Heart Center

Maya, Goddess of Illusion

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 05/10/2014 - 07:57

In Vedic philosophy, Maya is the Goddess of Illusion. Maya means the illusion from a limited consciousness, or the absence of Wisdom. One who knows life only through the physical and mental aspects, and has become enmeshed in the illusion…the covering of the true Self.

Maya is not real, since it disappears on the dawn of Wisdom. Maya is the veil that each person must remove before she or he can see behind it ro the Creator of All Life.

Ponder: Maya originally meant wisdom in the earlier languages of many cultures, but its meaning has transformed over the years to mean "illusion."

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Wisdom Incarnates All

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sun, 05/04/2014 - 08:08

We each have been incarnated by Wisdom, God-dess. She infuses All Life, and lives as each and every life form: humans, animals, plants, water, earth, planets, etc. It is Her Heart that supplies the energy to All Creation. It is Her Breath that fills our lungs with sweet air and breathes us. It is Her Awareness and Creativity that pulsates through our cells and Her Dream that we live in. If we look to Nature and equally honor all It encompasses - be it the peaceful or wild and wonderful expressions of Her Being - we will have a greater respect for the rest of our family...all creation.

When we erroneously remove Wisdom/Sophia from Nature, we can easily abuse and say we have domination over It.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

The Dark Mother and Her Power of Transformation

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 16:53

Each person must eventually come face to Face with the Dark Mother. She is the fierce devouring energy that unravels us so we can heal and become whole once again. She is the complementary balance to Light – the pure rich darkness from which we are nurtured and birthed.

When organized religion took away the The Dark Mother, they took away our connection to Nature, the cycles of seasons and the moon, death and rebirth…. When this happened, we no longer knew how to deal with aging, death, change, or transformation. People became confused about how life worked.

The patriarchy demonized and distorted the Black Mother because of her power of transformation – transformation through darkness. The patriarchal God is solely of Light – the only "darkness" you see is when he loses his temper and throws lightning bolts of condemnation and judgement – you know, the ominous wrath of God stuff (very similar to the Greek God Zeus). The Black Mother's nurturing was removed when the patriarchal version of God was promoted. Church Fathers maligned Darkness and contorted Her gift of transformation to suit "The Devil," thereby creating a sanitized God.

Lady Nada and Mother Mary: You Have Arrived at a New Pinnacle of Holding Love and Compassion and Grace Within You and Without You – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – Received February 23, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 02/23/2014 - 21:50

Lady Nada and Mother Mary: 


Greetings, Beloveds. We, Lady Nada and Mother Mary, come together today to express our deep love and abidance to all of Humanity and especially those of you who are ready to tune in and hear our deep message of Love.

Together we join our light signatures to complete a circle of divine Love and Compassion extended out to all of you. We hold it deep in our Hearts and share it willingly and freely with all who wish to accept it and ground it into their very Beings and to enhance their Hearts with pure Divine Love and Compassion.

Yeshua ~ Your Progress is Magnificent! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 12, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 11/12/2012 - 21:01

Yeshua ~ Your Progress is Magnificent! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ November 12, 2012


Greetings, beautiful Beings of Light.

I come before you today to bring you such joyful tidings. Much has happened in your World that is not quite visible to the eye but many are feeling it in their hearts.

We of the Company of Heaven commend you for your wonderful meditations during the 11-11 portal opening and we implore you to keep up with it. So much has transpired, you would be astounded.

You are getting a glimpse of your immense power, dear beloveds, and what you have been able to accomplish thus far will take you even further with each passing day as you tap further into the recesses of your I AM Presence.

Now is the time to keep up the momentum and focus your energies using all you have learned as precedent. Many of you are getting acquainted with your abilities to transcend the reaches of your consciousness to include your fellow beings without being pulled down into the lower dimensions. You are lifting yourselves and others and are remaining longer in the higher dimensions and higher consciousness.

Mother Earth thanks you for your efforts to bring her safely into the higher realms and is soaring with you into the higher realms and is settling now into the higher frequencies.

Some adjustment must be made for you to accommodate the influx of intense Light and so you may find yourself still clearing old patterns and old vestiges of your former life in duality. Shake it off as Earth continues to do, and feed it with the newfound Light for its further transmutation.

Is this dream about disclosure?

Submitted by Rosangel on Thu, 08/16/2012 - 05:37

Is this dream about disclosure? 


Date of dream: this morning

Location: lowereast side, nyc

Time: around 10pm Summer evening


  It was about 10 pm. I was with my friend and her kids at a restaurant.  A friend I haven't seen in a long time shows up. We talk, have dinner and catch up.    

We were walking out of the restaurant onto the streets.  All of a sudden there is a gasp in the crowd around us. Everyone is looking at the sky seeing a huge image of a face flashing different colors and lights. The funny thing is that this image was also present and live on my iPhone, which tells me it was probably live on all video/tv screens.  I began running home to my mom.  I get to my mothers and everyone that is there is moving around so fast.  (I believe my father was there somewhere in the background. My dad is on the other side of the veil) I am rushing around trying to figure out what to gather and I see that my mom and family have already started gathering some items like clothes, food, and water. 


Fran Zepeda - Sananda - On Your Way Home - May 16, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 23:57

Sananda ~ On Your Way Home ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 16, 2012

Dear beloveds, Ascension is becoming a much more palpable reality. It is becoming clearer that you are in the throes of it whether you realize it fully or not. Whether you understand it or not, it is something that is becoming more and more real to you.


However, of course, you must still be aware that it is your choice, but once you have made that choice, there is no turning back and the changes will become more and more apparent as time goes on.


You Lightworkers are more aware of all this, of course, and as you sift through the changes, you are better able to help others who haven’t a clue what is happening to them, regardless of the fact that they made the choice long ago to embark on this journey and now it is upon them to get on the train or not.


It is the subject of those who are not aware of their mission that I would like to address today, and I speak to those who are aware enough to help them. This is what you have prepared for. As you encounter all the changes that you are undergoing, this puts you in a much better position to help others awaken. You can speak from experience and knowledge that is intrinsic and therefore believable to them. They trust you and so they can relate your experiences to their own and bring light to what they may not be aware of but is just below the surface.


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Shine Your Light ~ May 8, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 19:41

Sananda ~ Shine Your Light ~ May 8, 2012




Your world is changing dear ones. You are changing. Your world is transforming, heart-by-heart, soul-by-soul, due to the light penetration equaling no other at any other time in the history of duality. Mark my words, dear ones.


Let us look at what has transpired. Many souls have made the leap of faith and love into the “wild blue yonder”, as they say. That is a saying, but it has credence for what is transpiring, for many sayings have their roots in Truths. It is your choice whether you see it as wild or yonder, or even blue, for that matter; however, this merely points out that a huge opening is occurring and you are seeing things as you have never seen them before.


Chasms are occurring in your thinking and rationalizations, and many things have new meaning for you. Take a moment in the day; rather, take many moments in the day, if you will, to examine all the things you hold as truths. Run each through your Heart Center and see when it comes out how much credence it has. You will have many, many opportunities to examine these so-called truths that you once held so dear, in the coming days.


I don’t have to tell you that things sometimes look topsy-turvy like “Alice through the Looking Glass”. You will be tested again and again with many beliefs and concepts you once held true. The important thing is to run them through your heart. That is the true “litmus test”, if you will.


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