SaLuSa ~ 28 Feb 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Mon, 02/28/2011 - 03:08

SaLuSa 28-February-2011

We are tempted to tell you to expect one thing at the time, but a number of events are reaching completion together. So it is quite possible that there will be a whole string of happenings in a relatively short time.

We cannot always give you exactly what you want, as there is a greater plan that we work to and obey. However, together we are a force to be reckoned with, and yet our only weapon is that of Love and Light.

SaLuSa ~ 25 Feb 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Fri, 02/25/2011 - 05:44

SaLuSa 25-February-2011

Focus on all that is of the higher vibration, and understand that even in attaining a greater freedom souls will have made sacrifices to achieve it.

Go within and find your pathway to Ascension, as it may be quite different to others and follow your intuition.

So be patient now that you are so near to experiencing some really big events, that will provide the evidence you seek to assure you all is well.

SaLuSa ~ 23 Feb 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 03:19

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

SaLuSa 23-February-2011

Let love be your guiding light and give freely of it wherever and whenever you can.

The Middle East is now entering a period of instability until the way forward becomes clear. However, one thing is certain that it will not return to the old ways of dictatorship. The people have spoken and their voices heard all around the world.

SaLuSa ~ 18 February 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Fri, 02/18/2011 - 08:48


We continue to draw nearer to you, not that you may necessarily notice as we keep many of our craft shrouded in a cloak of invisibility. How exciting it will be when we can at last be open in our activities on and off your Earth. Our mission at present is one of a holding nature, until we have secured a safe environment and skies that are free of any threat against us. These matters cannot be dealt with very quickly, as it requires orders from people of the top echelons to ensure our safety. It is not that we are really at risk, but we cannot operate in an atmosphere of tension and malice. . We refrain at all times from confrontation, and take evading action when we are threatened. Because we have advanced technologies we do not use them to overpower people, but to protect ourselves. The Galactic Federation is a peaceful organization that promotes peace and cooperation between civilizations.


SaLuSa ~ 14 February 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Mon, 02/14/2011 - 03:21

SaLuSa  14-February-2011


You have come a long way in your evolution to have reached this point in time. This cycle has been one where you have touched the depths of darkness, yet in spite of the experiences you have gone through, have found your way back to the Light. On the one hand it would not do to have a complete recall of what you have gone through, but if you had you would fully appreciate what a magnificent achievement it has been. You are not so to say out of the woods yet, but with a better understanding of what remains before Ascension, you should successfully cope with it. Those unawakened souls that see only doom and gloom can be forgiven for dropping into moods of despair, without seeing hope for the future.


A Special Message from SALUSA

Submitted by Madelaine on Thu, 02/10/2011 - 06:19


A special message from SaLuSa

Channeller: SaräAmma

This is SaLuSa, my child, and so it Is. I would like to come to you before, but evidently, your mistrust generated a bit of trouble, because you believe it was impossible I could come up to you, and that troubled my communication with you.

But I want you to know that I am seeing your work, and we are delighted with what you are doing and I had in mind to come to you to convey a message to Mankind. And before you proceed, I want to tell you that this will not be the last time I’ll do that because I want to reach as many people as possible and through the largest number of channels available, as we are at revealing times, we are in critical times and we need the greatest collaboration and cooperation from all Lighworkers on Earth.

SaLuSa ~ 7 February 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Mon, 02/07/2011 - 03:25

SaLuSa  7-February-2011


Your awakening continues to grow exponentially, and that is your guarantee that there will never be a return to the old ways. Already your mass consciousness is helping others to awaken, and with it comes a better understanding of what is talking place. It is being realized that events are leading to massive changes, that are necessary to bring you to the next stage of your evolution. In so doing it is making the changes much easier to put into place. The commencement of open activity that is identified as part of our plan will soon be apparent. For the time being we continue to guide our allies, as their part in the preparations is most important. The going is tough at present but that was to be expected, as the dark Ones cling to their power only to see it slipping away. It may seem to be a massive muddle, but out of it will come opportunities to introduce the benefits that have been promised to you.


SaLuSa ~ 4 February 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Fri, 02/04/2011 - 03:30

SaLuSa  4-February-2011


Things are hotting up and there is a movement amongst people all across the world that is pushing them towards a new age. There are changes coming as a result and it is setting the scene for major changes, in line with the promises made to you. So although it is not apparent exactly where it is all leading, you will eventually see that the people are getting attention and their demands being met. It proves that people power is real, and that when sufficient people direct their energies in unison and for the same purpose, it brings results. Also as the levels of consciousness increase, more people are awakening to the truth of their reality. The chains of slavery are beginning to fall away, and suddenly there is an air of expectation that Man will once more become free. It is creating a focus for release from the dark Ones, and soon you will see events that clearly show that their time is coming to an end.


SaLuSa ~ 2 February 2011

Submitted by Madelaine on Wed, 02/02/2011 - 03:44

SaLuSa  2-February-2011


The stirring in people’s consciousness is speeding up the awakening process, and it is helping to focus their minds on a solution to the problems of the world. You will already have noticed that corruption is beginning to be rooted out, and honesty in all dealings is being sought. It is all part of the new energies that are pressing to be manifested, that have been building up for a long time. Progress and change cannot be prevented even if they can be delayed, and the Divine Plan is assisted by Great Beings who are directing events. Their powerful energies are affecting the whole Earth, and there is no place for the lower vibrations to hide. They will be transmuted and in so doing the dark Ones are rapidly losing their control over you. They are confused and in panic as what they have worked for brought them in sight of victory, but has crumbled and is falling apart. Even so, they cling forlornly to the hope that something may happen to restore their power, but we can assure them that it is no longer possible. Their days are up and they are destined to complete failure.


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