
The brightening of your own light brightens all light. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/09/2012 - 10:35

The brightening of your own light brightens all light. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

You are well aware now that much has changed and is changing. You are well and truly in the midst of it now. Your acceptance and determination to utilize what is happening for the best will carry you far. Do not measure yourselves by what others report, nor either be surprised to experience the same or entirely different things in your new selves. You have your functions to perform and others have theirs. Each of you is where you need to be to do what needs to be done. At some point you will begin to understand that, but it will be long before you are able to understand the full impact you have upon your world.

We do not ask for you to trust our words. Trust your highest being that your smallest gesture, your smile, your love causes chain reactions far, far beyond what you are able to see. You may never know what wonderful thing occurs thousands of miles and hundreds of days away as a result of the uplifting feeling you cause in a friend or neighbor. In any case, the brightening of your own light brightens all light.

Ancient Knowledge Pt.1 Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Cymatics, Illusion of Reality (Rare Footage)

Submitted by Rain on Sat, 07/28/2012 - 08:34

Uploaded by on Jan 17, 2012

Solving ancient mysteries Part 1. "The Ancients" knew much more than given credit for regarding Life, The Universe, Astronomy, Advanced Mathematics, Magnetism, Healing, Unseen Forces etc.
Encoded knowledge is information that is conveyed in signs and symbols and we can find this knowledge all over the world. All these ancient sightings and geometric patterns (Sacred Geometry) symbolise unseen forces at work. We are being lied to by the media. Modern archaeologists don't know what they're talking about. "The Ancients" were not stupid or primitive. We just failed to de-code this knowledge conveyed in signs, symbols and ancient artwork. This kind of information is kept hidden from the public.

Scientists dont know what holds the universe together, the answer is sound and unseen forces. Matter is governed by sound frequencies. There is much more to life than we can perceive with our 5 senses. The question then becomes "who or what governs unseen forces?" What is behind the symmetry throughout nature? (Golden Ratio, Phi, Fibonacci Sequence etc.) It simply cant be just coincidence, in my opinion there is an intelligent mind / consciousness behind all this that keeps it all together.

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Reality Check, 2.0

Submitted by hilarionra on Mon, 07/09/2012 - 10:23

Reality check everyone who read’s this. The illuminati, are going to be playing out their role’s of taking the side of evil, while, we who discover this and decide to take a stand against it, are taking the roles of good. This is however a game, so keep that at heart. I know those of who you read this, and see the word’s “Life is a game” upset you, but this is the truth.” We have a responsibility to our fellow family member’s on this planet, that is to take care of each other, and be there for each other. However, to reheart us all again, we all have contract’s that we agree’d upon before birth, that determine our experience throughout this journey on the planet. Essentially, all we can experience forever, is working with the inevitable. Now that being said, the entire contract before birth, literally determines, who live’s and who die’s. What part’s being’s play, good, bad,  and both covertly, all of us together as one whole family on this planet, are playing these role’s and not a single person is excluded from this. NOT ONE.

Time for a New Game

Submitted by SophiaLove on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 08:59

I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.”  We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization.  It is happening now.


There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?”  This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?”


Your life is defined by you alone.  This is as true today as it was yesterday.  We all sense things are changing, yes.  This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it.  Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten.  The Law of Attraction is real.  What you believe you create.


You create.  This will always remain truth.  As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes.  This is part of the plan.  Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make.  The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you.


You have been choosing right along.  Trust.  Remain calm.  In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear.  Choose love.  It is what you are.


I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary.  When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary.  You will know what to do.  You will choose perfectly.  You are doing so right now.


Science for Global Peace and Happiness

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 08:47

Hello Friends,

Kindly watch Science for Global Peace and Happiness. The only Solution to All Human Problems & Conflicts.

Latest Scientific facts that change the perception of our world. Please give your valuable feedback. If you think the message deserves to be known by all then kindly share it.

Thanking you. GOD BLESS YOU.

Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ 10 June 2012

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 14:48

Sananda ~ Breaking Illusions ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 10, 2012







My ascending Lightworkers, I greet you again. We gather far and wide to usher in the New Earth. Preparations are being made and the stage is set for a glorious new future, which is becoming evident to you now.


By all observations from the Spiritual and Galactic Realms, you are proceeding splendidly and we offer our deepest appreciation for all your brave, hard work.


Today, I wish to address the subject of illusion. You have been immersed within it for such a long time and you are beginning to break the chains and restrictions that have held you back.


You know it was necessary to be fully immersed in the illusion in order to gather all you needed to transform yourselves into the Divine Beings you always were, but forgot for the sake of experiencing duality to the fullest. And so the time has come to step out of that role and welcome the true essence and reality of your multi-dimensional lives.


Blessings for 2012: June Video

Submitted by davidsuntodd on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 09:56


Blessings for 2012 (formerly Blessing the Time-Wave): 
As makers of the Healing Mandalas calendars, we create a mandala and meditation blessing for each month. These mandalas, and all Bell & Todd images, begin as Nature photographs that we transform into energy-charged blessing art. The Blessings for 2012 video includes the healing mandala for the given month, and three other forms of Bell & Todd Nature images, along with contemplative readings and soundtrack, sequenced to create a multi-dimensional blessing experience. 
Each month's meditation begins with a grounding process and then focuses on three different style of images, delivering three powerful vision-gifts-- a Prosperity Blessing, a Nature Message, and an Empowerment Meditation. 
As you watch the first part of the video, you will receive energies you can use for personal healing and raising your vibration. Having lifted your own vibrations through this process, the second part of the video focuses on you sending the blessings to anyone and the whole world. We recommend that you watch these videos once each week to keep absorbing and sending these blessings. Your active participation helps co-create the bright future we all want. Thanks for watching and sharing these videos.
Please subscribe to our channel to learn about all of our Blessing videos.
May you be blessed every day of 2012, 
Bonnie and David

The true meaning of the enlightened life.

Submitted by hilarionra on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 16:13
The true meaning of the enlightened life.

There are misunderstanding’s in society in regards to what it means to live the enlightened life. One of them is the fact that communication isn’t necessary because when you’re enlightened, you see all as they are and have no questions about it, because you see yourself as you are and thus you know it all. You’re able to reveal all the secrets of the universe perfectly as they are. I’m not saying you aren’t able to relay certain details about what’s going on here and there, or able to simply just be the truth and tend to simple matters because you are. What I’m pointing at is the fact that those who identify with the unconscious reactive conditioned ego mind’s contradicting believing conflicted control mechanism have identify with it’s incessant need for internal dialogue which says “this is how an enlightened being is like”.


Due to this fact, they cannot see true reality. From this, they cannot see past it’s projections and they cannot see the truth that is living the enlightened life. Due to this, they genuinely test you to see just how enlightened you are in accordance to their scale of what it means to be enlightened. They also regurgitate as accurately as they can remember, that which you spoke. If that which you spoke, isn’t again aligned with the mind, then it’s not enlightened. Instead they speak of how mentally ill you are, and that you need help. This is because they have no understand in their awareness of what it means to truly live the enlightened life. They all want a free ride in life. They want you to give them ALL the answers to ALL life’s question’s because to them, that’s how an enlightened being is supposed to be.


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