
A Conversation About Life on Earth Before The Fall (or Degradation of DNA)

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 09:12

These are excerpts from the Q&A of Lesson 4 pt 2/2 For Full Spectrum Humans.

If this conversation sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, please visit to register for the Summer Session:


"Did the state of balance and perfection that humanity existed in before the fall extend to the entire biosphere? Also would you please elaborate on the relationship between hitting the membrane of death on a timeline and cycling back to the beginning to start again and dying well or not well and becoming a being of pure love, or one who must subsist on lower vibrations. This was an award winning lesson!" Zach Diers


"Hello Zach, and many thanks for the complement!


Self-Defense Against Negative Thought Entities

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Thu, 06/13/2013 - 08:15

Self-Defense Against Negative Thought Entities

register for the course here:

I created an extended 4 part Lesson this semester at the request of both the universe and several students of the course, all about the negative thought entities that plague humanity and effective actions to take in order to protect oneself.

What do I mean by negative lower vibration thought entities?
I am referring to the non corporeal consciousnesses whose actions are not based in love, and who cannot ingest unconditional love, so they incept negative thoughts in humans in order to elicit lower vibrational emotional reactions (i.e. sadness, anger, grief, anxiety, hatred) upon which they feed.

This portion of the Lessons comes towards the end of the course, and that is because the earlier Lessons are all about the importance of unconditional love as a foundation for the use of ones higher psychic faculties. It is very important to create a firm stance of unconditional love before focusing on the subject of negative thought entities, because love is the key to vanquishing them.

This Lesson teaches not only the self-defense techniques, it also gives students a perspective for this personal battle within the context of Galactic History, answering many questions about humanity's origins and why humans are in the position of having to Ascend from a state do separation and duality to a state of oneness and unity.

Summer Session of Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans begins June 17, 2013!

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Tue, 06/11/2013 - 01:26

This is an excerpt from Lesson 7 For Full Spectrum Humans: The Rainbow Journey.

To learn more, watch sample lessons, and sign up for the Summer Session, please visit

Course Schedule:

June 17 class begins

week one: Lesson 1 The Chakras

The Summer Session of Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans Begins June 17, 2013!

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 10:17

Hi! I am Aurora, an extradimensional entity who came into this reality as a walk-in in 2001.

I came with a message, in the form of a shape I created called The Flying Rainbow Lasagne, an interdimensional portal which allows one to overcome the artificial genetic blockages that have been degrading humanity for so long and to claim one's true heritage as a Full Spectrum Human.

I have been sharing this information through my artwork for the past 12 years, and most recently, through an online course I teach called Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans.

To view my artwork, videos, sample lessons, and to sign up for the course, please visit

Many thanks, Aurora


How the Flying Rainbow Lasagne can change your DNA

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Fri, 06/07/2013 - 07:17

This is an excerpt from Lessons for Full Spectrum Humans, a 20 part online course of recorded lessons all about multidimensionality, ascension, and the journey of consciousness.


The Summer Session begins June 17, 2013!


Please visit for more info and to sign up.


Many thanks, Aurora

Star Travel The Experts Way

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Thu, 03/28/2013 - 12:11


This excerpt from Lesson 7 talks about The Singularity as the place of total improbability, a region of overlapping timelines so crowded and dense with possibilities that the "rules" of reality break down. 


To view the entire Lessons, and participate in the Q&A and videoconferencing, it is necessary to enroll in the course. Please visit to register.


It is through The Singularity that highly evolved star travelers journey through the cosmos. These advanced consciousness beings travel in enormous vessels comprised of their fused consciousnesses, huge light vessels made of many many lightbodies. Being made of pure light, these travelers utilize the pathways of light emanating from stars (such as The Sun) and submerge themselves fully in Source consciousness, emerging from The Singularity as re-birthed beings. 

The Rainbow Journey: Flying Rainbow Lasagne online course Lesson 7 (excerpt)

Submitted by Flying Rainbow… on Tue, 03/26/2013 - 05:16

This is an excerpt from the most recent Lesson for Full Spectrum Humans.


To view the entire set of Lessons, and participate in the Q&A and videoconferencing, it is necessary to enroll in the online course. Please visit the link for a complete course description and to enroll:


Many thanks,


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