

Submitted by JTariah on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 20:50



by J’Tariah EnRa El of the Starship Phoenix  
Dedicated to *M* because you know "who you are."

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Submitted by janetairelle on Tue, 10/30/2012 - 04:21






Have you ever wondered what 2012 is really about? Are we alone in the universe? Is the Earth Hollow? Why is Area 51 restricted from the public?  What goes on there, and what was Colonel Woodard’s job several floors below the surface of Area 51?   What will happen Dec.21?  Have you heard of the new money exchange and prosperity funds? Do you ever wonder how life will be in the new dimensions?  



Submitted by janetairelle on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 20:25


Featuring Guest Speakers

Zaraya, retired Colonel Billie Faye Woodard,formally of Area 51, and of Disclosure-2012, also his father, Zorra, from Hollow Earth will speak through him. Also will be renowned author and channel, Nancy Tate, of The Tree of the Golden Light, through whom Hatonn, Horus and Others will speak.

They, along with Quasar (Billie's Twin-Flame, Jane Stevens) and Bob Towers (Nancy's Life-Partner) will hold special 6 hour events in the following cities through Dec 1, 2012.

Rainer/Yelm WA, Seattle WA, Denver Co, Austin TX, Albuquerque NM, Santa Fe NM, Sedona AZ, San Diego CA, and Shadow Hills CA, with some home-based evening events along the way.

Have you wondered what 2012 is really about?

Is the Earth Hollow?

What is Area 51 about and what information is really being kept from us?

Are we alone in the universe?

Have you heard talk of the new money exchange?

Do you wonder how life will be in the new dimensionality?

What will happen in the next 3 months?

Come and join us in an intimate workshop where these and a lot of your questions will be answered. Group participation will be encouraged. Please check our websites and for exact dates and locations.

This could be the most important, enlightening, life changing, event of your life!!

Sananda Presents "ASCENSION TOOLS" <---> Cutting Cords for Regaining Power, Focus, Grounding, Centering and Clarity

Submitted by JTariah on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 23:42

Sananda Presents "ASCENSION TOOLS" <---> Cutting Cords for Regaining Power, Focus, Grounding, Centering and Clarity <---> What Cords Are, and How to Get Rid of Them Permanently


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/26/12 ‘The Decree of Your Creator’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sun, 08/26/2012 - 20:51


Swiftly sweeping you towards your new reality are your hopes and your dreams for a better world and a better life for you and those around you. It has been many long eons since many of you could call a world that you live in safe, secure, prosperous, even beautiful, as much of your planet has become scarred and marred in certain ways.  We see for you many changes on your horizon, but all of these changes do not come for free without some kind of effort and some levels of responsibility for your roles as caretakers of your new world. What we, the Galactic Federation of Light, propose is that each and every one of you take an active role in not only the shaping of your new world in its design, but in the implementation process where these changes will take place. What we mean by this is we would like to incorporate the efforts of every single person on your planet, although we realize this is very ambitious and would be quite a task and achievement. We also feel this is a goal at least setting for ourselves, to give us a marker to shoot for.


SANAT KUMARA wishes to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energy

Submitted by JTariah on Sun, 08/26/2012 - 11:15

SANAT KUMARA wishes  to CO-CREATE Reality with YOU: Listening to Guides, Ignoring Illusion, Turning Within, Transmutating Energies, Meditating with God-Self, Creating Light, and Envisioning Goodness

  two channelings: divine guidance and meditation below

We of Sananda's Eagles welcome you to our family with OPEN WINGS! We lovingly invite you to become a part of our global, galactic, universal Missions by participating in Project: Eagle Triad. (specific Mission details below channelings) Please write to janisel(at) to begin your Ground Crew Mission NOW.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/25/12 ‘From Foal to Steed’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sat, 08/25/2012 - 13:05

Gambling on your future is not something that we would recommend. We instead advise you to take into consideration and take precautions to better your chances of ascension, not slowing, not quitting and not ignoring your responsibilities to make the reality that use you choose for yourself made manifest by your thoughts, words, intent and action. This is what we advise to you; we advise you to take stock in yourself. Analyze and categorize yourself and the many facets and aspects of yourself. What is it you consider an accomplishment, and by accomplishment we do not mean awards, trophies or contests that you have won or the amount of money that you have been able to earn. What we mean by accomplishment is what areas of yourselves have you been able to sharpen, to increase your abilities within yourself and to work, deal and socialize with others.


For instance, what we are asking you is in what areas do you feel you have improved upon throughout this, the only incarnation that you can remember at this time. (We only ask you to focus on this lifetime, for you do not remember others and of course cannot consider this in your analysis.) So in what areas do you feel you have shown weakness or deficiencies? What areas do you see that have needed  attention, experiences and lessons to help you improve upon these areas, and which areas do you feel have received this improvement and which areas do you feel continue to need lessons and improvements? This should be an easy question for you to answer in some cases, and others an answer to this question will come to you only after careful thought, consideration and reflection upon your entire lifetime, not just adulthood, but going back as far as you can remember to your very early and formative years as a child, for it is here where many of your lessons have begun for you.

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 8/24/12 ‘Defeating Final Challenges’

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Fri, 08/24/2012 - 13:50


Distancing yourself from parts of your past and your lower selves may be a challenge for some of you, but it is challenges you have come here to face. Many of you did not come here for an easy ride, for this would not have garnered you what it is you wished from this experience. Take every challenge that comes your way as a golden opportunity, for this is what they are, opportunity after another in succession. These opportunities, if successfully utilized, will gift you with all that you have ever wanted in the end. That is what they are, each and every one of them, and if you could see them in this light it would give you the proper mindset to begin to find ways to defeat these challenges.


Seeing these challenges and tests of your strength and your will as more bad news, as more reasons to quit, to get down, to feel things are never going to change or get better is not a conducive mindset to success. This type of mindset is more conducive to failure, and it is not failure any of you have come here for or any of you are used to in your universal lives. This type of mindset to quit, to fail, to bemoan, to allow challenges and obstacles to get the better of you, to stop you, to impede you is a mindset that some of you have only picked up after you have journeyed here, for if these were your demeanors and your attitudes and the traits that you would have demonstrated you possessed, you would never have been chosen for these assignments in the first place.


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