Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/10/12 ‘The Science of Timelines and their Prediction’
As we will move forward now with our plans for this world, you will begin to see rapid changes in many governmental systems as well as other systems throughout your societies. These changes, although gradual in some areas must be sharp in others as there are not too many choices that we have here, as some of your systems must tumble as if a rug has been pulled out from under them. We wish to proceed as slowly and as cautiously as is possible and we will do just that, however, in some cases as slow as we could go would still be considered relatively fast from your perspective, as new systems need to be built quickly to preserve much of your world and to safeguard some facets of your life such as food production and distribution and other areas of necessity such as your water and electricity utilities. These systems need to be preserved for now, for we do offer you replacements for these systems that will change how you produce these commodities and how you distribute these commodities, however, these changes must for the time being be put on the back burner, so to speak, while we focus our efforts in other areas that necessitate them being moved up the list.