
swimming in the waves of love. wait, WHOA! (scary!)

Submitted by LightBiscuit86 on Tue, 08/21/2012 - 06:37

So i know this is long overdue, and i offer my apoligies (however you spell that word) as its been bothering me everyday that i keep telling myself im gunna write this blog, but even on the most boring days, i cant find the time to write it out. i guess maybe i wasnt floating in the right groove to explain it properly until this morning. who knows. that being said, lets get this scary shit going here =p 

"Am I gonna get a poke?"

Submitted by SophiaLove on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 09:23

It feels sort of like taking your child to the doctor.  You are saying a bunch of calm words, painting lots of pretty pictures about the ice cream cone that’s coming after the office visit, yet you know there is a part that’s painful.  You hate that part.


My children wised up to the idea and ask before we get there, “Am I gonna get a poke?”  That’s what I want to know now.


“Are we gonna get a poke?”  We’ve been living in a controlled, tightly limiting world and are told every day of the wonders that await us.  Yet, beneath it all is buried a nagging sense that there is something we need to shore up for.  My kids put their game faces on.  They know it’s quick, necessary and there is a treat at the end.  Although they didn’t like it, they have lived through it and emerged more powerful and sure of themselves.


We will too.  Ascension, this Shift and the Golden Age is waiting for us.  As eternal beings of immense power and unlimited love, we would create nothing less.  The controls are completely in our hands. We know how to use them now.


It is my very human part that wants to know, “Am I gonna get a poke?”  Some days I don’t care, and they happen with more frequency.  What’s on the other side of the poke, if it comes, is more than amazing.  I know this.  I have seen some of it already.


We can do anything we set our hearts on.  This is truth.  We are an unstoppable force; the force of One.  I have seen miracles.  The greatest one is reading these words right now.


We are the ones we are waiting for.



Head Games

Submitted by SophiaLove on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 09:28

All parts count.  There is not one aspect of life that pales in comparison to any other.  If there was a word that defined this transformation we are participating in, it would be equality – all is One.  Coming from a thought system with comparisons at every turn, this is a challenge.


Do I have enough?  Which is better? How can I get more? Which product will make me look the best? What do I have to do to win? Will I finish first? Did I come in last? These ideas, indeed these words, have no meaning in an atmosphere of oneness.


We have entered the Head Games.  How we think is critical to what we create.  We are beginning to get the idea of oneness; at times we are giddy with joy!  It’s all okay! I love you! You love me! I’m okay just as I am! It’s all going to be great!


Yet we are alive in a field of density, with bills to pay, tests to pass, deadlines to meet and people to please.  This is not a forgiving world and the one who is the hardest on you is you.  In order to manage these internal games, we must forgive ourselves.


As we begin agape, all sorts of ideas spring forth.  Perfection for one becomes not a state to strive for but a statement of fact.  Life is perfection.  Best is not an exclusive rank but an attribute we all enjoy.  In a world of one it all looks like love, differently expressed.


Without the stress of competition or judgment what is left is pleasure.  I have previously imagined it would take miracles and magic to erase the physical signs of aging.  I was wrong.  It will take a cessation of worry and a mind without fear.  The calm of unity is like a fountain of youth.  The truth of us looks like joy and pleasure, love and freedom.  Equality means it’s all good.


light message posted on Dr. Phil's Facebook

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 02/29/2012 - 08:16

February 29 2012: Dear Dr. Phil, we are moving into a time of love of light now .... your persistent highlighting of the darkness in every show, every day, negates the light. You have a tremendous opportunity to help move millions towards healing .... pure water, food, loving nature, animals. We are being told to remember who we are - to move into the light. Fear on mainstream media is ending. You have a choice of going either way Dr. Phil. Love & Light. Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light.

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