Higher Self

The Higher and Lower Self

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 09:09

Now what is the lower self, what is known as the lower self is the "state" you carry around, everywhere you go. Simply put, it is you, yourself, your temple, the body in which you are in and can make things, have choices, as cleaning, talking, having conversations, driving a car, meeting people, going into situations for work, working for an income so you can live if needed, going to parties, interacting with nature, thinking and thoughts that come about from the ego and other people telepathy etc... lighter thoughts and ways of thinking are forms of ego in transmutation to a higher consciousness (Interacting with nature as example)... basically the two brain hemispheres are the driving force between how are lives are being conveyed Lightly or with pressure and disorganization up to our lives being lived in and out, in body and out. The Lower self has an awareness a consciousness a view point. To sum it up the lower self is you (Being).

The deeper level of our subconscious minds

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 04/04/2014 - 19:02

This is from Patricia under hypnosis working at the subconscious level with Dolores Cannon ( I am sharing for informational purposes and know that this is good information by which reading it can come in handy for not only the future, but the now. )

The aliens are able to break down the molecular structure of the body so it can pass trough solid objects. It is common for the person to pass trough the walls or ceiling of their room.

Patricia: Yes, they have to change me so I go Trough the walls.

Dolores: Does it happen when your asleep?

Patricia: Yes, sometimes they've taken me out of my car. Because when I'm in my car, I'm in a different state of consciousness. And sometimes I'm thinking about other things and they can come in and get me. I can still be driving the car, and yet they can work on my body.

Dolores: Without any danger of having a wreck or anything like that.

Patricia: No, no, no. It's my conscious mind that is doing something else, and they can come in and affect my body because I'm hooked up to the computer. ( This would be from the conscious ships that we don't all see maybe because they are on a different frequency level inter-dimensionally, and while astral traveling we can come in contact with them. )

Dolores: When they take you out of your bed, is the physical body taken on board the craft?

Patricia: I need to ask them. (Long pause) The only thing that I'm getting is that they're taking me physically. I look back in my bed and it looks like I see something there, But I'm not there. It's like I see a shell, but I'm not there. It's like a piece of energy there, but I'm not in the bed. ( ...So this would be her in astral body, viewing down on the bed her physical body but interpreting her seeing the body as illogical because she is up above. )

Dolores: But they do this and you don't remember anything about it.

Patricia: No, no, they've never told me.

Mother Mary: You Are Spreading Your Divine Love Wherever You Are – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 31, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 23:29

Mother Mary (Received March 31, 2014):


Hello my sweet, dear ones. I come to you now in a Divine Breath: A divine knowing of who you are….A divine imprint of your True Being. We are one. We are eternal together. We are the Love and the Light together. We are immense and deep in our connection.


Mother Mary: You Have Lifted the Limits of Perpetuity – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – March 17, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 03/18/2014 - 00:11

Mother-Mary-213x300Mother Mary:


Hello sweet ones. I come today to give you encouragement and enlightenment as you stand right now in your journey. You are by no doubt encapsulating and experiencing the tremendous influx of light of a new quality that you have not experienced before. This is because, my dear ones, you are encompassing the Christ Light Consciousness more and more within your energy fields and you are coming more and more online with your divine essence and purpose.

Diamond Heart Essence Training ~ March 11th, 2014

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Thu, 03/06/2014 - 19:14

Walking Terra Christa New Earth Academy of Mastery is offering this amazing modality which assists individuals in accessing their I AM Presence and activating their higher essence on a daily basis.  This modality was previously given in a private session with a Chakra Balancing Alignment.  We found in 2013 that we could form a group class to assist individuals to receive this amazing attunement at a much lower price than before.  Not only that, we elevated the essence of the Diamond Heart Essence with Divine Light Language Codes that activate the diamonds within each person.

To make the DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm process easier, what we have now chosen to do is hold a group healing training session to begin the process of clearing the chakra system of anyone attending. We will bring forth the assistance of multiple shamanic and intergalactic healers to act in concert with us. This will set the foundation for the clearing that may need to be done on the individual basis as the Light Diamonds are installed.

