Ascension Symptoms

How to Thrive with the Intensity of the Solar Flares

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 15:19

From my guides: We are here in the solar flares, the light coming into humans and all earth. We salute you and celebrate you as you open yourselves to healing and enlightenment and alignment and upgrades in DNA. We are with you. Please bask and savor these days. See them as positive and transformative. Let your heart be open to allow the heart based consciousness to feel itself, to activate, to receive. These are receiving times not “doing” times. It is time to be in the flow of what is, acceptance. Divine plan unfolds in you like spiral energies. Feel them connected with the greater whole, the greater plan that is laid out for you, and is categorically non-linear. Angel's hands are your hands typing. Notice your angelic human hybrid self but do not attach to the label of it, but instead to the feeling of it. It may feel like purple light. A new wavelength of light is dancing through you.

We are your guides. We are nature. Nature speaks, Mother Earth, and the life force in all of life. We are one and we dance in and with you.

What The Heck Is Happening To Me?

Submitted by Rosangel on Sat, 12/22/2012 - 12:26


I feel activated... 

I'm feeling sensations in different parts of my body.  My skin is tingly.  For the past two weeks, it has been mostly my feet and hands. Today for some reason, I am feeling certain vibrations so strongly that my body can't almost handle it.  I have been feeling nauseous, been experiencing dizzy spells, and running for foods that are grounding. 

Even the vibration of human voices is penetrating my being so deeply... I realized this when a gentleman at one of my favorite coffee shops in Brooklyn sat down next to me.  He had a very bassy voice and when he spoke, I felt the vibration of his voice on my lower back.   This is also happening to me with music.  Certain sounds in a song seem to pierce through me today.

hmmm  How does this feel? Oh boy... it feels intense.  Not very pretty. 

It also feels necessary.

I've experienced something similar when I experienced a Spiritual Awakening in the Summer of 2010.  I felt like I had been birthed into a new world and it took a while for me to adjust to feeling vibrations on a heightened level.  Today, it seems clear to me that I am experiencing more of this.  

Ascension Symptoms? Or Perhaps Doorways?

Submitted by Wayne on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 18:59

Its becoming my perception, That as we experience what often amounts to an Avalanche of Emotional Purging or Upheavals  Of Memories that  "Tug" on our Heart Strings, and cause Revelations of  Vulnerabilities or Regrets, .......over time Have often been Falsely categorized as what many consider to be Weaknesses, or Illnesses, or Symptoms, even Madness...

When in Reality, these are the Very Doorways to our Secret Strengths.....And we Hid those Strengths behind Incredible, Fantastic Illusions...

Once we see these marvelously intense Illusions for what they are, (A NON-Reality) and how we so cleverly designed them for our own personal Challenges, we can  release and  transform all of these Illusions of Pain, all of the Suffering, All of the Sorrow and Loss, and send it Back to its place of Origin.  The Source of LOVE..

We Started this Journey with LOVE..We Sacrificed and Separated with LOVE...And now that we are remembering WHO WE ARE... We will Close this Chapter..with LOVE....Only to begin Anew...Entirely Composed of LOVE...

Anyways, thats how I see it...


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