
Yeshua: You Are The Strongest of the Strong ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ October 15, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 10/15/2013 - 22:25



Hello my dearest ones, my beautiful friends. I come before you today with so much love in my heart for you and so much hope in my heart for you, and I see so much promise in you. You are the elite of the stars – starlight, every one of you. Your mission continues and it proceeds in ever-illuminated glory.

You may be experiencing a lull right now in what you deem as your purpose, in what you deem as your mission, in what you deem as your path. But do not forget dear ones, that you are ever-solid in your endeavors, and are ever-solid in your missions.

As you envelop and enfold the energies coming to you, you may feel a difference in your perspectives, in the feel of your bodies. You may not be able to equate it to anything that you are familiar with. Now is the time to just go with it. For in the ever-winding road you are traveling, it is sure to come out into a beautiful meadow of your destination, so to speak, complete with fragrant flowers and lushness.

Just because you cannot quantify your new feelings and experiences based on past measures and markers, it doesn’t mean you are not going full-speed-ahead into what you have always seen as your destination, into full embodiment of your divinity, into full completion of your mission.

Truth in Light - Calling your home

Submitted by reneesnider on Fri, 09/20/2013 - 05:12

There is a grand intensity of increase in the energies coming in and through us.  Do NOT fear that which is happening as many souls will now leave this realm.  We speak not only of the human soul, but of your animals, mammals and those of the Devic Kingdom.  They too are ascending with you in both physical and non physical realms.  There is nothing to fear.  All is in a grand state of elevation of frequency.  Mankind is taking another step up per se.  Life as you know it is becoming more real and alive.  The truth is unfolding before you and it may be unpleasant to see for man has lived in the shadow of himself not knowing the Light of thy Creator.  

Release attachment to things, people, places, situations and beliefs.  The puzzle pieces of your reality are now showing big gaps, holes and nothing may make you human mind in no way can grasp the level of quickening that is happening as you are shifting right along with the grand mix.  Your heart is the place that knows and is at peace with all that takes places.  Your heart is your connection to your highest truth.  Your heart is your path to your I AM creator connection.  Take, make and honor your time of going within to be ONE with All That Is.  Find your peace that is within you and is soon to evidence itself in your outside experience.

Mother Mary: You Will Never Be The Same ~ As Channeled By Fran Zepeda ~ August 26, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 08/26/2013 - 19:59



Mother Mary:

Your progress in this huge undertaking that you have shouldered for humanity is immense, dear ones. Do not let anything or anyone tell you differently. For you may be still processing all that has transpired over these recent days and much is settling into your cells and your hearts as we speak.

You will never be the same. You will never be the same as you were last week, or even yesterday. For you are evolving at breakneck speed, dear ones. Give yourselves time to assimilate and absorb all that has taken place. Spend as much time as you can quietly in your own stillness, in the stillness of your individual hearts, and feel the changes. Feel the subtle changes and feel the immense ones that are forming within you now.

No, you will never be the same, dear ones, my sweet travelers into the 5th Dimension. You are there so much more now; can you tell? Can you feel it in that softness, that sureness, that all-pervading Love that you are feeling more and more each day, not only for yourselves, but for your fellow man, woman and child, as well as everything in your environment?

Can you feel it in the increased gratitude you feel for everything, in every experience and notion you are having, no matter how uncomfortable? Yes, embrace it. Embrace all of it. For in that is built your Wholeness and your link to your Divinity.

Awakening can not be bought or sold

Submitted by reneesnider on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 17:32

From the Creator Group consciousness melding with the high Hue-man!

Truth in Light - Light Transmission

Spirituality does not need to be "sold", it is innate from within each of us. Filter all through your heart dear ones. We each are students and teachers changing roles in every moment. No One has the key except you within. Karma - is part of the earth experiment and the news is, the experiment is over as soon as one can conceive it and move into love.

auric colorsMastering the four lower bodies (emotional, mental, physical, etheric)  is our journey and connecting within to our expanded self. As this happens we move out of law of attraction (although the like attracts like remains) but we move into resonance of Being. This is a state where we don't need to run the gambit to learn to manifest...we are already doing that at every moment., When we align with our higher aspects,  we give love and receive love fluidly. Karma was part of the path of lesson with the Earth Experiment. This is over...and it is shifting for each of us incrementally with increase awareness, understanding and adapting to our ever increasing energies, new DNA activations that effect how we view our world, our existence, how we relate to all things.

