
September: Through the Fires of Transformation to the Other Side

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Wed, 09/16/2015 - 17:48
As energy sensitive people, we may be feeling a lot of emotions and maybe physical sensations. These past few months have been energetically intense yet also epic in the amount of change happening, especially leading up to August 8 which was 8-8 the Lion's Gate or Infinity Portal. Cosmic rays come to earth for our evolution and enlightenment all the time, but especially on these days and days leading up to these energetic portals and alignments. The year of 2012 was the beginning of the end of time, and also the end of the previous lockdown on consciousness. We herald the door of freedom appearing, and now we are really cracking it open more and more, or it is cracking open for us.

The Month of Power: September

Embracing the Pure Potency of September

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 08/25/2015 - 15:08

What is going to happen in September? There are some potent eclipses and an Equinox in September. Lots of predictions are circulating which have a range of many perspectives. Some people are concerned and some are ecstatically hopeful. What will happen in the world? Nobody really knows what will happen, and I see these shifts like the recent August 8th Lion's Gate or Infinity Portal Date as days to align the self, to come into balance, and to be more connected with source and embody our higher selves in our human forms. I laugh as I sense the galactic beings are all on the edge of their seats watching Earth to see what happens. That is why Planet Earth is one of the most exciting Reality TV shows for watchers and guardians because we are co-creating, collectively what the future will be. We do that with the vibration of our hearts, our vibrational voting with our level of attunement within and unity with the universe.

I do know that the more we go inward into our hearts, step into love and release negative expectations or fear, the better will be our own experience and the experience of everyone. Let us do that now! Enough hearts can change any predictions toward the good of all. It is really all about our internal mastery, and internal shift within. We are each experiencing the journey on earth as individuals, and we also experience our ascension process individually in our own ways. Yet we are connected and doing it together. It is like timeship Earth is going through some experiences that we as a collective experience.

Birthing the New Earth: Energy in this Eclipse Portal

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Tue, 03/31/2015 - 18:40

In meditation, I was seeing and feeling a process that represents what we are going through, in my own experience, in any case. I sense we are going through the birth of a new age, an age of co-creation. It is a time in which new is possible. New combinations. With that, there has been this planetary alignment before the equinox, the equinox day solar eclipse, and then leading up to the Full Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse. The process was this: it was an experience of feeling myself as the sun. It was seeing the serpent rise, and I imagined it up the spine. In fact, I saw Ishtar the goddess with the two snakes place two snake in the spine as the masculine and feminine channels of kundalini rising. The two snakes merged into one. There is a symbol that came which is like an egg shape and the sun. We are the sun and we are also like an egg. The serpent is the kundalini rising of the masculine and feminine as merged. It is rising up the back of the head which is the special place in the lower back of our skulls. It is the Jade Gate, also called the mouth of the serpent. It is where the kundalini rises and awakens us, and brings enlightenment or triggers the process beginning. I see this for the whole planet, that kundalini is rising in so many people. We are wired for this physiologically and energetically, so this is an energetic shift.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 09:05

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

Eclipses create a powerful pin point of energy that creates a “blip/wobble”, or a disruption in time, energy, and the natural flow of light and dark.  Eclipse’s also affect the magneto-receptors in our DNA, along with radio waves, and X-ray’s. They also activate shifts in the electromagnetic fields of the Earth itself and all of its inhabitants.  An Eclipse opens a portal to the Universe, where a stream of knowledge, new codes and information can be down loaded from the Universe into our consciousness or subconscious.  It is like an upgrade. Eclipses are also accelerated catalysts, and they are either breakdown and/or breakthrough events.  They give us an opportunity to finish a major life lesson, and then head to the next higher level.

 Lunar eclipses are extra-powerful Full Moons. The time period of this Eclipse is approximately 4 hours from start to finish. The energy of an Eclipse also affects us for the following 6 months. It is a time to open to the universe, with your guidance, and Feel the energy and down loads as the portal is open. Ask for guidance in how to handle the energy and information that you receive.  It is a time to be quiet and Listen…..what do you hear?  What visions are you receiving?  What do you feel?  If you are asleep during the Eclipse….know that you’re Guidance will make sure you receive the down loads and messages that are important for your Soul growth.

This Full Moon is also a Total Lunar Eclipse that is visible for those of us in North America. This Full Aries Moon is also known as a Blood Moon…..meaning that as the Eclipse is happening, the Moon appears to be turning a reddish color.  A beautiful and Magical sight to see! 

