Channeled Messages

Guidance From The Angels ~ Let Go of Your Fears

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 09/03/2015 - 04:44

Your Guidance from the Angelic Realm for today:

Let us help you let go of your fears. When you have fear energy within you, you’re attracting to yourself more fear energy which only serves to make the situation worse. Let us help you overcome your fears. It is natural to feel fear, it is your ego’s way of keeping you safe. But we want to guide you today that you have nothing to fear! You are safe! You will see that when you place your trust and your faith in the Divine, you become strong enough to let go of the fears and then you will know that the strength and courage to do anything lies within you.

Stay in your Heart Beloved and connect with the Divine part of You that wishes your life to be abundant in every way. Remember you are always loved and supported Dear One, but never as much as you are now. Never before have you held within you so much Light!

You are literally being held in the arms of Divine Love.

~ Guidance From The Angelic Realm No. 42

Have an awesome day Earth Angels!

We Love You!


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3 Steps to Spiritual Transformation :

Receive a Healing Blessing by the Seraphim Angels :

Energy Healing Transmission

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/17/2015 - 00:13

Artist ~ Josephine Wall (

I’ve recorded my first energy healing transmission as guided by my Highest Consciousness, my Beloved Archangel Michael. The recording has been light encoded with Reiki energy which will continue to be felt each time the recording is listened to. In fact, the energy will only become stronger. It will never dissipate.

Reiki is Divine Love, it is the universal flow of Everything that is Love, so what the transmission does is help you let go and release all that is not love within you. Basically, all that is not love is negative energy because all positive energy has its origins in love, which comes from the Soul.

Our objective as an ascending Being is to be love once more – to return to a higher state of consciousness means to return to a higher vibration, and the higher we go, the more love were able to hold. Love is light, light is love. Love is all there is!

So this wonderfully powerful transmission will help you to let go of the ego and all of the negative energy associated with the ego – guilt, blame, sadness, pain, disease, fear, feelings of  unworthiness etc., and bring you into alignment with your Soul Self so that you can experience more love, peace, gratitude, health, harmony, joy and bliss, and all that goes with those higher vibrational energies. This includes abundance in every way. When you are living more in your heart i.e. in love, you begin to experience an abundant life!

Ascension Update ~ Riding the Wave of Conscious Dreaming

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 07/22/2015 - 06:45

Image: “The World of Dreams” ~

Years ago when I did the NLP practitioners course I was able to also do Energy Resourcing,  a technique whereby we learn how to view and access our timeline to connect with ourselves in the various nodules/capsules/spaces in time that have taken place during our current reality (lifetime). I learned then already, some 14 years ago,  that we can take a step back and instead of viewing our time line with our ‘past’ behind us and the ‘future’ in front, we could view our time line as though we are looking at a long ruler stretched out horizontally in front of us. In other words, you are at all times facing your entire time line, with the ‘past’ on the left, the present directly in front of you and the furture to your right.

Since we now know, everything is happening NOW, so there is no past or future, as such. Only this moment of NOW.

We know now that time,  as humans have perceived/ viewed/ understood it, is an illusion to help us gain a certain perspective in our day to day lives.

So I invite you now to take a step back out of linear time and look at your time line stretched out horizontally in front of you as though you were holding a ruler in both hands. Now I’m going to ask you to stretch your imagination even further and imagine several of your timelines stretched out before you. Take your imagination even further still, and imagine countless timelines… Do you see them?

In each and every one of these timelines is a reality of yours! And each one is happening NOW!

Integrating the SOLSTICE energy and the energy of the upcoming FULL MOON

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 06/25/2015 - 04:19

Image “Love Mother Earth” from New Heaven New Earth (

We are still in the process this week of integrating the most powerful Solstice energy so far experienced on Planet Earth. Because of the integration still taking place within your energy body, you will most likely be feeling very tired and needing to rest often. Honor these feelings, as your honor your Body, you honor your Self.

You will also be feeling a lot of negative emotions coming to the surface for release. This is happening within you and also within the Collective, so be prepared to feel these negative feelings and know that all you’re needing to do here is to hold the intention of releasing them.

The best way to do this is to go within and sit in meditation with your Higher Self to regain your sense of balance, and sense of peace and harmony within.

Your Higher Self is always helping you integrate the incoming energy and helping you to release anything that rises to the surface for release, so by being in PARTNERSHIP with this part of yourself, you are in a sense making LIGHT work. You are easing the load so to speak, and learning to CO-CREATE by working together towards a common goal and outcome.

Note that you will also most likely be sensitive to the negative energy being released by the Collective, so hold the intention of using the Violet Flame to clear these unwanted and uncomfortable energies. You can do this quite easily whilst sitting in meditation with your Higher Self.

