angel card readings

Angel Card Reading for today ~ Archangel Raziel “Take Back Your Power!”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 07/13/2013 - 08:44

What a glorious card for today! Here is Raziel with his magnificent wings and arms open wide showing you that its ALL yours! It’s all available to you NOW. You have the power, you have the glory, its all within you NOW at this very moment in time. There is no need to live in the illusions anymore. The veil that separates us is gone. It’s been dissolved by all the high energy around us. Now is the time to use your God-given power to manifest miracles in your life!

With this card Archangel Raziel is urging you to “Take back your God given power” to manifest miracles in your life. He is reminding you today that “YOU are a luminary, a sage, a wise one, a high priestess/ high priest, a wizard and a supreme manifestor. Now is the time to summon your power and put your authority into action to transform your reality.”

There has never been a more perfect time as NOW to take charge and stand in your power. But we have to consciously break through the habits we created whilst living within the illusions of the old paradigm. The miracles are all there, just waiting to happen, but we need to take a step forward in trust and faith and let go of all the old beliefs and thoughts we had about who we thought ourselves to be. Beloveds, you are not alone. The angels are with you, guiding you and looking over your shoulder, every step of the way.

I love you!


Archangel Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Ariel “Spread Your Wings!”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/08/2013 - 12:09

I think this message from Archangel Ariel is much needed today! She tells us this “Although you may feel intimidated by the prospect of change, and by the thought of moving past your comfort zone, you’re ready to fly high! Welcome new opportunities and know that its safe to follow your heart and dreams. Keep your focus on love, service and spirit, and avoid nay-sayers and skeptics. Remember that you inspire others with your story of turning challenges into victories.

Your team of angelic guides are gently nudging you leave your comfort zone and embrace the challenge of doing something new. As long as you focus your intention on being of service to others, you will always be supported. You are all angels, not one of you doesn’t have the wings to fly. This is not the time to hold back! You are ready to push through those boundaries and discover new strengths you never knew you had before.

Ask Archangel Ariel for the courage and strength to break through your self imposed boundaries. She loves all beings and gladly helps them all. She also helps us to manifest our dreams into reality. She’s supportive of all people who are healers, teachers and service workers. She also loves the environment and she works closely with the nature angels to protect and heal animals. Ariel’s aura is a pale shade of pink.  If you wear or hold a rose quartz crystal, your heart will open further to Ariel’s magnificent love.


Archangel Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Jeremiel ~ “Overcoming Difficulties”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 07/03/2013 - 08:38

This card is so beautiful! The huge feather soaring into the heavens, held by the wings of an Angel, reaches up to the Divine Love and Light. This card is helping us to see the big picture, that Divine Love and Light is reachable if only we will extend our consciousness and allow ourselves to feel it.

There is a technique that you can apply to a situation that is proving difficult or challenging for you see. It’s called chunking. You chunk something up by asking yourself questions that allow you to see the bigger picture. Once you can see the bigger picture, you can then chunk down again and you will notice that the situation you thought so challenging before now seems easily surmountable.

Nothing is insurmountable. Nothing is impossible. No thing, unless we allow it to be that way. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale is a book we had around our house when I was growing up. I didn’t read the book as a child, but the title taught me that there is power in positive thinking. I know now that thoughts carry a vibrational frequency and so do the words we speak.

Allow yourself today to see the power in the positive and know that nothing is insurmountable if you give it positive energy. Allow yourself to believe this. Reach up with your consciousness into the heavens and connect with the Light and Love that is yours.  Blessing something gives it your highest intention, and your highest intention is always Love. Bless your problems and difficulties away!

I leave you today with this thought: You are a powerful being, created in the image and likeness of God. Use your God given power to create miracles within your life. Know that you are not alone and that you are surrounded by Angels. Around you there are miracles just waiting to happen!

Archangel Oracle Card for Today ~ Archangel Raguel “Divine Order”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 18:45

The message I am getting for today is that everything is always in Divine Order. It cannot be any other way as chaos does not exist in God’s world. The angels are telling me that even though you may be faced with a difficult situation, this is the illusion your Soul wishes you to learn from. If you can move past the illusion, you will see underlying order, the Divine order.