Becoming the Beacon of Light That You Are - New Earth Frequency Update

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 16:47

It is our pleasure to be with each of you once again through this venue of light.  We are the Unified Whole Command of Master Thoth, The Great Divine Director, and Master Einstein along with the entire God Force of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of White Light.

The frequencies of light that are coming into the planet are beyond what you can truly understand within your physical consciousness.  It is so important to continually work through your higher essence in your physical mind and heart.  We know that this can be a challenge but the more that you do it, the easier it will become.

The Lunar Eclipse on April 15th will represent the first of a succession of energy patterns that are going to be intertwining within GAIA.  Those of you that know astrology are aware of the Cardinal Grand Cross and the Solar Eclipse on the 29th of April which will herald the frequencies of light for Wesak on May 14th, 2014.  These energies are all part of the design plan of 2014.

We know the magnificence of these energies represent the Unification of Oneness and grounding these energies into the planet and into each of you.  We can look to the science of astrology for detailed information but in truth what does it mean for each of you, individually?

That is the big question to ponder but travel no further.


Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 04/15/2014 - 00:29

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

This Libra Full Moon Eclipse is one of the most powerful, urgent and intense Full Moons of the year! It is a very powerful time….a time of break downs or break through's .  It is time to hold on tight as we climb through the chaos… with urgency….up the hill of change and transformation….to the very peak….where you can begin to see the “New” that you are co-creating!

New 19-year cycle beginning? (Scorpio solar eclipse, Uranus-Pluto square, blood moon tetrad, 12/16/13)

Submitted by kabalista on Sun, 11/03/2013 - 14:14

are we at the end & beginning of a new 19-year cycle?

the eclipse early this morning hearkens back to the powerful scorpio solar eclipse of nov. 3, 1994. the changes in world events and technological advancement of the past 19 years may be wrapping up & advancing a stage. do you remember what was going on for you in 1994? does this resonate?

both eclipses and the hebrew calendar and other ancient calendars follow this 19-year lunar cycle: [link to]

note: others have suggested that this 19-year cycle begins or ends at other various points, such as 1990-2009, etc.

[link to]

the power of this eclipse, suggesting a new 19-year cycle beginning at the eve of 2014, includes the following factors:

1) it's in scorpio, a very potent sign;

2) both in 1994 & 2013 there are many other planets clustered around the sun and moon as well in scorpio, creating a *bang* effect;

3) it comes on the heels of the 4th pluto-uranus square and just before the heliocentric square (Nov 23) that defines our progress since the 1960's and the relationship between that shift and the current shift;

4) there are four upcoming eclipses on the full moon festivals of passover and tabernacles in 2014 & 2015;

5) the mayan calendar end date of 12/21/12 or 12/16/13 and this eclipse as a gateway

New Earth Frequency Update ~ As Above, So Below

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 17:16

Planetary ~ Shared By Meleriessee

This week we are in the state of balance to prepare for more acceleration within GAIA which means we will be experiencing another transitional phase.  The New Moon with a Solar Eclipse occurs on November 3rd, 2013, 4:49 AM Pacific, 7:49 AM Eastern, 15:49 GMT.

How do we stay in the flow between accelerations which is happening to us consistently?  The Equinox proved to be the most powerful surge of light within the planet; in fact, it was the event that was supposed to occur 12-21-12.  By the sources of the Spiritual Hierarchy, it was delayed until the God Force felt that all humans could handle the change that it would create on the planet.  GAIA is now infused with the Blue Ray of Will and Power which means that the elements of control we have been under can be harnessed through our hard work and diligence.  This is only the beginning as it will take some time for others to acknowledge this essence within them, but as Light Workers it is our responsibility to utilize the frequency within ourselves and within the world around us.

The Blue Ray represents the qualities of strength, courage, leadership, and strong convictions but within the essence of patience, love, protection, and strong faith.  Utilize this essence to help bring peace and love in all areas of the lands upon GAIA.  This all occurred during the Fall Equinox on September 22nd, 2013.

We then were hit with the Lunar Eclipse during the full moon in October.  This took us into a deeper level of ourselves.  We were asked by the essence of the energies to purge yet once again another part of our existence as our shadow side is not being ignited to be blessed with the Light.

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