
Being... Thankful

Submitted by Astara on Thu, 11/28/2013 - 09:36

I am thankful that I can Be thankful without considering a reason to be thankful. Reliance on a reason is confining. I want to be thankful therefore I am thankful. And in some dark spaces that is called for. Therefore neither the outside or even the inside is my director. I am my director.
Not things, circumstance, or emotion. Choice. 12:12
And I am therefore neither the outside or the inside.

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Join us for 29 Days of Expressing Your Inner Child starting November 1st, 2013

Submitted by Rosangel on Wed, 10/30/2013 - 08:42

Join us on Facebook's " The Gratitude Movement" Page for 29 Days of expressing your inner child.

For 29 days we challenge you to be spontaneous... to celebrate your divine inner child by doing things a lil out of the ordinary...

Tap into your inner 5 year old... Make it super fun...

Here are some ideas to help you on your journey!

1) Make a funny drawing of yourself.
2) Scream like a dinosaur in the middle of the street
3) Start laughing uncontrollably just because
4) Start your day with some fun silly movement
5) Share the lions roar
6) Share a video of yourself singing your favorite song.
7) Share the advice your inner child has for the world.
Run as fast as you can
9) be creative
10) Take a "fun break" every 50 mins of work
11) Share funny pics
12) Smile at everyone who passes you...

you get the idea..

Get a "Express Your Inner Child" Journal to record this precious month and lets celebrate the month of November in Thanksgiving and with gratitude for our inner child.

Join us on Facebook's " The Gratitude Movement" Page for 29 Days of expressing your inner child.

Thank you for allowing me to share...


RA lil wolf Perez "La Shamanessa"

Host & Creator of Radio Show Cafecito Break

Founder ~ The Gratitude Movement

Sister Partner ~

Pallas Athena: I Take You Close To My Chest and Heart and Comfort You In Your Uncertainty ~ Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 05/20/2013 - 17:16


PallasAthena.www.mlahanas.dePallas Athena:


Greetings, I am Pallas Athena, warrior of truth, loving presence and protector of all mankind. I come to bring you good tidings and words of joy and assistance. For yours is not an easy task but a monumental one, and it is time to light up all corners of the earth in preparation of true ascension for all.

I am a seeker of truth, a purveyor of truth and a guiding light for your journey here on Mother Earth. Many of you do not know me, but I stand in waiting for your call for assistance. And you shall have it, dear ones, upon the asking.

Come into my energy, bring forth my energy, when you are uncertain of your path, when you are uncertain of your truth, for you shall have it with just a request and an intention to be fully aligned with the truth and with all-pervading love.

I see you struggling with the onslaught of energy of late, kind of like reeds bending in the wind. However, just like the reeds which eventually stand up tall and unyielding following and in spite of the barrage, you shall recover too as you accept the flood of energy and light designed only for your benefit. Just like a flower who accepts the sunlight with gratitude, you are accepting the energy from SOL (the sun) with equal gratitude and even relief, for with that avalanche of Truth and Light comes Freedom and you are all in line for it.

Here's to Gratitude Womb Love: Mother Womb Mantra

Submitted by Rosangel on Mon, 05/06/2013 - 11:19

I have been contemplating my womb, mother earths womb, and all wombs all over the world.

Why?  Because in most of our cultures, we don't revere, uphold, respect, honor, or pray to our wombs...   And the more this sinks into me, the more I ask myself, Why?

We all came from the womb.... It is our first home.  Yet, when I honestly ask myself what are the first adjectives I used in reference to my womb, it would be shame, suppression, hatred, & confusion.

I learned shame from my first religion.
I learned shame from culture & familia.
I learned shame from society and from the stories that were handed down to me.
I learned to look at my monthly cycle with shame from mainstream societies cruel jokes about our sacred menses, for example.
I started to hate my cycle and looked for ways to control it.
I learned suppression of my womb from so many examples around me. And as a result, I shut down and suppressed the essence of my true wisdom and power.
I now release confusion and allow forgiveness to enter me and move through me. I know now that many of the things that I learned or have been exposed to are not true. For this I am grateful.

My womb is home. It is my foundation. My womb is the heart of my power, my wisdom, and my strength. My womb is to be upholded, revered, respected, prayed for, and loved. And this womb loving starts with me and not any expectation that someone else has to do it for me.  This womb loving starts with you.  This womb loving starts with us.  It is time for this shift. Now now now...  ;-) I lovingly invite you to join us over on The Gratitude Movement on Facebook and share in the co-creation of womb love, healing, and empowerment.

Here's the womb love.  Here's to womb truth. 

Natural State of Ascension Acceleration Now

Submitted by reneesnider on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 13:44


LOTS of changes in the physical and in the non-physical of our very personal Selves.  Heads are foggy and floating.  Out of alignment things Gaia continually is rearranging and aligning (with Great JOY) with her new platform and octave.  The Sun sending always sending in massive amounts of energies with loving spectacular seeming random displays of brilliant bursts of Light, each with a special sacred Fire Code of Enlightenment for all.  Balance...difficult at best at this time as we are being taken apart, rewired, upgrade and there is no putting back...this is continual!  We are like learning how to tap dance, chew gum, sing opera, listen to mathematical problem solving, while keeping an eye on an illusionary solid object!  We are quite amazing!


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