The Solstice and Twin Flame Alignments

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/21/2015 - 06:16

Happy Solstice Everyone! Any alignment is a powerful event, but what makes this alignment even more powerful than any other before today is the fact that Twins are more in alignment now than ever before!

The Twin Flame energy is now becoming a real and very tangible energy now on Earth. Now we are literally a beacon of light that is receiving and transmitting high frequency light codes to Planet Earth. You are now the gateways and portals through which energy flows!

I will write more about this in the days to come, but for now I am just going to wish you a HAPPY ALIGNMENT today!

Enjoy the energy and spend as much time as possible in meditation with your Beloved counterpart.

YOU are extremely powerful as your Twin Flame is now ignited to another new level completely. Use your powerful energy to CREATE Beloveds!

Your Love is POWERFUL when you are in complete alignment.

Express this Love within and without today! By expressing this Love you MAGNIFY the effect and become even more powerful when you attract more Love back into yourself. THIS IS CONSCIOUS CREATION!

There is nothing – NO THING – that Love cannot give you!

I wish you a MAGICAL SOLSTICE and PERFECT New Day!

Love love love!


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Ask Archangel Michael a Question :

A Message from My CREATOR, My GREAT I AM ~ Never before have you had such manifesting power!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/15/2015 - 03:25

Never before have you had such manifesting power at your fingertips.

Never before has it been so easy to create a life of bliss…..or the opposite.

Never before has your manifesting ability been so great.

We have said before that you are a creative being and that you create through your thoughts primarily. Thoughts are the most powerful creatives meaning they create the most powerful creative (manifesting) energy there is.

Literally, you are living (experiencing) your thoughts. You are living your life experience manifested through thought. Your thoughts are shaping your reality, and you can literally change your reality overnight. In fact you can change it within a moment.

As usual, this is your choice, your decision to make. This, and We know your are so tired of hearing these words, but this is your reality, your life and therefore your living experience. Yes, We are in this boat together, but ultimately you are the one with the free will. You can ignore Our guidance. You can listen to the chattering of your ego mind. You can continue to believe you are a victim. Or you can change your attitude.

How much longer will you continue to create a life that you so obviously don’t want?

You can change your attitude by elevating your thoughts. Elevate … lift up…. YES! Lift up your eyes, see yourself as you truly are. Know that YOU are holding all this power now. You and I have never been so close, yet you continue to think of Me as outside of you.

Core Dispersions

Submitted by Mario on Mon, 03/16/2015 - 18:19

Core Dispersions

Intellectual properties condoned on bypasses, which are given from somnambulistic levels of trance, become transparent in nodes, coalescing momentarily with key(s) codes for us to gather/attend to/towards, for a general understanding of what hyper velocity factors has sub settled within its fabrics.

More so individually, advances made at predispositions, on contemplating inner grid activity, condones to times of greater/higher openings, inherently given from synaptic modules which are core dispersions of the actual thought commands given in coherencies.

What transpires in moments of achieving the generated/general greater flux/fluctuations from inherent/coherent designs, are coalescing in core dispersions, while higher grid transparency, nodes in excess to undulated formations of our intellectual properties while condoning to inner stasis/states of being which allows us to contend/assimilate and construct abundant programs which helps humans in restoring their inherent abilities which are predisposed life after life by gradually having sub set venues, in which our choices, which are concurrent to our timelines can become exponentially advanced, as for when we are in process of expansions, usually on awareness, becoming self-aware of all that which you do, and question and have remarks, and understandings on which your choices change occasionally as decisions have to be made (Interactions).

The Dying of the Ego and Re-Birth of the Soul

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Tue, 03/10/2015 - 23:47

The transition process involves the dying of the ego and the re-birthing of the Soul. Similar to that of the Phoenix rising from the ashes, so are we as we transcend and ascend out of the illusion of the ego.

The ego is an illusionary aspect of your 3rd dimensional self. It lives in your mind and  IT IS NOT REAL.

It is through the ego that you are able to experience a FALSE aspect of your self. The ego however, will have you believe that this is you. It will lead you down the proverbial garden path.

It is the ego that creates every illness, dis-ease, dis-comfort – mental or physical. It is the ego that creates fear and all negative energy.

Love is the only antidote to negative energy.

There are times when you’ll feel so ill during your transitioning, that you may feel scared and even start to worry. Know that these feelings are due to negative energy being released. Negative energy can cause your body to feel as though it is dying. This is ‘normal’ as all negative energy will create within your physical body major discomforts such as dizziness, nausea, weakness, muscle aches and pains, muscular spasms, headaches etc. Symptoms may vary from person to person as no two people are alike, but know that all of this discomfort is negative energy that is being released.

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