conquering fear

Monday Musings ~ Letting Go and Letting God

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 07:59

5 years ago I sat in my living room in front of my desktop PC and I said to God “That’s it, I’ve had enough! I cannot do this anymore, my life is a mess! I’m giving it all over to You. It’s Your turn now. I’m letting go and letting You take over the reins of my life. I’ll be your instrument and I’m giving you carte blanche (free rein) from now on. Your Will is my will. And so it is.”

I didn’t know who God was back then, but I believed in the Higher Power that was pumping the blood in my veins and giving me the air that I breathe. I knew from Conversations with God that God was in Everything, the Source of All, and that there was nothing that was not God.

I knew also that He had heard me.

That turned out to be the best decision I had ever made.

Earlier today I crossed a national highway on my daily walk and coming down the road towards me was a huge 18 wheeler truck. I said to Michael, “If needed you could stop that truck from hitting me right?” He replied “Of course, but you are already know that. Why do you ask?” I said “You are that powerful?” He replied “I am even more powerful than that. My power is infinite.”

I don’t know why I asked him such a silly question. When I lived in Mexico I used to ask him to move really bad looking thunderstorms for me and he did. So a little 18 wheeler truck is no biggie for him! In case you didn’t know, the thunderstorms in Mexico can get a little crazy. They used to scare me!

Learn how to reframe FEAR using your Higher Mind

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 05/13/2015 - 08:05

Many are being challenged now to face their biggest fears, and in so doing, they are bringing onto their path some rather large obstacles that can appear to be insurmountable. This is a good thing, believe me. With each Full Moon you are encouraged further to let go, let go, let go!

Letting go of all that heavy baggage that has been holding you down for most of your life is your main priority at this time! It is time now to SOAR to great heights!

Beloved, where you are going requires nothing, no-thing, and certainly no bags. There is no check-in counter! All baggage must be left behind if you are to move forward now into the next phase of your transition.

The Full Moon once again has given you a great big boost of energy to help you let go of all that is not love within your energy body. Make FULL use of this time now before the New Moon on the 18th to let go as much as possible. All this releasing is making way for the NEW when you will once more enter a time of enormous GROWTH. All babies go through growth spurts, and you are no different!

Much like toddlers, you are learning to balance yourself in this New Reality. Fears are just obstacles that the ego creates in an attempt to give you a sense of security, however false that may be. The ego will try to hold you back from spreading your wings because it is afraid you will hurt yourself. It will put walls up and tell you that you cannot do something whilst your heart will whisper “Yes, you can!”

I AM Love Incarnate

Submitted by nerdalicious on Wed, 07/10/2013 - 19:17

love blast

These are the words that I boldly proclaimed as I stared down my demon[ego] into oblivion last night (7/8). It was in charge of controlling and manipulating those in the office that I was visiting (mission). I don't know if was real or not, but I asked spirit before going to bed last night the opportunity to face my fears during dream time and it answered.

All of us are facing our fears right now. It is a primary obstacle in humanity's emancipation. [Also in line with other posts...kewl!] I'll never know if this has any bearing in reality; if it was anything beyond a manifestation of something in my head or if it indeed did happen somewhere. But if it did, I told spirit guides and higher self/I AM presence to spread the lessons I learned far and wide, because it was a very effective tactic that I employed. I won't go into the details at this point mainly because it isn't that relevant, I'm not going to worry about that. What is important is the lesson and what it entails.

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