
The Proof You Need Lies Within Your Hearts: Pleiadian Message, channeled by Caroline K.A.

Submitted by Starlight Journeys on Mon, 04/08/2013 - 07:14


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Posted April 8, 2013


We are the guardians of light.  We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.

It is time to gather yourselves in balance, and in light as you go within on a daily basis, if not more.  Your connection with spirit, and the essence of your true identity is now being made known to many of you, as your awakening is proceeding at an accelerated rate.

Within these new-found realizations coming to you now, many are eager to know more, and you often ask for physical proof as to what the higher realms are showing you.  Dear ones, we say to you in all sincerity, the proof you need lies within your hearts.  It is only from within shall you completely align with the truth of what is, and it is you, the creator human, who choses what to do with the information you receive in manifesting and creating your reality.

Fran Zepeda ~ Archangel Michael and Yeshua ~ Be One With Your Higher Self ~ May 13, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 05/14/2012 - 15:38

Archangel Michael and Yeshua:



We bring you great tidings from the Spiritual Realm as we watch over you with deep pride and love. Nothing can take away the great progress and development you have accomplished. The light quotient is at an all-time high and we salute you.


Be prepared for massive shifts and changes, as we have been telling you. We would like to speak to you about your heart, which has been undergoing many changes. Massive downloads of energy have caused the hearts of many of you to open up in ways that you may not be totally aware of, dear ones. You may have noticed that you have lost interest in many things, and new interests are popping up. You may feel reluctance at letting go of old relationships and careers and old ways of doing things, because you identified deeply with it. You may feel like it is a betrayal and so you feel bad about letting go of people and things.


Keep in mind that the people and things in your lives are there for the purpose of awakening and once they have served that purpose, they are ready to be let go of. Be careful not to keep the attachment or to identify too closely with what you are letting go of. It floated into your life for learning, and after learning the lesson, you no longer have the need to hold on to the bearer of the lesson and growth. All that remains for you to do is to appreciate and bless it, and let it go.


Message from Yeshua ~ Be in the Now ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 3.7.12

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 03/08/2012 - 00:03

Everyone on this Earth is feeling to some extent the Shift that is occurring and it is no small matter, dear ones. For many there is a feeling of anticipation, and for some a slowing down of their energy. For many there is a quickening, or speeding up of energy. Each is feeling the Shift in their own individual way, but be assured it is happening.


Take a moment now to consider your state of mind. What is your overriding thought or feeling? What is ruling your inner state, your inner sense of being? What is your priority at this moment, each Now moment? Break it down to a feeling right now. Is it Joy? Is it Allowance? Is it Surrender? Is it Happiness? Is it Peace? Is it Love? Is it Acceptance? You choose.  You choose, and then embrace it totally and fully so there can be no room for anything else.


Moving from these Now Moments to the next is how you are creating your new world. Let nothing interfere with the Bliss you are feeling in this Now Moment. And if you are not feeling it, why not? It is your natural state. Embrace it. Everything else is just like grains of sand being blown about by the wind. Just observe, without attachment, the many thoughts circulating around you that are not of Bliss. Do not let them stick.


Breathe in the Golden Light being offered to you now. Absorb it fully and completely and with abandon, dear ones. Fill yourselves up with it and let go of anything else that is not of that Light. Allow the Light to push out any remaining debris from old patterns, thoughts and feelings that no longer serve you or humanity towards the new consciousness of Unity and Love.


September brings us Our Conscious Realization of Infinity

Submitted by GLR Wes Annac on Thu, 09/01/2011 - 05:42

Hello dear friends, and welcome to September. We face now a new month, a chance to enact endless opportunities that now stand waiting at our door. The increased energies being sent in since late June have been ever increasing and we are to see these energies boosted even more here in September. August and the summer months were big months for emotional and astral clearning, and for many of us the heightened energies have helped us do just that. Wave after wave of souls have begun to discover the subtle worlds and realities that exist so delicately yet firmly within themselves, and many have found in these lands their spiritual guides just waiting to make contact with them. As we head further into September I can see more and more awakening to this knowledge.

Friends we are heading to infinity. With the realization that we are able to enter and come out of the infinite astral planes of reality at will, will come our true freedom and sovereignty. I have heard our Divine friends say that sovereignty is not an outward condition as much as it is a state of mind, a state of Living, a state of BEing. The broken up dark cabals see our conscious return to the astral planes as the worst thing that could happen for them as that return will solidify our awakening to the infinity present in us at all times. Enter fully what you term your ‘imagination’ as you will be entering your long held Divine astral planes, where anything is possible, where you are infinite at all times. Friends let me take you now on a journey into the astral planes of your mind, of your soul.

