
Yeshua ~ See Yourselves As I See You: Magnificent Beings of the Divine ~ Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 12, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 05/12/2013 - 21:55




Hello dear ones, Light of my Light, Love of my Love. I come before you today in humble reverence for your unyielding perseverance in this very important mission that you have consented to take on for the service of all. To watch you all has been enlightening to us all in the Celestial Realm. To see you spread your wings of divinity is music to our ears, salve to our souls. In heartfelt allegiance, we continue our journey forward together.

The road has been long, but look around you and you will see much progress within and without. You have reached a new phase in your development and in carrying out your service to humanity - the service you have long held very deep in your hearts.

You have opened up new vistas and avenues of existence, especially of late, when a huge shift happened in many of you. You are beginning to see your purpose and mission and choosing your path. You are realizing by now that in doing so, you must leave much behind. But consider all that you leave as just training wheels that you have joyfully taken off in order to fly more steadily into your true vision of life.

Suffice it to say that you have graduated into a much more intrinsic version of yourselves and your life. For you are ready now, oh so ready, to soar into the unknown without a glance back. For you know now that you are destined for greatness, along with all your fellow beings upon this new shining earth becoming more apparently so every day.

There Are No Set Backs, You Are Constantly Moving Forward: Channeled by Caroline K.A.

Submitted by Starlight Journeys on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 06:59




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Posted May 5, 2013


Dear hearts, we understand there are times when you feel pain or confusion in your hearts.  We understand there are times when you feel there are set backs along your journey, and we say to you, this is simply not so.  Although you may see this differently, all depending on the perspective within your current reality, we ask you to understand, and believe as you progress in your ascension process there are no set backs.  You are constantly moving forward.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven~ You Are the Power and Glory of Creator ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ April 29, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 04/29/2013 - 23:45


Yeshua.powercreatorYeshua and the Company of Heaven:

Dear Ones, much is afoot in your “neck of the woods”, as they say. Seriously, much is a-swirl and in change and transition and some things may now feel like polar opposites. But be assured that the shift toward greater consciousness is indeed occurring.

Take time to constantly return to your center and assess situations only from that perspective, in the core of your heart. This is a test and an affirmation of your true Reality, as you know.

You are beginning to glimpse the bigger picture, dear ones, and to delve into the recesses of deeper consciousness. Sometimes you may feel like you have hit a void but it is just the transformation of energies. Sit with it and cover and immerse yourself with the incoming energies and listen to that still, small voice within, always.

You are beginning to dissolve the holograms of the past which are at times persistent to remain, but the glimpse of freedom that you are experiencing from dissolving these mindsets can more than compensate for the loss of old familiar patterns of yesteryear.

It will take diligence and perseverance on your part to reject the old patterns and embrace the newfound freedom that awaits you, that is already there in front of you. Just move aside the veil of illusion and you can see it, dear ones.

Love for yourself and others is the key through all this transition. Keep coming back to that. Live in that bubble, dear ones. Fear has a harder time of entering when you abide by that regime. In this you are taking back your power and coming back to your True Essence.

Dear Hearts,You Are Disclosure: Pleiadian Message Channeled Through Caroline K.A.

Submitted by Starlight Journeys on Mon, 04/29/2013 - 08:23



star system

Posted April, 30, 2013


We are here dear ones, and today we come to you in great celebration of a truth which is unfolding at this most important time.

We ask each and every one of you, those who are reading these words now, and who understand the magnitude behind them, we ask you to look deep within your hearts, for your time of calling will soon be upon you.  We ask you to look at the truth which lies within each and every one of you.  A truth which is rapidly rising to the surface, for it can no longer be squelched and hidden away.  There are too many of you now who are openly communicating with us, and the word is spreading like wildfire.

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