
Diamond Heart Chakra Cleanse Class

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Wed, 11/13/2013 - 18:49

We are holding our innovative Diamond Heart Essence Training which will cleanse the Advanced Chakra Grid on the 3rd, 4th and 5th levels of dimension on Thursday November 14, 2013 at 5 PM PST.spa-gem

Many are aware of the Hindu system of the 7 chakras that consist of the crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root. These are energy centers that Western medicine does not recognize as real, much like the mythical meridians in Chinese medicine they can’t seem to locate on their modern equipment. However to much of the non-western world, and to many now within it, these energy vortexes and lines are not only real but the proper functioning and balance of them is considered as essential as breathing.

Most healers doing chakra balancing or cleansing typically work on the physical level of the 3rd dimensional body to assist healing. The Diamond Heart Essence uses spiritual Light Diamond technology on the chakras themselves but also for all the joints of the body. Using your own Light Diamonds works on the higher dimensions of the 5th and beyond to actualize those higher frequencies by giving you a new direct pathway to your I AM Presence connecting that essence to your physical body using the etheric body as the bridge.

Samhain Blessings

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Tue, 10/29/2013 - 14:08

Well we’ve reached the end of October, and although this year may not have been what we expected in terms of Ascension and planetary changes, I hope we can all agree that we are not the same person we were at the beginning of the year, let alone the beginning of the season.  Samhain is the time of year when the veil is known to be the thinnest. That is, the world we live in and the spiritual world are at their closest of the year, with the boundaries between the two worlds lowered so that it is more easily accessible. We are also approaching an eclipse that will happen on November 3rd. Eclipses offer a great time for us to tune inward and be aware of ourselves completely. Eclipses, and especially Mercury retrograde, which we are experiencing until November 10th, can cause issues in communication, travel, electronics and more so it is essential for us to stay centered and grounded. They can also be viewed as a symbol of change and rebirth.

Ground Breaking!!! Earthing and the health benefits that are involved

Submitted by azodj on Tue, 10/29/2013 - 00:05

This is so earth shattering that I thought I would share this with all my loved ones!!! Have you heard of earthing??? Well it's an amazing new way to heal yourselves from a lot of different symptoms such as chronic back pain, teeth grinding, snoring, and just simply putting you more at ease in general just by having direct contact to the earth. Here is a beautiful documentary that I think you should all watch and share with everyone!! 

The Ultimate Health, Beauty, Weight loss & Longevity Secret

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Wed, 09/25/2013 - 22:58

The Most Important Healing Videos You will ever see...


Learn How To "PREVENT" & "CURE" All Diseases

Naturally Without Spending Any Money…!!!

And Without Any Side effects…!!!


Everything you need to know about Health, Healing & Prevention of all diseases.


Please Save these links for your future reference.


Please Share & "HEAL" The World ♥ ♥ ♥


1.            The Miracle of Earthing




The 4 Root Cause of All Diseases

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Wed, 09/25/2013 - 22:55

The Most Important Healing Videos You will ever see...


Learn How To "PREVENT" & "CURE" All Diseases

Naturally Without Spending Any Money…!!!

And Without Any Side effects…!!!


Everything you need to know about Health, Healing & Prevention of all diseases.


Please Save these links for your future reference.


Please Share & "HEAL" The World ♥ ♥ ♥


1.            The Miracle of Earthing




The new Meditation Vibrations CD is out now!

Submitted by meditationvibrations on Tue, 09/24/2013 - 12:26

Listen to it here!

Latest unsolicited testimonials about Meditation Vibrations' Energy Alignment Music:

”OMG!  Is all I have got to say about your music right now!  I am listening to it right now and the vibrations that are moving in and through me are incredible!!  I am receiving a DEEP complete transformative healing right now as I type!   Thank you for sharing this amazing gift!   Beautiful music!  Beautiful energy!”

- Carol Longacre

"I've listened to the meditation cd several times and it is absolutely stunning. I am blown away - such depth, such beauty. Thank you for sharing this rich gift with me. Seriously, stunning."

-Tai of http://www.swordandlotus.com/

Listen to it here!

Blessings to you all.


How To PREVENT & CURE All Diseases

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Tue, 09/24/2013 - 07:23

The Most Important Healing Videos You will ever see...


Learn How To "PREVENT" & "CURE" All Diseases

Naturally Without Spending Any Money…!!!

And Without Any Side effects…!!!


Everything you need to know about Health, Healing & Prevention of all diseases.


Please Save these links for your future reference.


Please Share & "HEAL" The World ♥ ♥ ♥


1.            The Miracle of Earthing




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