Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/4/12 ‘Vice Control’
Vice control: It is your job to adequately contain the feelings that may arise in you that lead you to recreations that do not serve your higher good and your purpose for being here. We do see a number of you partaking in the use of mind altering substances, and we say to you at this time “Does this serve your higher good, and does this recreation serve our mission here in this world at this time?” What we ask of you, our Lightworkers, is that you refrain from such activities that promote negative responses within your bodies and which negatively affect your health, your vibrational level and your work here. What we would like to see are those of you who do partake in the use of recreational and even some prescribed drugs to cut back greatly or even abstain absolutely from this use that is doing much harm to your physical, emotional and mental vessels.
The use of these mind altering substances is not, on its own, what we, the Galactic Federation of Light, are concerned about. What we are concerned about is the effects these substances can have and are having on you, our teammates, who have been charged with certain tasks that are needed to be accomplished here on our shared mission. We do see the use of some of these substances hindering your performances on several different levels. What we would like to see is your performance of your tasks to improve sharply in the days ahead, as time is running very short and it is time to put aside all these limiting distractions and time spenders and get more involved in the work that you are here to do.