The Ascended Masters: "We are to See Earth's Golden Age Manifest Beautifully"

Submitted by GLR Wes Annac on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 22:19

Blessings to all dear souls connecting with our energy, we are your Ascended Masters and guides. You have all been undergoing many upheavals in your personal lives that have cleared your emotional and ethereal bodies to great heights. As a result of this we are now able to send much more pure forms of Love through your being. Many of you can likely attest to this. Dear souls, the upheavles that have been taking place personally and worldwide are not without reason, these upheavels were necessary to make room for the Divine manifestations of your new Golden Age, your new Divine Lives. It has been a beautiful process, one that you all have been initiating to your greatest capabilities. We are so proud of all of you, because of your efforts we are to see Earth's Golden Age manifest beautifully.

Many of you through astral travel have begun visiting our Divine lands and Holy areas that were quite familiar to you before your venture on Earth. Your increasing awareness of these travels is a result of the aforementioned clearing of your bodies and chakras. Now that so much of your past has been trasmuted by your efforts, the darkness you harbored for so long is gone from you as well, leaving room for your Divine abilities to once again come into your focus. Dear souls, these places you are going when in the land you used to refer to as your 'imagination' are very real. As many already know, you have many more layers of being beyond your physical body. Many aspects of the oversoul that is you are traveling to different and once familiar places every moment, and now you are tapping into these travels and directing them. Some of you may not yet realize you are doing this, but that time will come very quickly.

Who is SanJAsKa?

Submitted by GLR Wes Annac on Mon, 08/29/2011 - 10:28

My dear friends, it has recently come to my attention that I have been channeling words from a being that nobody 'round here really knows much about. I am sure many have been wondering, who is this SanJAsKa person? I noticed a couple of web searches wondering exactly that. Well friends, I would like to tell you just who SanJAsKa is based on how much I already know about her*.

SanJAsKa is a soul from a planet in the Pleiadian star system. My guess would be that the planet she is from is Erra, as that is the Pleiadian planet I used to inhabit before my venture on Earth. SanJAsKa is represented within the Galactic Federation of Light, mainly the Pleiadian High Council of the GFL and the Pleiadian Council of Nine. I wish I could tell you that I knew the difference between those two Pleiadian councils, but sadly I do not. I am told that SanJAsKa is the representative of the Pleiadian Council of Nine, which is why I first connected with her energy when I began trying to reach my former Pleiadian allies.

SanJAsKa has been very much involved in Earth's history, recent or not, as have been quite a few members of the Pleiadian races. The Pleiadians are among the galactic species that look most like Earth humans, so much so that many on Earth would not be able to tell a Pleaidian apart from a human. Ellie Miser is a good example of this. (1)

SanJAsKa has been among the many extraterrestrials that continued contact with humanity after the fall of Atlantis. I am told that the most recent communication and decloaking of craft that SanJAsKa was involved in took place in the 50s, mainly 1953. It has been proven that extraterrestrials were in fact in regular contact with many humans on Earth up until recently. (2)

SanJAsKa: "You Have Shown Incredible Skill and Patience in Manifesting Ascension"

Submitted by GLR Wes Annac on Sat, 08/27/2011 - 23:46

Dear souls, I AM SanJAsKa. I come to you on this most beautiful of nights to share my perspective of Love and Wisdom. We wish for you all to know that you are entering a critical stage in your evolution, one that will require you to be sharp in mind and pure in heart. It is now time to let the earthly patterns you have been used to go, as they are a part of the old that is breaking away and cannot venture with you into the higher vibrations. Many of you as of late have been feeling somewhat held back, this is due to your continued dependence on material things to sustain happiness. Please do not think in any way that we are judging you; we wish you to do what makes you happy at all times, and take part in activities that resonate with you if they bring you Joy. However, we are now entering times where many of you are growing out of what you are used to, ascending past those things that used to give you so much comfort. This is all a part of your ascension process, and one we have alerted you to expect.

Message from The Pleiadian High Council, 8-26-11

Submitted by GLR Wes Annac on Fri, 08/26/2011 - 00:00

-Channeled by Wes Annac-

-Hello friends, you may notice there is no SanJAsKa update in this message, I intended to chat with her as well but the depth of information I was receiving from the Pleiadian High Council resulted in quite a long message. Worry not however as I was assured the Pleiadian Council of Nine and SanJAsKa were communicating with me along with the Pleiadian High Council. I will most likely communicate soley with SanJAsKa and post it sometime soon. Much Love!-

The time has arrived for a major shift in the way the majority of those on your world think. Many have been trained to accept that they are much lower beings than they actually are, and that they have no control over their own reality when in fact they are the creators of said reality. You have all shown remarkable skill in being able to surpass the dark’s illusory teachings and rise above the lower influences many of you are surrounded with daily. We wish you to know that your efforts are paying off more than you can imagine, oh dear friends the wonders that await you! We ask you to truly ponder this when we tell you that you are to have your sovereignty fully restored, and you are to reclaim your rightful powers as Divine Gods. The lives you currently have are to be changed quite dramatically, we again remind you that you will be very surprised at the speed of the changes despite that some of you feel things have taken too long. Dear souls, the Divine works in wonderful and unfathomable ways, you are to see the scope of our Divine power once we get past this last stage.

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