Divine Essence

Mother Mary: You Are Such Precious Jewels of Eternity ~ as Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 7, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 07/07/2013 - 18:19

MotherMary22imagesCA7EGT9Fpicture source: www.care2.com


Mother Mary:

Hello my dear illustrious Beings. I come to you on yet another auspicious day. Energy is accumulating for ever more shifts within each of you and I am here to tell you to be as open as you can, be as expanded as you can and as fluid as you can be.

By now you are experiencing more of your gifts, more of your hearts that are opening to the divine within you. Grasp and behold the beauty within them as you embark on your continuing journey back to Oneness.

I and all the Ascended Masters of the Company of Heaven hold the space for you to enter further into your Wholeness, into your majesty, into your Beingness - your Divine Beingness.

There are so many pockets of energy opening within you now. Go easy with yourselves as you explore them and enjoy them and be in the wonder of them, dear ones.

Above and Beyond you is so much to encompass Into you and Of you. You are in the process of melding into this vast energy as you awaken the same within you. And it is glorious and magnificent and so full of possibilities. Expand dear ones; encompass, and enjoy.

Pallas Athena: You Are a Pristine Ball of Brilliant Light ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ July 1, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 07/01/2013 - 23:44



Pallas Athena:


Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, Ascended Master and protector of all mankind, here to impart information for your great awakening. I come to you in Peace and Love for all mankind, you human Angels of the Great Awakening.

My beloveds, human Angels that you are, you step into a world now full of promises and miracles, for as you awaken and enfold yourselves into your Divine Essence, you will be discovering so much is afoot, so much is possible, so much is emerging.

Bubbling below the surface of your consciousness now is so much light and information just waiting to burst open, and I say this knowing it may be an understatement, for if you only knew what you were capable of, if you only knew what you were made of, the world would be bursting with so much light now, even more than yesterday, which, my dears, has been immense.

And so I bring you great assurances of your power, I bring you great assurances of your progress, and I bring you great assurances of your impending emergence into your rightful place with Creator of All-That-Is.

The doors are opening, dear ones, the light is unmistakable, and the happiness you are praying for is waiting there just beckoning your awareness. You are discovering your true nature and within that is the Universe filled with all you could ever hope for, dear ones. It is there, and the veils to your awareness of it are so thin right now, you can already touch and taste it.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven~ You Are the Power and Glory of Creator ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ April 29, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 04/29/2013 - 23:45


Yeshua.powercreatorYeshua and the Company of Heaven:

Dear Ones, much is afoot in your “neck of the woods”, as they say. Seriously, much is a-swirl and in change and transition and some things may now feel like polar opposites. But be assured that the shift toward greater consciousness is indeed occurring.

Take time to constantly return to your center and assess situations only from that perspective, in the core of your heart. This is a test and an affirmation of your true Reality, as you know.

You are beginning to glimpse the bigger picture, dear ones, and to delve into the recesses of deeper consciousness. Sometimes you may feel like you have hit a void but it is just the transformation of energies. Sit with it and cover and immerse yourself with the incoming energies and listen to that still, small voice within, always.

You are beginning to dissolve the holograms of the past which are at times persistent to remain, but the glimpse of freedom that you are experiencing from dissolving these mindsets can more than compensate for the loss of old familiar patterns of yesteryear.

It will take diligence and perseverance on your part to reject the old patterns and embrace the newfound freedom that awaits you, that is already there in front of you. Just move aside the veil of illusion and you can see it, dear ones.

Love for yourself and others is the key through all this transition. Keep coming back to that. Live in that bubble, dear ones. Fear has a harder time of entering when you abide by that regime. In this you are taking back your power and coming back to your True Essence.

Yeshua: You Are Endowed With Everything That Is Of Creator ~ As Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ March 17, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 03/17/2013 - 22:18




Hello my dear friends, fellow Lightworkers and Love-gifters. I greet you with much Love and appreciation for all you are doing. You are stepping up to this monumental task of building your New Earth with ease and grace and gratitude, and for this I give you my immense gratitude.

You may wonder why I say “with ease”. Well, dear ones, this journey has certainly not been easy for you, I grant you that, but the ease I speak about is the fluidity you impart to your mission and purpose, and the generosity with which you give of your Love, your Divine Unconditional Love.

Have you noticed that the more Love you give, the more Love you can hold for yourself and others? Have you noticed that you are able to tap more resources and abilities as you commit yourself to the task of imparting Love and creating a world full of it and all the gifts endowed by Creator?

You are endowed with everything that is of Creator of All-That-Is. You are gifted with everything that is Creator. You are uncovering all that you already are, and what a journey it has been.

You will most likely start to notice in the coming days that it is much easier for you to connect with that part of yourself that is the Divine, that is the impartial Reality that is expansive abundance and clarity. You will find thus that the trigger for manifestation is much more accessible, and it will be due to the release of your True Essence illuminated by all the Light and Love you are allowing into your Being.

Yes, dear ones, the clearing you have been so rigorously participating in is beginning to show in the increased glimmer and shine of your Light Bodies. Your soul is becoming integrated and enhanced and much more expanded and present.

Sananda: You Are An Aspect of Creator ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ March 4, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 00:03




Greetings my dear Soul Beings, keepers of the Christ Consciousness in your very being. I am Sananda at your service, as you are also, to all Beings on Earth and beyond.

It is time to re-orient yourselves into your new Reality, my dear ones. I say re-orient because of course as you know, you are already, as you have always been, magnificent Souls of God Consciousness, of the Divine Consciousness of Creator of All That Is. You are just realizing that identity, and also manifesting that identity, into your Reality more and more as you receive the new energies and re-orient yourselves into what you have always been.