Love then is the centrifugal energy of cycling love in and out. Karma is no longer the path as lesson is balance, we expand our consciousness to move BACK to what we have always been, a being of Light. An innate sentient being, a reflection of the Light of Source Creator.

Mother Mary: You Are Entering a Period of Deep Refinement of Your Energies ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 23, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 16:49


refinementenergies.imagesCABCHZ3CMother Mary:


Hello my dear ones, I am in awe of your development and your refinement in energy.


Much has transpired and it is ongoing as we speak. The solstice and super moon energies have made a huge impact on your Light Bodies and so you must rest intermittently to encompass and process it all.


Continue to absorb and welcome these energies without expectation and anticipation, but instead with complete acceptance and allowance, joy and gratitude. The more you open, the more transformation can take place. And it is not just in your Light Bodies; it is in every aspect of your world.


Hunker down to make the most use of these energies, dear ones. As I have said, it is ongoing, and much can shift and change within you as you open and receive without monitoring and judgment. Receive it like the welcome rain after a long drought and rejoice in the downpour.


You are entering a period of deep refinement of your energies and many doors will be opened for you in the coming days if you let your guard down and just be in the midst of it without any control of the outcome. Allow only your pure heart intentions to drive it and to sculpt the outcome, allowing any possibility to manifest that is in the highest good of all.


Loosen the reins a bit, and resist controlling the outcome, while at the same time seeing and feeling yourself in the circumstances you desire, always allowing for the details to be formed from surrendering to your Higher Self and Creator for optimal manifestation.

Lady Nada: Surrender and Open to the Wisdom of your Soul and of Creator ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June 21, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 18:05

LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:



Hello dear ones, I greet you on this auspicious day and period of cosmic activity and opening up to your True Selves in a deeper way. It has been foretold and it is so, dear ones.


You are awakening to the deepest part of yourselves and you are magnificent in your clear opening, made manifest by your intent to open to the clear part of your heart, and assisted by the energies being graced upon you now. You are resplendent in this opening and expansion which will just continue on in a deeper way the more you surrender and open to the wisdom of your Soul and of Creator.


You are connected far more now and the lines of communication are becoming empowered as you clear away the dross of your experience and growth into this new period of empowerment and grace. I stand before you with assistance and love in this very auspicious time in your history.


This period will be looked back on as a pivotal and turning point in your development and so it is necessary to just move through it with the most open heart you can muster and with the intention to keep the lines of communication open to Creator and all the parts of your Soul and Higher Self.


Push beyond the boundaries of your experience with your Soul up until now, and explore the deep, still, place of power within you, my beloveds. Your connection with Source is now magnified and so it is time to adjust and revel in the deep and powerful feelings of connection.


Sananda: Feel And “See” Yourself Walking Always In The Golden Light and Consider It Your New Home ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ June16, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/16/2013 - 16:50




Greetings all. I come to greet you again and to discuss with you more “food for thought” as you embark further on your journey of ascension and complete enlightenment.

Your return to your True Selves has been an arduous journey at times, pray tell, but my gifted ones – my lighted ones, you are thoroughly prepared and “wired” for this illustrious journey all the way to fruition.

Be prepared for more refinement of your purpose and your destiny. As you enrich yourselves with the energies building and building as we speak, you may notice a lot of quivering in your Light Bodies. They are taking on greater amounts of light and so, must adjust. More pockets and packets of information will thus be opened for your awareness, and it is important that you relax and allow them to “come to light” so to speak.

Your refinement may leave you feeling “lost” and “empty” at times, but it is merely the adjustment and the intake of greater energies. I beseech you to take it in stride and not to “try“ to figure it out too much, but just allow and surrender and BE. This is still a little foreign to many of you, as you often get the “call” back to what you think is your true reality and so you must “attend” to things which may or may not bring you into a lower vibration.

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