Today's Message from the Inner Workings of the Earth 5/20/12
Today we find ourselves basked in a great workload, where beings from many different star systems throughout this universe are coming and going and assisting in their own ways make this a smooth transition for this planet and her people. We busy ourselves with pressing matters of the day that often deal with matters concerning tectonic and environmental structures that need to be monitored and need to be constantly adjusted to safeguard all that is precious on this planet. We sometimes journey to the outer surface of this planet to perform tests and to monitor seismic events and the effects they have on the outer surface world throughout your cities.
We have made plans to prepare your outer world for the coming seismic events that could cause a few problems for you. We wish to assist you, our brothers and sisters, when it is deemed an appropriate time for a meeting between our two worlds that share the same planet. We have eagerly anticipated a meeting with your people for quite some time now. We find it surprising to learn how many of your people on the surface world have no idea about our existence. This has been one of the better kept secrets of your civilization. Cover-ups and outright lies have led your people to believe the inner Earth is comprised of nothing but rock and sedimentary layers. This is hardly the truth, as the inner realm of this planet is a place of great expansiveness, beauty, color, sunlight and beings from many different places, not just from this planet.