150 People who care becoming millions of lives saved! Add your voice to the request for the cancer, alzheimers, and etc cure!
150 Signatures means a lot. You're looking at this, and someone right now is in pain. I've visited emergency rooms, pharmacies, crippled old people being slowly poisoned away with drugs that unleash further diseases over time through intentional side effects.
Cancer itself a byproduct of unwholesome disconnected from nature living. Technology is either green or toxic.
Add your voice to this petition, you have no idea how many lives can be saved just by it getting past the 150 signature threshold.
While you're at it, stand up for freedom of religion too.
My family has lost 2 lives to something that has a cure. Right now a third is in desperate need of the oil just to live without pain, and has gotten gout, which cannabis oil also heals. He is afraid to break the law, since the law's purpose is to break and hurt innocent people, so, how can I help him unless change happens? Your signature here means closure for me. I want my voice to be heard and seen by people other than just you.
Will you help me on both issues? I'd like my religion to be protected not targeted by the government who promises "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
That's why my name is Legalize Freedom.
My friends first I wish to relay a story. I was meditating and I saw a faint light like that of a cell-phone, green in nature, from where my cell-phone was not. My mind said "The Galactic Federation is real" and I began to feel a strong magnetic energy around me as if I were to levitate.
having said that, hopefully we are aware cannabis cures cancer, not by smoke or inhalation but through ingestion of the refined oils of the plant each day.
it also can heal alzheimers, diabetes, anxiety, depression, mental illness, arthritis, chronic pain, brain damage, and more.
it is troubling in particular little children are being poisoned to death not just by food supply, not just by meidcine, but in a sadistic and cruel process called chemotherapy , and it is my insight that this procezs was never intended to work, rather, to kill.
So, regardless of the white hosues response, sign this!
When someone goes to this petition and reads it, and for that to happen we need 150 signatures, they will learn a new truth. This means that when you sign this, you will save someone's life, because a new person will stumble onto this site randomly and learn how to heal a temrinal illness.
I've heard some odd arguments against cannabis, that it supresses the immune system. The people must be thinking of smoke inhalation, and while it may not suppress the immune system, i can see what they mean. Its been proven to kill the flu virus, but obviously not in smoke format. Our endocannabinoid system is integral to health and longevity, the oldest woman in the world, from India, at age 125, said her secret was smoking cannabis each day of her life, and she smoked a huge amount of it.
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9 Common Indian Spices that Prevent Cancer
Published on Aug 14, 2012 by JoeyB613
- Read more about 9 Common Indian Spices that Prevent Cancer
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