The format of the new DIAMOND HEART ESSENCEsm TRAINING course will therefore consist of a combined Group Tele-Conference Session (approximately 1 hour in duration) to be followed by a scheduled Individual Session (approximately 25 minutes in duration) to finalize the clearing and install the Light Diamonds.

2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY - The New Earth Frequency Update

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 14:59

Planetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.

With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.

It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

The number “14” represents our karmic rebirth.  This is the year in which we are “righting” all our past deeds and in doing so, we are receiving the Divine Dispensation from our Higher Essence to be manifested within our world.  The keywords for this year represent, “harmony, balance, temperance, and prudence”.  It is a year in which elements will come into alignment to allow for the true manifestation of our heart’s desire from our highest consciousness into a physical reality.

Co-Creating At Its Best (Annex Journals)

Submitted by Annex Journals on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 12:52

                           Good afternoon, it is nice to have an opportunity to visit to discuss many things that which are used for the purpose of co-creating. now what ? We can feel within your vibration there are things in which you are indecisive about. the first being is the direction in which your path is leading you towards. we would like to tell you that it is not your concern to worry so much about the details of your travels. you hold a lot of anxiety about the things you want to do. so much so that you are keeping yourself from actually doing them you see. you say, "well … there is not enough time to get done the things i need to get done" and we say that there is no getting it done. And there is no time. not in the way that you think of it anyway. this is a pulsating universe that is always expanding and we would like to tell you that there is always something new to do. Always something new to experience. you are not able to get anything done because you will always be in a state of wanting. you will experience moments of satisfaction; however you will always keep wanting.

The Acceleration of Human Consciousness-Dec 2013 with Master Einstein

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 11/22/2013 - 16:53

Due to the influx of energies within Gaia which started on the 23rd of November with the Uranus Pluto Square configuration and the Comet ISON, we have been asked to share two special messages from Spirit on this subject.  It is being shared in two parts.

(1) Lord Bear of the Great Bear System shared the Galactic perspective,; (2) this message from Master Albert Einstein of the Unified Whole assists lightworkers to understand what their role is by holding this light frequency and helping the rest of humanity to accept the changes that some individuals may be facing.

We are honored and blessed to be able to share the perspective of both the Mastery level and the Galactic energies.  To see the Galactic message from Lord of the Great Bear, please click the link, The Galactic Surge of Light within Gaia, http://walkingterrachrista.com/channeling-2/galactic-surge-light-gaia/.

It is my pleasure to be with you in this moment.  We bring forth the energies of the 144th dimension in this writing.  Please breathe deeply, call upon your Higher Essence to fully be with you so that you work with the information from your Higher Mind and not the Lower Self.

Thank you, I Am Master Einstein.

Top Ten Ascension Symptom Remedies

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Sat, 09/28/2013 - 18:06

There are so many that have questions on what they are feeling.

+Physical Anomalies/Sensations in specific areas
+Feeling Dizzy/Spacy/Unsteady
+Diet Strangeness/Foods that worked before don’t all of a sudden
+Over Fatigued/Over Energized
+Mental Lapse of Recall/ Deja vu flashes

All of these are totally unexplained as to the root cause by medical professionals if you go see them (yes it is always advised to check in with them first so the establishment does not feel left out…we do not offer any medical advice ever so you must see them to get that.)

Why this is happening is because the human body is taking in more light frequencies. Think of it as growing pains when you were young. Everything has to shift and make room. Often this means that what is there must go. Here are the top 10 things we advise:

1. If you are not already doing so, remove artificial and chemical food/drink. Your body can no longer handle them like it did. Simpler and purer does better now.

2. Drink much more clean water daily. This can go beyond the good ole 8 glasses a day up to a gallon. But ease into it as your body adjust, don’t just go and force drink a gallon. In general most folks are dehydrated anyway so more will help.

3. Go for gentle remedies, over the counter and pharma solutions are getting too harsh. Use homeopathy, natural herbs for teas or extracts. Extracts that have no or little alcohol are better. Use Caster Oil for muscle and body pain, coconut oil, use Arnica,

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