
Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments (“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded) by J’Tariah EnRa

Submitted by JTariah on Mon, 05/21/2012 - 11:10

Lightworker 303: Beam Me Up – Begin Ship Assignments
(“Operator, Initiate Docking Sequence” – Matrix Reloaded)
by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix

Trinity intones in Matrix Reloaded: “Something has been happening to those in the Matrix. They’ve been mutating, changing in ways the machines never predicted. [They] seem to have psychic powers.”

You believe you have already awakened. You are well on your way, yet you haven’t quite woken up fully to your intergalactic life. As you gradually escape the now-dissolving Matrix – your life will synthesize to a 5D through 12D reality – comprised of your entire multidimensional Self upon the ship you are assigned to.  Like Morpheus utters: "If you’re able to accomplish this mission, we’ll phase back into the ship. Stay in contact."

What you perceive as "reality" is a system of holographic projections, which have been mechanically droning on for eons. As Neo exclaims, "It’s not real... You’re not standing there. Step out. I can do it. You can, too." These holograms get temporarily interrupted every 26,000 years by Earth (Shan/Gaia) re-entering the Photon Belt. 

Thank You Mother Earth!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 11:51

Thank you Mother Earth for all that you have endured during humanity's generations of life. Thank you for every breath, every bird, flower, coloured orb of love and light!

You oh one of beautiful emerald waters and shores

are the strongest of the strong!

We love you so much!



Message from Yeshua ~ Be in the Light ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 04/20/2012 - 18:55

Photo of the Sun Love,

sacred beautiful geometry with elemental

By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Hello dear friends, there is much talk of Ascension these days, as should be. The concept is a little abstract for some and it takes a bit of a stretch of the imagination still for some to understand and absorb. But as you know, it is not really a concept. It is your Reality staring you in the face, gripping you in the heart, and laying out a worldview that is so enticing, yet a little intimidating for some.


As time marches on, you are being prepared and inundated with such intense Light and Love that it is becoming the milieu in which you swim. And this is good, because you are getting your feet wet, so to speak. The ante is being raised, dear ones, and you are up for it, equal to the task, as they say. You were built for this endeavor, and you have all the tools at your disposal; you always have. They are being uncovered as we speak.


Sananda ~ Open to Truth ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.13.12

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 22:06


I come before you today to speak of the Truth that is in your hearts, dear ones. No one can deny that you are waking up to it. The depths to which you are reaching are astounding and unequalled. The expansion of your energy has contributed to this and you are just beginning to see the ramifications of it. Your bravery in opening up to consciousness that you have not perceived for eons is applauded and cherished by all of the Company of Heaven. We thank you for this.


Be prepared for even more widening of your energy fields. This may cause a discomfort in your physical bodies, a kind of opening that you may be unfamiliar with. All openings seem unfamiliar at first, dear ones, as you attempt to understand it from a point of reference from your third dimensional experience.


We ask you to let go of that urge or tendency to define it based on what you have experienced in your un-awakened state and be open to just being with it, without engaging your mind. With this, you will begin to activate the memories you all carry within you.  Be aggressive with this to the degree of abandoning your tendency to control your frame of reference in attempting to understand.


Waking up your memories has begun with the new influx of golden energy from the Central Sun. Your DNA are becoming fully activated and you are making the rapid changeover from carbon-based structure of your physical bodies to crystalline substance.


To experience this in complete safety and confidence, it is necessary that you frequently ground yourselves into Mother Earth, with your beloved Gaia. She will hold you in Love as you share your Love with her. Becoming fully committed to ascending with Her will insure your development to a greater degree and increase your abilities to keep raising your vibration in your Ascension with Gaia to the 5th Dimension.



