
Take Back Your Power- Smart Meters, Look what your Goverment is doing!

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Fri, 08/16/2013 - 04:59

What’s the Big Deal?

Homeowners, experts, doctors, local governments, environmentalists and health organizations around the world are saying NO to “smart” meters, which are quietly being installed on every home and business worldwide – without disclosure of the risks and the violations of rights

Smart Meter and Smart Grid Key Issues


All Darkness, all Counter Acting, All Apposing the light and Ascension is in the Process of being Eradicated from the Infinite, Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, Humanity, Minerals, Elementals, Angelic Realm, Multi Dimensional Time and Spa

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 09:10

All Darkness, all Counter Acting, All Apposing the light and Ascension is in the Process of being Eradicated from the Infinite, Cosmos, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, Humanity, Minerals, Elementals, Angelic Realm, Multi Dimensional Time and Space known, and unknown, All Matrix's, all Crystalline Grids!

This has been set in motion from the "Infinite Supreme Mother/Father Creator of all that is", assistance from Federated Galactic, and the Company of Heaven.



Copyright © LynMarie8. Gives permission to freely copy and share this message. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. 


Awakening can not be bought or sold

Submitted by reneesnider on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 17:32

From the Creator Group consciousness melding with the high Hue-man!

Truth in Light - Light Transmission

Spirituality does not need to be "sold", it is innate from within each of us. Filter all through your heart dear ones. We each are students and teachers changing roles in every moment. No One has the key except you within. Karma - is part of the earth experiment and the news is, the experiment is over as soon as one can conceive it and move into love.

auric colorsMastering the four lower bodies (emotional, mental, physical, etheric)  is our journey and connecting within to our expanded self. As this happens we move out of law of attraction (although the like attracts like remains) but we move into resonance of Being. This is a state where we don't need to run the gambit to learn to manifest...we are already doing that at every moment., When we align with our higher aspects,  we give love and receive love fluidly. Karma was part of the path of lesson with the Earth Experiment. This is over...and it is shifting for each of us incrementally with increase awareness, understanding and adapting to our ever increasing energies, new DNA activations that effect how we view our world, our existence, how we relate to all things.

Love then is the centrifugal energy of cycling love in and out. Karma is no longer the path as lesson is balance, we expand our consciousness to move BACK to what we have always been, a being of Light. An innate sentient being, a reflection of the Light of Source Creator.

Part 2 of 2 Portal Opened and Anchoring of New 144 Harmonic Universe tones, Frequency’s Vibrations & 144 Color spectrum tones, Frequency’s Vibrations , 144 Sacred Geometry. .

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 16:24

Part 2 of 2  Portal Opened and Anchoring of New 144 Harmonic Universe tones, Frequency’s Vibrations & 144 Color spectrum tones, Frequency’s Vibrations , 144 Sacred Geometry. .

Anchoring in the I AM of the Supreme Mother Father Creator of all that is. Bring in New Harmonics, color, Frequency's of this Love.

Assistants of the masters of the 7 Rays to bring in the violet flame to transmute discordant energy, dense energy, low frequency and vibrations of the 4 bodies of Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:  Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional bodies.

Clearing of the 4 bodies of Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:  Mental, physical, spiritual, emotional bodies with Platinum Rays, Diamond Rays, Crystal Rays, - These Rays will purify cell memory banks, as well as purify all impurities from all 4 bodies

Activations of all energy wheels, and 330 energy chakras systems in Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, humanity, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations:

New connection established with these 4 bodies as listed above bring in higher spectrums of light, sound, color frequency's and vibrations of 144, this will start to bring things back into the original state of perfection.

All the work was done today at the Patricia Cota- Robles event in MN was connected also anchored in today for humanity, Gaia, planetary, solar, galaxy, universal, cosmos, angelic realm, elementals, animal kingdom, all of God Creations through all Crystalline grids, meridians, lay lines as above as below. Assistances by Mother Mary and Jesus holding space and sending this work for all to receive.


Blessings and Love to all with Gratitude for all help today.




Channeled Message and Healing from the Council of Light.

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sun, 06/23/2013 - 06:35

Channeled Message and Healing from the Council of Light.

Clearing abundance and pain and suffering and more it's a little over 1hr long.  You need to choose and accept work done to receive it.

This was recorded live on June 21, 2013

All information and recordings are rights of LynMarie8 and  2013 copyrights. You may share with all contents and by LynMarie8 and can be reposted with full acknowledgement of channeling.



Portal Opened and Reconnection to “The Divine Supreme creator of all that is” & All Divine Supreme Abundances, Inheritances, Pro

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Sun, 06/02/2013 - 10:21

Portal Opened and Reconnection to “The Divine Supreme creator of all that is” & All Divine Supreme Abundances, Inheritances, Prosperity, Wisdom, knowledge, Wealth, Spiritual gifts for All to Receive.

Reconnection of Diamond Core God Cell of Sub- Universe

Reconnections of Higher frequency patterns of Divine Blue Prints,

Reconnections to Divine Adamantine Particles of Divine light of living energy and dispensed out for each and every individual’s divine Blue Print.

Reconnection to empowering first of discernment and truth, inter truth, With full  comprehension understand, communication  of this.

Reconnection to Tranquility of :  Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy, Planetary, solar, Gaia, Humanity As Above, As Below.

Reconnection to the diamond Core God cell of Self

Reconnections Higher frequency to balance, harmonize, vibrational patterns and facets for Divine self and Sacred Heart Core of Divine Blue Print.

Reconnection to the infinite Creation of all that is of “The Divine Supreme creator of all that is”

Reconnection to Power Source of Creations to the Supreme Creator of all that is.

