
Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/10/12 ‘The Science of Timelines and their Prediction’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 14:35

As we will move forward now with our plans for this world, you will begin to see rapid changes in many governmental systems as well as other systems throughout your societies. These changes, although gradual in some areas must be sharp in others as there are not too many choices that we have here, as some of your systems must tumble as if a rug has been pulled out from under them. We wish to proceed as slowly and as cautiously as is possible and we will do just that, however, in some cases as slow as we could go would still be considered relatively fast from your perspective, as new systems need to be built quickly to preserve much of your world and to safeguard some facets of your life such as food production and distribution and other areas of necessity such as your water and electricity utilities. These systems need to be preserved for now, for we do offer you replacements for these systems that will change how you produce these commodities and how you distribute these commodities, however, these changes must for the time being be put on the back burner, so to speak, while we focus our efforts in other areas that necessitate them being moved up the list.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/9/12 ‘Telepathic Communication’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Thu, 08/09/2012 - 15:32

Engaging in this sort of communication is not without its complications, its deficiencies and it's difficulties that must be worked on and overcome, just as all of the areas of our operation that entail the call for meeting challenges head-on and defeating them. Sending communications through telepathic means is an art, it is a science, it is an ability that takes practice, determination, experience and proper tools to be able to utilize this method of person to person contact and communication. Here in your world there are individuals who are more gifted at this art than are others, yet many more of you than may realize are capable of this sort of communication. There are many of you that do not understand your present capabilities at this time.


There are those of you who would be able to receive telepathic communications if they applied themselves a little more and worked on certain areas of this technique and ironed out a few bugs. For instance, we have learned that there are those of you who do not fully concentrate when receiving our messages. This is understandable, as this method of communication is new to some of you and does take a little getting used to in the early stages. We suggest to those of you attempting to receive our communications in this way to do whatever it is you can to block out all distraction, all inner monologue, all abstract thought, pictures and images in your mind, sounds and emotions that may be stirring within you. Calm the seas of your inner being as greatly as you can, still the air that swirls inside and all around you.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/7/12 ‘Fulfilling Your Assignments’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 14:30


It is time to now put aside all the limiting distractions and confusions that are keeping you from reaching your goals and fulfilling your assignments at this time. We would like to see more of you participating in the events that you had shown such great interest in before you headed this way so long ago. Many of you were very interested in participating in these world changing plans and could not wait to get here and begin. What has changed for you? What has changed in your life that is now keeping you from doing what it is you so wanted to do?


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/6/12 ‘Ascension Baggage Check’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Mon, 08/06/2012 - 15:36

In time, all we have discussed with you will become clear and there will no longer be any confusion, mystery or unanswered questions leaving you searching for answers as you may be today. This is the way it must be for now. Please keep this in mind dear ones, that your journey is not over, it has not been completed by any stretch of the imagination. Many of you still have quite a few lessons to learn and a short time to learn them before the final exam papers must be handed in, to coin a phrase. If we of the Galactic commands stepped in now and handed you all the answers on a silver platter it would disrupt, curtail, end many of the lessons that many of you are in the midst of learning and experiencing.


Do you understand this? Do you understand that yes, we have many of the answers that you wish to be furnished with and we do hear your requests for these answers and we hear them quite often, but it is not our task and it is not our right to give you these answers, for these answers are not what will help you the most. It is your personal quest to discover the answers, the secrets, the treasures that await you. Do you understand this a little clearer now, that it is not the answers that are worth the most to you, it is your search for them that is the most valuable prize? Now that you understand this a little clearer we would suggest that many of you spend more time searching for these answers yourselves, rather than asking us to answer these questions you may have for you. This is all we have to say about this, dear ones, now let us move on to matters concerning your outer world.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/5/12 ‘Future Possibility & Opportunity’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sun, 08/05/2012 - 15:38

All your life you have waited for this magic moment to come true for you, to become your blessed reality, to bear the fruit of the tree that you planted a long time ago and have watered and nurtured for lifetimes. That tree is fully grown now for many of you and it is time to pick the fruit and take your first bite of the sweet nectar of your new and completely free and unlimited experience. This time is now coming quickly upon many of you, and we say to you keep doing what it is you are doing. Do not fall back now on old patterns, habits or tendencies and your destructive natures that some of you have demonstrated at certain intervals of your past history. Now is not the time to indulge in such frailties, learning from these experiences and testing the boundaries of your experience. Now is the time to apply yourselves as fully and as consciously as you possibly can. Now is the time to go full speed into all your future possibilities, not looking back but releasing all that was, as all was a training ground for you, full of lessons and experiences to prepare you for what it is that now awaits you and beckons you with your call, the call of your name.


