Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/12/12 ‘We Play for the Same Team’
Did scientific study ever sub- seed your development and progress in any way? No it did not. Scientific study, research, examination and experimentation have always led to greater understandings of the nature of yourselves, of the world, and even beyond into the universe around you. We of the Galactic Federation of Light have also been conducting research here in your world, but this is not why we are here. We are here in offers of our assistance to you to help you find your way, and once found, help you now create what it is you want from the crystal-clear canvas that you have manifested to paint your dream portrait upon. We did not come here for scientific study, research or even exploration, as there is nothing that we wished to learn that motivated us to team together millions of individuals from thousands upon thousands of worlds and other alliances throughout this universe to travel all the way here in order to conduct this research. We are conducting this research and these studies, and in a way, infrequently conducting experimentation here in your world because this is beneficial to your people as we are devising better ways and higher standards for your people, and as such, an understanding of your mental and physiological processes are very necessary before we can even begin to discuss plans to implement projects and programs to better assist you increase your living conditions here in your world.