Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/4/12
You can count on disclosure of our presence in your world, as this is a very important step towards all the changes for you that we have discussed. Without disclosure taking place, many of these changes could not occur, as our presence is necessary to assist you to facilitate these many changes that in some cases will require greatly advanced technologies than what you currently possess here in your world.
What we can offer you is an entirely new beginning with an entirely new set of rules that will allow everyone of your planet to reap the benefits of a truly modern Galactic society. What you have here today in your world are technologies and a set of rules that are set up to only allow a select few to benefit greatly while so many others toil their lives away working to make all that is possible a reality for these select few. Our plans are to change all of this and implement a new structure that will allow all of you to benefit greatly as you enjoy much more freedom and personal time, away from the drudgery of daily servitude.
The models that we are basing your new system upon have already been implemented in many parts of this universe, and have demonstrated that they are systems that do work and that can allow the members of these societies to prosper greatly in many different ways. Allow us to implement this new structure here in your world, and you will quickly see the benefits manifest for each and every one of you.