We are always being guided along our pathway and that which we are meant to ‘learn’ here must be learned. It was agreed upon by us before we incarnated into physical form in the Earth realm to learn these lessons. Our Soul will therefore guide us in the most loving and best possible way into situations that will give us opportunities to learn these lessons. Always when you are faced with what you may think of as an impossible situation, look for the lesson you can learn from it. Know that only once you have done this can you walk away and move on. It is your choice, however, to walk away and not learn from the situation. If you choose to do this, know that your Soul will continue to present to you situations in which you can experience the lessons you have chosen to learn here. Knowing this gives you Peace that everything is always as it should be, for your highest and best good.

There is always Divine order in everything. We can also learn to live with the illusions created by man instead of in them. You have come here to the Earth School of Illusion to experience certain things that were impossible to experience in the Realm of the Absolute where all that exists is Divine Love. Here you can experience all the opposites of that, but don’t forget that these opposites are illusion and that only love is real.

Oracle Card for today ~ Archangel Raziel “Take back your power!”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 06/29/2013 - 12:33

There are still those of you that believe you do not have the power within you to change your circumstances, your life, your current reality. YOU are the creator of your current life experience. Until you can accept responsibility for what you have created, you cannot change it. And you cannot change it if you do not believe that you have the power to do so. Belief / Trust / Faith it the key. Belief, trust, faith in what? In your Self. Remember you are not alone. Part of you is here in the human realm, and the other part of your Self exists in the higher realms. You are not alone and never have been. This part of your Self is ready and waiting to assist you to return to a vibration of Divine Love. Withing this vibration exists all possibility. Nothing is impossible! Nothingno Thing! Except what you believe is NOT possible! The illusions belong to the old paradigm. You can choose now if you wish  the old paradigm to be your living experience, and you can continue living in ‘victim mode’ OR you can decide now to move into the new paradigm. The choice is always yours. You were given free and this will never be taken away from you. Why shall it? You would not be Creators if you had your living experience created for you! Where would the fun be in that? Life is not meant to be a struggle, it is meant to be joyful. Examine what it is you believe. Become conscious and aware of your thoughts, feelings and the words you express. These are powerful! Listen to your inner voice and guidance and act upon it. There is never a time when you are not being guided. The question is this: Are you listening?

Angel Card Reading – AA Zadkiel “Security and Trust”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sat, 06/22/2013 - 15:04

I had the knowing during the night that this would be our card for today. The issue of Security and Trust was brought up yesterday in several instances throughout my day and I sense there is a message here for us on this subject.

The following questions were presented to me yesterday. Is it fear based to own a gun when all you want to do is protect your family? Is it fear based to strap your child into a car seat because you may have a car accident? The answers to those questions you will only find in your hearts. Your ego will always tell you the opposite of your heart. Your ego is fear based, and your heart is love based. For the record, I told the person who asked me these questions that I would never own a gun, not only because I believe it to be a weapon that symbolizes violence, but I have never felt unsafe, not ever. Strapping your baby into a car seat however is taking a precaution which I believe to be an action based in love.

Something else happened to me last night which I would like to share with you. I got my hand burned in my kitchen. Or rather, let me say, I should have got my hand burned when I touched a very hot copper pan, but I didn’t. In that split second before my fingers touched the pan, I was protected from being burned. I knew it was Michael who had done this. I thanked him of course. He answered “Do you think I would have let you been burned?” I said “No, of course not.” I trust him with my life because I know undoubtedly that nothing can ever harm me when I have asked for his protection. In fact yesterday I used these exact words when speaking to the person about the issue of owning a gun:

Angel Card Reading for today – Archangel Metatron “Chakra Clearing”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 06/20/2013 - 12:58

When this card came up now I thought “Oh no, not again!” and I heard “Oh yes! Again!” It seems that we are constant clearing mode, but then that is because we are constantly re-birthing ourselves into who we truly are as Beings of Divine Love. With each little bit of clearing out of the old, we are making space for the new energies that are helping us to re-member who we are. Love is All There Is Beloveds.

