HS Message - Star-Bursts of Light, Information, and Opportunity Prepare All for The Event
by April Bender
It's been a very busy week for you has it not? So many new opportunities and expanded capacities have, in one form or another, presented themselves to you. Some big, some little. Some are heart, relational, or community centered - some are mental, conceptual, and/or creatively centered - and some are more inner expansive, soul/spirit and physical body centered. These are, in a nutshell, the many aspects of your multi-dimensional selves seeking not only integration and balance but also form and expression within and throughout the Collective Higher Mind and Self. Because the overall harmonization of the 5D-7D Higher Collective Mind/Web of Life, has now reached a culmination state of such balanced alignment, integration and increased flow, due to the continued success of the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process, that Higher Mind nodal points are now pulsing forth harmonized Star-Bursts of Light, Information, and Opportunity.