This is the full length first part of Eckhart Tolle's Lasting Happiness speech.
The being's on this planet who work within the military sector's are completely trained individuals in knowing their right's from within, and being able to live them consciously. From this conscious training they're able to recite the right's that are innate within all life when necessary for they live them from within. These being's are not to be feared simply because they have uniforms on, and drive car's with lights and have a reputation from the past to be corrupt. I'm not saying not all of them are not corrupt, im saying that an equal percentage of them are corrupt, just as there is not and equal percentage that is not corrupt stand against tyranny no matter what form the tyranny comes in.
These beings instinctively go to war because of the desire to fight for freedom, to secure safety and security for us here in america. The other situation that isn't all that spoken about , in the mainstream media outlet's is the fact that there are inside informants strategically placed all over the planet, who share information from one nation to another. This as I see it is purposeful instigation taking place from all sides of the same coin.
Very inlightening information...
The current president, and the being's also running for president, are in on the new world order agenda together “in secret” behind closed door's. They're all given specific information in regards to how to go about getting specific responses from the being's on this planet. They discuss how to go about this, in great detail, hence the term “ the great work”. They know precisely in the public eye, which groups they need to say they support, and which one's they do not, and behind closed door's that isn't shared through all media outlet's is the fact that all of them, are being the truth, but are not fully disclosing the truth in regards to what their actually going for. Being the truth but not always telling the truth.
There is the constant threat amongst the population for speaking out against these facts. Why? Obey their rule of thumb. Do not question authority, go along with the in crowd, and keep your mouth shut. This is the same way they treat each other, behind closed door's. They know what's going on, where all the energy is taking us, and yet continue to persist in not speaking a word through all outlets on the planet, to assist humanity in their enlightenment directly through spoken word. Instead they use their knowledge to conspire against humanity, and know exactly like I said before, how to go about getting what they desire from the public, who defend them with all that they are. Why? They identify with the fear and pain of the programmed ego mind's resistance towards the love they are.
Copyright and piracy.
First off piracy supports where humanity and this planet is headed in the long run, the life where you don't have to pay to get music you desire to hear, and the artist making the music doesn't need to support capitalism or any other current societal standard from this and other nation's on this planet, in order to continue living and supporting themselves and family. The whole copyright law infringement war is full of beings who are pitching tents and throwing temper tantrums over the fact that that which they've put their whole being into , to support and attain their inner dreams.
Piracy goes against the grain of the greedy, selfish beings on this planet. You stating that you aren't greedy or selfish, how about you go give some inside information in regards to what you know about the corrupt , hypocritical beings working in the government. (right now it is absolutely impossible to go without the use of currency in order to continue living.)
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