
Is Life but a Dream?

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 07/31/2017 - 05:32

Upon waking yesterday morning, I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and my trusted dream dictionary. I wanted to get to the bottom of a very disturbing dream I'd had the previous night, and was eager to begin analyzing the symbolism found therein.

I looked up several symbols (basic objects, places/spaces, colors/numbers, and any creatures) that had appeared within this dream, while also checking in with my intuition on them, knowing that all dream symbols are in the main deeper aspects of Self. Just as I was beginning to formulate an interpretation of what the dream had meant and was reflecting back to me, I was struck by a most curious question.

Looking up from my journal, I looked at my bookcase and thought, "What if life or my external reality is also but a dream? What if I were to analyze the objects and people in my physical reality in the same way in which I approach the interpretation of my dreams? So out of sheer curiosity, I began to do just that.

Suddenly, the bookcase in front of me was no longer just a bookcase - symbolically it reflected back to me my love of being surrounded by wisdom and the value I feel in continuously striving to accumulate it. Our shelf of video games in turn, became a symbolic reflection of my need to incorporate play and honor my child-like nature. My laptop became a symbol of deep communication, friendship, social/global awareness, and wisdom.

Circle of Grace 1 in The Age of Remembrance

Submitted by Brother_Francis on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 06:52

     Hi Everyone...My name is Brother_Francis and I have been on my spiritual path since the mid-1970's and I was born and raised in Long Island, NY; moved to New Jersey and lived there form 2005 thru 2011. I taught in various Long Island, NY and NJ locations. I have had the pleasure of being a guest Numerologist with astro-numerologist Lloyd Strayhorn (1982-1987) and formerly of NYC's KISS 98.7 FM's Wake Up Club with Jeff Fox (2006), then permanently relocated to Albuquerque, NM in November 2011 and love it as my new spiritually based home....I am the Founder and Chief Principal Teacher of my spiritual / metaphysical ministry called - CIRCLE OF GRACE 1 (founded 7/2/1999 AD) and its  five tiered metaphysical / spiritual institute called - The Circle of Divine Grace & Remembrance (founded 2/7/2009 AD) and both come under the Aegis & the Anointing of The Angel of Grace through Divine Providence.

Dreams, Dreams, Dreams! What Do They Mean?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 04:12

Yesterday was a glorious pre-summers day and I was down on the beach enjoying the sunshine and the low tide, walking amongst the rocks and admiring the different color pebbles on the beach wishing I knew more about them and their energetic origin. The sand on the beach here is a gorgeous bronze and so different from where I come from in Cape Town where the sand is lighter in color, almost white. I was sitting on the sand and wondering again why I feel such a bond with water, especially the ocean, whilst still having this fear of it. Water has enormous energy and its energy is so attractive to me. Just taking a luxurious bath is heavenly for me. Water is an excellent medium for higher vibrational energy, so if you’re looking for higher guidance, take a long bath or shower!

It seems my attraction to water has to do with me needing to connect with higher vibrational energy, and the Elementals. My fear for deep water goes back to previous lifetimes and it is a fear I’m busy dealing with now. I know the sinking of Atlantis caused my demise and I know that my body went deep down into the depths of the cold Atlantic Ocean. My fear of deep dark water and of not being able to breathe comes from this experience.

Michael explains ~ At the time of the death of the physical body, the mental body continues to register negative emotional energy for a short time afterwards and this negative energy is stored in cellular memory.

This negative emotional energy is therefore stored in my cellular memory and is now coming up for release. I do love the ocean though and before my demise, I was a great lover of swimming in the ocean.

Ascension Update ~ Riding the Wave of Conscious Dreaming

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 07/22/2015 - 06:45

Image: “The World of Dreams” ~ http://varungenius.com

Years ago when I did the NLP practitioners course I was able to also do Energy Resourcing,  a technique whereby we learn how to view and access our timeline to connect with ourselves in the various nodules/capsules/spaces in time that have taken place during our current reality (lifetime). I learned then already, some 14 years ago,  that we can take a step back and instead of viewing our time line with our ‘past’ behind us and the ‘future’ in front, we could view our time line as though we are looking at a long ruler stretched out horizontally in front of us. In other words, you are at all times facing your entire time line, with the ‘past’ on the left, the present directly in front of you and the furture to your right.

Since we now know, everything is happening NOW, so there is no past or future, as such. Only this moment of NOW.

We know now that time,  as humans have perceived/ viewed/ understood it, is an illusion to help us gain a certain perspective in our day to day lives.

So I invite you now to take a step back out of linear time and look at your time line stretched out horizontally in front of you as though you were holding a ruler in both hands. Now I’m going to ask you to stretch your imagination even further and imagine several of your timelines stretched out before you. Take your imagination even further still, and imagine countless timelines… Do you see them?

In each and every one of these timelines is a reality of yours! And each one is happening NOW!

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