Returning what is not ours to keep ~

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 04:52


When my children were little, I brought them here. They were mesmerized by the wild, natural beauty and energy of this place. We left with keepsakes of our trip including a can full of sea shells. Over the years, as the dusty can of shells would show up, I remember feeling little nudges of pain shoot through me. Why did we have to take so much from what was so freely given to us? Why did I not see this as a tremendous teaching opportunity for my children that day? The point is this: No matter how light or heavy our trespasses, we are in a period of compassion and forgiveness. Take action on this theme however you can throughout the time ahead. Many truths are being uncovered about transgressions of all kinds, some that have affected Gaia and humanity in horrendous ways. This journey home begins with gratitude and forgiveness no matter what you will learn that you did not ever think possible. Hereon, move ahead in the light and with love, and if you get a nudge about something, follow up and see where it takes you. We are waking up. The language of the people and animals closet to Mother Earth is becoming clearer now, and soon we will know how to teach our children the language of love and light. The forests, trees, animals and elements are rejoicing in our great awakening. Thank you ~ Dawn.


L O V E  &  L I G H T  Westcoast Tour 2012


F R E E D O M Video: 

Help Gaia Give Birth to Herself -- Sanat Kumara Channeling -- Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All

Submitted by JTariah on Thu, 03/22/2012 - 11:25

Helping Mother Earth Gaia (Shan) to Give Birth =
Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All
Want to help Mother Earth Gaia and the Galaxy Ascend by
contributing 15-20 minutes per day in a shared meditation with
Project: Eagle Triad? Start your Mission today!
Please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles (dot) com

********** THE IMPENDING LABOR OF EARTH **********

                                  Sanat Kumara

     Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

Message from Yeshua ~ 2.8.12 ~ Radiate Your Love

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 02/08/2012 - 23:13

As Channeled through Fran Zepeda



All beings, human or non-human, sentient or insentient are of the Light. That is their true essence. You all are experiencing, in your own respective ways, the lessons you require for growth, dear ones. You have created the experiences that you find yourselves in, in order to learn those lessons in the best way possible for each of you. Each set of experiences is the perfect recipe for your growth, and ultimately for your enlightenment. That enlightenment or Ascension will culminate in a return to Oneness.


Any disappointment, emotional upset, or disagreement amongst each other is actually a means or opportunity to open your hearts to more Light. The lesson in that is to see those disappointments, emotional upsets and disagreements as an avenue to Wholeness, to Oneness. All over the world many are expanding their hearts and letting in more Love and Light. The only thing that can counteract that expansion and return to Wholeness is fear and judgment.


Now is the time to muster your courage and fight that tendency to fear and judge, which is of course a human tendency. However, it is also true that your true essence, that of Light and Love, can override those human tendencies. Your human experience and tendencies are just a means and opportunity for your Light Essence to grow and fortify. When you created your human experiences you knew that on a deeper level;  you knew that your Light, and the Light of others would overcome and transform your experiences into the material necessary for Wholeness and Oneness.


Working together as ONE

Submitted by Ourpsychicart on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 12:36




We are all currently undergoing our own personal evolution and it is so important to surround ourselves with people that can guide us.



NOW is a time when humans must unite and work together to finally bridge the gap of the separateness that has gone for so long from Gaia and from Source.



NOW is a time to surround yourself with your fellow light workers – Practise giving, receiving, expressing and guiding eachother. We all have the power within to continue working together as one to bring forward a more awakened consciousness for humanity.



The unity being formed is getting stronger by the day and it is crucial that it remains so.



We are ALL at different levels of consciousness, at different places on our spiritual paths; each of us has our own wonderful unique journey and achievements. All of our differences help to teach each other all that is possible.



Beings of Earthen origin that is incarnated to a Humanoid Form

Submitted by Arin Zane on Sun, 09/04/2011 - 13:53

Channel Z

I, Z come to inform the populus of the Galactic inter-communcations council that all articles edited from truth are carefully scrutinized by the Cosmic Board of Communications and the Alliance for Truth.

All come here as eternally seekers of the Devine Masculine and Feminine Love unification projects and coded within, these truths are clarity, effort, fairness and inate Love of the Creators of this wonderful Earth, "Gaia" and all inhabitants stationed or uninvited beings will be allowed to know that Peace and Love are the complete mantras of all KIND.

I go in Peace, Love and with the Flow of Energy that comes from the sacred geometric formula of this design.

All are One.

The Consciousness of Perfect Love may it be so that all will understand and know.


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