galactic federation of light

Pleiadian Messages: The Magic that saved Planet Earth

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 12:27


In the end it was magic that saved the planet Earth. Oh, not hocus-pocus and abracadabra, but magic nonetheless...the real kind. Universe magic. The stuff that's always been there since the beginning of time, although time has no true beginning, and that's another part of the story. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I have been appointed as chronicler of the events that transpired, so I'll try to tell it as best as I can, though it isn't a tale that lends itself to easy explanations.

The Twenty-first Century was a time of magic - magic run amok really, and so nobody saw it that way, or recognized it for what it was. They called it science. But it was magic too - a kind of the magic that saved the earth, though it came damn near to destroying it. The human race found science-magic before they were quite ready for it - before they had come to terms with other gentler parts of the Greater Magic, before they were able to really understand the way the whole thing worked, and how delicate a balance was required. You see, they hungered for knowledge, as they had been programmed to do. They longed for more, always more.

What they weren't able to realize until it was almost too late was that it was all there inside themselves, everything they dreamed of and desired.

"The Astar Galactic Command" messege 1971

Submitted by Awakenjesse12 on Wed, 06/06/2012 - 22:05

-By Jesse Loya

"The Asthar Galactic Command"
-600 advance civilizations in union


In 1971 they sent us a messege via radio interrupting a broadcast,
A Pleiadian named Vrillion spoke in our language telling us an urgent messege,

They said to be aware of the false leaders and rulers on this planet,
These leaders and rulers will bring us no hope,
They will only suck our energy, we call money and resources,
And they will only bring harm making us think that everything's alright,


Who's behind these false rulers,
Behind these rulers there a control system,
Behind these leaders theres a green scaled being,
These leaders and rulers are manipulated and operated by the dark reptlians,

Who are they?......the Illumminaty!!!!, the NWO , the Secret Goverments and the Batican.... theres are actually more.......


Also to be aware of the planetary chages as our planet enters the new shift,
A NEW ERA OF AQUARIOUS, when we enter the process of awaeking and great consiousness....we call evolution,
When the era of darkness falls and a new era of light rises,
When the changes of our planet activates our Pleiadian unfuctional DNA,
Activating the unfuctional DNA: A third eye, enlightment, wisdom, great cosmic energy and great conciousness..
Our reconection with the universe, the alliance and interstellar traveling :)

Fairy Card reading for a Sun-Filled Saturday: Peace of Mind, Magic of Nature, and Making New Friends!

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Sat, 05/12/2012 - 06:45


Fairy Card Reading for a sun-filled Saturday,

The light of the sun has a beautiful ethereal quality to it this morning as it sparkles on the surface of the lake like so many brilliant diamonds....a perfect day for millions of people to meditate on peace and love around the planet together.

Today's reading for our beloved planet Gaia:

Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 22nd 2012.

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 13:46

Tonight is the night that many of you will be called upon for first contact. Those of you who have been previously told of your first contact details should now prepare for the exciting events that tonight and concecutive nights will bring. It is not necessary to 'prepare' yourselves as such, as the actual earth time that you will be absent from your families will be minimal, but many of you will be called at night time, when there is less chance of disruption to your 3rd dimensional lives.

All of you have been given indicators to look out for, to know that time is drawing near;a certain alignment of stars in the sky for example, so keep a look out for these visual signs to occur. Those who are ready to undergo first contact will receive our verbal notice too, and many of you will already have received your 'notice' that first contact will occur at any time now.
You will also have received instructions of what to wear and what to bring, so have those items ready, as when we give you the call, we would like things to move as smoothly as possible, with minimal disruption to your lives.

Some of you have been asked to meet us at a certain location. These locations have been chosen primarily for the privacy that they will provide, as we do not wish to announce our presence to the inhabitants of the Earth before they are ready for us. We are building up our anticipation of this event finally occuring, as it has been a long time in its preparation.
For those of you who do not receive a call from us in the next week or two, fear not, your call will come. This first initial contact is a test of sorts, and the people we have chosen to assist us in this are ones who are more than ready to meet up with us. They will be, in your words, our 'guinea pigs', and from this initial contact, we will be able to decide whether our methods of initiating first contact can be improved in any way.

Galactic Federation of Light Message - April 29th 2012.

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sun, 04/29/2012 - 13:39

Discouragement, disappointment and uncertainty. These are all emotions based on fear. Fear has no place in the higher realms, so those of you who are experiencing these emotions at this time need to recognize these feelings for what they are, and ask for assistance in ridding yourselves of them. We can help you with this.

We realize that many of you are awaiting your own personal experience of first contact with us, many of you already have, and we have learned much from these initial contactees. Subsequent meetings will therefore be much more favorable, as there were many difficulties for us to overcome in arranging meet ups with you all, but experimentation with our technology upon your world has opened up many new options to us. So we anticipate that subsequent meetings will be a lot easier to organize and more beneficial to us all. 

Fear not if the call has not yet sounded for you. There is ample time for these meetings to occur; the way that we view time as such, so do not panic if nothing has happened for you yet. With events occurring all over the globe, to remove and relocate the last of the Dark Cabal, the time for us to step up our visitations to Earth are about to increase.

A message from the Galactic Federation of Light ~ 10/3/12 We are Here to Help~

Submitted by Star Gazer - Cheryl on Sat, 03/10/2012 - 05:58


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


Photo of Cloud Ships Will Harader


There is nothing new to report at this time, the Dark Cabal are continuing to be rounded up.


Keep an eye on your News programmes to see for yourself that these occurrences are actually taking place.

However, we would just like to make clear something that has recently been brought to our attention. There seems to be quite a bit of dispute between the inhabitants of Earth who have awakened feeling that they are here to undertake their missions by themselves with no outside assistance, and those who are welcoming our offer of help and support.


Yes, you all signed contracts agreeing to come to Earth to assist with the Earths ascension to the 5th dimension, but it was always a role of assisting. We would not send you all to Earth, unawakened and unaware, and expect you all to just fend for yourselves.


Return of the Rainbow Beings

Submitted by shininglight777 on Sun, 08/28/2011 - 21:57

greetings children of the is with great joy in my heart i greet you from galactic central...the source of all. to all those who still fear, have hope...we are here for you, ccontinue to communicate with us, we hear your every wish, and it is our command to assist you in every way possible within your free will allowance, which is why we stress to clarify your intentions, complete your creations, and ask for truly everything you need to complete your mission here. galactic central command hears every heart centered request and answers with gifts beyond even some of your current ability to comprehend, that is how much we love you. stand tall and proud, for you truly are sons and daughters of universal royalty, and your domain is at your command. be ye wise as serpents and gentle as doves, and may your hearts be light as a feather, i will be tuning in more frequently as time accelerates i love you dear rainbow

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