The time is Now to fully orient and experience that essential part of you, dear ones, in everything you do, think and say, for you are the Masters of your Universe, the creators of your Soul’s experiences, as you know already.

Fran Zepeda - Lady Master Nada: You Are Love Incarnate - February 18, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 02/19/2013 - 02:03


LadyMasterNada13Lady Nada:


Hello dear ones, I am Nada, greeting you from a deep place of Love and Compassion for all you who venture on this path of Ascension.

You are the bearers of Love and the forerunners in laying the foundation of Love, Compassion and Service for all mankind. Your very breath holds the element of Service as you draw in the substance of Divine Essence. Just by letting go and acknowledging your existence in the realm of Source brings your essence to a place of Truth within yourself. From there you are able to tap all the Love and deep knowing that is available to you. Just by knowing this, you can swell in Love and offer it up to others.

You have reached a point in your ascension where it is imperative to constantly live within that knowing, within that deep knowing that all that is required of you is to feel deep Unconditional Love for yourself and others. Make no mistake that this is your purpose and your birthright. Nothing else really matters. It is the entirety of your being, my precious bearers of Love.

Consider yourselves whole and complete, able to hold all the Love you desire, all the Love that is available, all the Love that you are deserving and worthy of. And that is key, my dear ones, for you are worthy and deserving of receiving massive, unlimited amounts of Love, increasing each minute.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: We Remain By Your Side On Your Illustrious Journey ~ January 4, 2013

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 23:58


light of the worldYeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Hello my dear friends, Light of the World. We come before you today to bring you our Love and encouragement on your continued journey into the Higher Realms.

All around your world awakening is continuing and much is still transpiring below the surface. You have been a major part of that, although all of you may not actually see or experience all that has transpired and all that is bubbling below the surface and below the radar, so to speak.

Our love for you abounds and our respect for you does as well, as you continue refining your energies to accommodate the higher realms. Remember that what you perceive may not always be what is real and part of your new dimensionality. You are making your way steadily and surely.

Now more than ever it is important to pay attention to your thoughts, as the possibility for instant manifestation is now even greater. We ever guide you but it is important that you do not continue along the vein of delving into thoughts or commitments that abide by the old ways of duality.

Your Light Bodies have transformed, your vibrations have risen, and many are tapping into and/or living in the 5th and 6th dimensions already. For others, it is a gradual process, but all have progressed to the extent that their contracts and life plans and intentions and mind-sets have allowed.

Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ Happy Journey, Dear Travelers

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 11/28/2012 - 22:59

Yeshua ~ Happy Journey, Dear Travelers ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ November 28, 2012



As you are speeding along your Ascension Path, the energies are constantly uplifting you. You allow yourselves to flow along the ever-increasing waves of energy that is your birthright and your salvation from the lower densities.

Your true essence is upon you. You live in it more solidly every day and you have your abiding Love and perseverance to thank for it.

Allow yourselves to receive, dear ones; receive the ever-increasing energies being handed to you, being lovingly handed to you by the Higher Realms, the realms you are becoming accustomed to as your new home. We welcome you. We await you. Nothing is in your way now.

Rejoice, for it is nigh; it is palpable; it is inevitable and it is yours to live in and enjoy, dear ones. Rejoice, for nothing can stop your Light Bodies from becoming fully engorged with Light, with Love in its purest form, if you allow it. For the time has come. Throw open your arms and hearts and accept it with abandon, dear ones.

Rejoice, for Love and Joy and Abundance are in your capable hands to spin like silk on a loom. No one can stop you now. Start choosing the colors of your fabric of Life and of your new creations so lovingly being formed and created in your capable hands and hearts.

Become like children again, who have just been presented in front of them massive amounts of modeling clay of all colors and textures, and start forming with sheer joy whatever you wish to create. Pour yourselves into it and watch what you produce.

Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ May Your Light Shine Brighter ~ July 15, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 07/15/2012 - 23:47

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ May Your Light Shine Brighter ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ July 15, 2012

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~


Greetings, Beings of the Light. We greet you from the Company of Heaven.


Much has transpired in this very critical period of transformation. So much Light has entered your Being and your Earth that a significant change has transpired.


All around your World, there is preparation for a greater awakening and anchoring of Love energy. It is becoming a way of life for many now. The world of duality is starting to fade as you embrace the Light and Love being sent to you in greater amounts than ever.


All is well and all is on target. Many are feeling the changes as their Light Bodies become more engorged with Light and their DNA becomes more on-line. There is no turning back. You are on a fast-track to Ascension.


There is so much help for you now; you just have to think about it and ask from your Heart and you will receive it. All is in full gear for your path to Ascension, dear Ones. This is what you have been preparing for.


Pay attention to the signs. Pay attention to the whispers in your Souls. Pay attention to the guidance being given to you in abundance, dear Ones. The only way you can avoid it is if you turn away from it. But why would you? These are your moments, when you can stand at the top of the peak and survey how far you have come.


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ June 14, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 23:28

Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 14, 2012






Greetings fellow Lightworkers, my sisters and brothers of the Light!


I come before you today to speak of Truth. This has many meanings and connotations in your 3rd dimensional world. I would like to go beyond that and talk of the supreme Truth, that which comes only from the Divine Essence of you, dear Ones.


Take a journey with me today, dear friends, into the realms of the unknown. At one moment in your distant past, you chose to ignore and abandon the Light that was you and ventured out into an adventure, an experience of how far away from the Truth you could go, to explore the possibilities of what was unknown and not familiar to you at the time.


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