Recalibrations to Magnetics and Magnetic Fields

This connection will recalibrate you to and anything and everything from Gaia- to the Cosmos as above as below, Animal kingdom, All of Supreme Creations as above as below, Angelic Realm, All beings, Multi-dimensional beings and more.

Release of all residual, imbalances frequency, patterns, from the 3D- 12D

Release of pain and suffering, limiting, separation, obstacles, lack of, dissolves all old programing, patterns, Propensity, dogma, dogmatic

Need to Choose and accept this we all have free will, and live a life of Thankfulness and Gratitude – It has been sent to all.

Portal Opened and Reconnection of Divine Flow, Divine Abundance, Divine Giving and Receiving , Divine Currency, Divine Creation!

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Wed, 05/29/2013 - 20:47

Portal Opened and Reconnections of All Infinite Divine, New Calibrations and Frequency and Vibrations:

Divine Flow, Divine Abundance, Divine Giving and Receiving , Divine Currency, Divine Creation, Divine Creativity, Creation of Life, Divine possibilities, Divine Truth, divine Trust, Divine Perception, Divine, tranquility, Divine Peace, Divine synchronicity, Divine prosperity, Divine Resolution, Divine High Consciousness, Divine abundance Divine Infinite possibilities, divine manifestations, Divine famine Old and New, Divine Masculine Old and New, Divine unity, Divine Consciousness, unconsciousness, sub-consciousness, divine Wisdom , divine knowledge, divine wholeness, Divine Web of Creation, Divine gifts and abilities, Divine Artistry, Divine Beauty, divine Elementals, Divine Creation, Divine Giving and Receiving, Divine Intelligent’s, Divine Cornucopia, Divine Dictionary from A-Z and infinity, Divine Whishes, Divine Angelic Realm, Divine Tone, Divine Harmonics, Divine Harmony, Divine Heart, Divine Sacred Geometry, Divine sings and symbols, Divine Reasoning, Divine Healing, Divine Star Gates, Divine Hopes and Dreams, Divine get together, Divine One Wholeness, Divine Unity.

All Connections to and through all crystalline grids, for Cosmo, Galaxy, Universe, Planetary, Solar, Gaia, through all time and space, all dimensions unknown and known, angelic Realm, Animal kingdom, Divine Animal Kingdom, Elementals, elementals of  earth, water, fire wind air, all of gods creations, As above As Below.


 This work  was done with the assistants of my:  Soul Team, Team of Guides, Ascended Masters, Jesus, St. Germain, Ariel, Archangel Michael, Lord Ashtar, Mother Mary, Blue Rays, Cherubs

Enjoy New Divine Energies – of Age of Aquarius!




Crystalline Tree of Life fully reconnected and Activated for All.

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Tue, 05/07/2013 - 12:29

Crystalline Tree of Life fully reconnected and Activated for All.

With the Help of Keepers of Life the Crystalline tree of Life was Cleared of Karma, Disconnection, past missuses and abuse of.

It has been fully reconnected to Crystalline grids of Cosmos, Universe, Galaxy, planetary, solar and Earth as well as all lay lines Zero Point Energy as above and below and unified with Universal Harmonics 1-5

Enjoy the new Energy to Manifest in!

Blessings to all


Portal Opened for Release and Transmutation and Recycle of Dark energy to be converted into Love and Light.

Submitted by lynmarie8 on Fri, 04/19/2013 - 09:53

Portal Opened for Release and Transmutation and Recycle of Dark energy to be converted into Love and Light.

Use of White Cubes to transmute old past, dark energy, healing for Cosmos, Galaxy,  Universe, solar system, planetary system, Sacred sites,  Humanity,  All have received a white cube to transmute this energy. Time in white cubes all is on its own time line. These White cubes created to help process and clean up what’s left of Dark Energy.  The time inside the white cube all depends on how much dark energy needs to be transmuted from the past so it can be healed.

Enjoy the Healing

Love and Light


4-18-13 TRUTH IN LIGHT – From the Heart of God and Company of Heaven to all in this NOW moment

Submitted by reneesnider on Thu, 04/18/2013 - 11:02

I am remember

In this hours and moments of "battle" with Dark and Light, KNOW the LIGHT OF GOD prevails at all times.  No matter how the outside is shifting, it is within that we must connect to Source, to our Heart, to our Creator and KNOW the LOVE we are.  Despite man to misuse the energy given to them, we must rise to a higher space of vision, truth and consciousness.  Not condemn, hate or move into fear or anger...difficult, challenging, yet possible and imperative.  

As we hold LOVE FOR ALL we raise the potential to move into the realms of love together.  LOVE HEALS EVERYTHING.  LOVE IS GOD.  LOVE BALANCES EVERYTHING.  To evidence this truth, hold the love without wavering.  See all awakening to the Truth of Love all over this beloved planet.  Humanity is on the verge of massive positive change as the final aspects of darkness exhaust their final energies.  We say to ALL beloved beings.  Find your sacred space of most high within your HeartSpace and Be love.  Stand in Light and Truth that Freedom truly is within.  Soon this will be the way on your planet.  Fear is NOT the ruler, only that of the illusion.  The Grand Source and Director of ALL is Love and the foundation is returning to such.  

Hold on to Faith of greatness yet not seen by the eyes yet known by the heart and soul of every being everywhere.  We are ONE.  WE are LOVE conjoining.  
The time is NOW to choose Love over all else. Exhibit the silent power of love from within and radiate to all places, spaces and humanity.  We will walk this walk together now into the new realms of higher living, of living from the heart.

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