solar Eclipse of November 3rd provides a gateway of light for humanity to connect with their Higher Essence whether it be Higher Self, Monad, or I AM Presence for a 3-day period.  This will help humanity to bring Peace within the Earth.  Each lightworker is requested to utilize the Ray of Inner Devotion on the Cosmic level of the Ruby Red with Gold to balance their energies and receive serenity and peace within.

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