Do you hear your name being called? If you hear your name being called say “I hear my name being called now and I am responding to this call. I am following this call. I am following the sound of my name being called and I will follow this sound until it delivers me to where it is I wish to be, which is not here, but somewhere else.” This is what we would like to hear from those of you who wish for a new reality, a new start, a new life filled with new treasures, rewards, goals, challenges, excitement, adventure and experiences to learn even greater lessons than the lessons you have learned up to this amazing and wonderful point.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/4/12 ‘Prepare Yourselves for What Awaits’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sat, 08/04/2012 - 15:10

Look inside yourselves and you will see a wealth of growth in so many areas that you have planned out for yourselves before you stepped out into this journey that is now winding up for many of you. It has been many long years and many long lifetimes for some of you since you have taken a breath of air that was not encapsulated by your current home. You will be stepping out of this eggshell you call Earth very shortly, to begin taking your first breaths of true freedom here where it has always been that you were heading no matter which temporary course or heading you set for yourself, as the winds that were steering your ship were to finally deliver you to our port one day, it was inevitable, it was always promised, it was always guaranteed, and now that day is finally arriving for you.


Do you feel it? Do you sense it with senses you have rarely used here in this 3rd dimensional world? Are you sensing it now with your intuition? Do you feel now that it is so close? It is so very close and we, from our side, can almost reach out and touch you physically right now, that is how close many of you have come. Nothing can or will stop you now. The game just has to be played out a little while longer, that is all. It is merely a matter of time now as all the cards have been dealt and we of the light, of love hold the winning hand.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/3/12 ‘Improving Dream State Communications’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Fri, 08/03/2012 - 14:51

Let us begin today by saying that we appreciate all the efforts that many of you are making to treat each other a little better, a little more respectfully, politely, kindly, considerably, gently, and say to you your efforts are very much appreciated and will take you all very far as a collective and as individuals as well, as not much can be done in the ways of advancement until a being learns and demonstrates how to properly communicate with others in the manner in which they deserve and need to be treated.


So many possibilities open for you like doors being pushed open by a spring breeze when you first begin to show the signs that you are making a concerted effort to keep other’s feelings in mind when you are communicating with them in any way, either in person, on the telephone, or through any electronic means, as it does not matter in which way you are communicating with another as words can cut through like a knife any forms of communication and hurt and even scar another individual. Do you understand this? Do you understand that words, even though they cannot touch another person physically, can reach another in so many different ways and do harmful damage just as if you were taking your hand, making a fist and striking an individual?


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/2/12 ‘Bermuda Triangle Seawall’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 14:32

One of the tasks that we have come here to help you accomplish is the building of bridges between yourselves, how you see yourselves, how you treat yourselves, how you treat each other and how you can overcome years of separation through war and economic competition. We have come here as bridge builders, to help you overcome what has been for you a great deal of separation, frustration and even anger and hostility towards one another as you struggled to survive here in a highly competitive environment. One of the reasons why we encourage you so strongly to do what it is you can to better get along with each other throughout your online communities is because your Internet is one of the tools that we are utilizing to build these bridges. The people that you are interacting with, no matter where it is in the world they live, are representatives of peoples you may have had difficulties getting along with in the past, not only here on your planet, but in other places throughout this universe as well.


Message from the Ashtar Command 8/1/12 ‘Meeting Notification & Golden Rule’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 17:54


Stirring into the mix of your reality are aspects of yourselves, of your lives that you may begin to feel are not necessary or positive ingredients to your new world and your new lives. These are lower aspects of yourselves that cling onto you as if they need a host body to survive, and it is you, in your weaker states, your weaker moments that provide these aspects of yourself the energy that fuels their prolonged survival. You do not need these lower aspects of yourself to learn from them any longer, as you have reached a point where their lower vibrations now only serve to weigh you down and keep you bogged down in a lower dimensional state than the dimensional state that now fits you more suitably.


You are being called now back to your higher state, your higher self, and unwanted and unneeded aspects of your lower dimensional journey are not invited, are not called, are not necessary any longer for you as a learning tool and to measure yourself on your progress and your development. Do you understand, dear ones, that there are aspects of yourselves that no longer serve your higher good, and therefore it is well the time that they are cut loose, shed, discarded, forgotten and left behind? Do you also feel the time has come for you to shed these layers of your third dimensional skin, just as your mother planet is also shedding the layers of her 3rd dimensional skin? As above, so below, the macrocosm to the microcosm, and so on.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/31/12 ‘Choosing a Pickup Location’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 16:45

Today we like to begin by discussing with you how to best prepare yourselves for your work with our organization that will begin shortly in the days to come, as the time to begin our many projects together has now arrived. We would like to begin by welcoming you to our teams, and we would like to do this by meeting with you on board our ships and introducing ourselves to you so we can get to know each other just a little better before we begin a working relationship together. We will do this by meeting with you at a pre-designated spot somewhere near or at your home residence. We will contact you in the days ahead beginning next week where we will ask you where it is you feel you would like to rendezvous with us.


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