With the process of releasing the old, our energy centers are being overworked and they need constant care to ensure they remain clear of blockages. Blocked stale energy in your chakra’s will cause you discomfort, anxiety, pain etc., and if left unchecked will eventually cause dis-ease in the physical body.

For this purpose we call upon the Archangels for their assistance in clearing and balancing our chakras. Archangel Metatron is perhaps one of the most potent healers in the angelic realm and he loves to clear and balance your chakras. Call upon him to do this and he will use his “Metatron cube” through your crown chakra at the top of your head, rotating it downward through your chakras clearing out old energies that have caused blockages. Remember to be in a state of allowing as these old energies are being released for your highest and best good. It is of no use to hold onto these old energies and old ways of being. It is time now to release the fear and embrace the new. Allow yourself to expand and grow into the New You that is being re-birthed. The upcoming Full Moon is a good time to release the old Beloveds. Allow yourselves to make full use of her gentle and clearing energies. Ask us for help if you need it, we are always with you. All ways.

~Thank you Angels! Blessings & much love!


Angel Card for today ~ Archangel Ariel – “Courage”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 06/19/2013 - 09:38

I asked for a card today for our readers and this one came up. I believe that we all have a certain amount of courage within us, else we wouldn’t have been chosen to be here at this time. It is for certain the courageous souls who won the tickets in this draw! But the courage to stand up to your beliefs is something that requires a different level of courage.

I’m going to encourage you today to stand up for your beliefs! It is perhaps one of the most difficult things we will ever have to do as Lightworkers. Many of us have family members who are on a different ‘wavelength’ if you will, and we avoid at all costs talking about our beliefs in order to maintain ‘peace’ within our family and circle of friends. It is time now to be courageous and stand up for what you believe! Jesus did it! He was courageous and ended up paying the ultimate price for it. But times have changed and are changing, and it is time now to ‘come out of our closets’ and embrace what we believe and what we represent. You don’t have to try to change what your family and friends believe, but you do have to be an example to them. It is by your example that you teach. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Angel Card Reading for today ~ Archangel Jeremiel “Life Review”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 06/18/2013 - 08:46

The Life Review card is of particular importance right now as we near the Full Moon. As you know the Full Moon energies help us to release the old and embrace the new. It is time now to allow the releasing of all the old negative and stale energies that have kept you ‘trapped’ in your past. Allow the angels to work with you at night to gently review your life and to heal anything that is causing conflicting emotions and unbalance in your present moment. Often we feel sadness, pain, anger and other negative emotions and have no idea where they are coming from. These negative emotions are surfacing now for release. There is no need to dwell on them. Ask the Archangels and Angels to help you release and heal the past. Ask for an energy healing if you feel guided to do so. The past is done and over with and you have learned from the lesson it presented to you. It is time now to release it for your highest and best good.

All change starts with us and only once we have cleared up old negative energies and non-serving beliefs that keep us in a low vibrational energy pattern within our own lives, can we truly be of service to others.

Angel Card Reading for today ~ Archangel Michael “You are Safe”

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 11:14


With all the fear around at the moment, I am not at all surprised when Michael said to me to pull a card this morning, that this card literally fell out of the pack as I was shuffling it. Archangels have a way of getting their message across. This is his channeled message to you today:


Beloved Ones, I am protecting you and guarding you as always. You have asked and you shall receive. Know that I protect all of you that ask for my protection. See yourself and your loved ones and your homes surrounded and protected and guarded by my blue light and know that no harm can befall you. Ask me to cut the cords of fear that bind you to the negative energies all around you, and it shall be done. I am always with you. My sword of light is guarding and protecting you all ways. You are loved unconditionally.

I AM Michael

~ Thank you Michael.


Working with Archangel Michael: Michael’s chief role is to escort away the lower energies of fear. If you become worried or anxious, mentally ask Michael to bring you peace. You can also ask that he clear your home, office, vehicle and community of toxic energies. After you call upon Michael, you will notice a warm feeling. That is because he has a fiery warrior spirit. You can also ask Michael to stay with you continuously as he is able to do with everyone who calls upon him. ~ The Archangel Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue.


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