
Message from Yeshua ~ Be The Divine That You Are ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~4.8.12

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 18:27

Message from Yeshua ~ Be The Divine That You Are ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~4.8.12


Greetings beloveds. I come before you on the eve of this glorious day, to all those celebrating this day, a time of renewal, but mostly of acknowledging your Divine Self. This has been a day of rejoicing, in preparation of greater things to come. Love abounds. The significance of today is not just of resurrection of one being, but of a new beginning for all.


Take a moment now to ponder your essence, your True Self, dear ones, which is Divinity. Yes, each and every one of you is Divinity. Some of you are not in complete awareness of this fact; some of you are only allowing the awareness of it to bubble up occasionally from your consciousness. In whatever way you may want to look at it, through whatever eyes you may want to look at it, it is your True Essence.


More and more of you are beginning to grasp the complete weight of it, beginning to dance to the full chords of its celestial song. Your Soul Song is harmonizing quite well now with others’ Soul Songs, and what a beautiful symphony you are creating. Behold the wonders that the notes are creating in your outer world, dear ones, my comrades of Peace and Love. What a joy you are to behold!


Embrace the Joy that is bubbling up more and more from your depths, from your consciousness, as you dip into the Reality you are creating. “The Wonders never cease”, as they say. You are not letting it. You are creating more and more Miracles as you try out your wings and your powers of Creation.


You are on the precipice of many more Wonders, and all will see the effects before much time has passed. And time is relative, as you know, so consider it a done deal, as it really is, for you are just to reveal the effects of its manifestation as you uncover the Truth.


Message from Yeshua ~ Be Expansive! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.3.12

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/03/2012 - 23:32

Many of you are entering a phase where thought patterns are undergoing a shift. There is a shift from ego-based thoughts to heart-based thoughts.  There is a subtle shift in perception in many. It is like trying on a new set of clothes, in a new style. It may feel a little awkward and scratchy at first, but as time goes on, it feels more normal. Wear this new set of clothing, this new set of attitudes, lightly and with grace. You do not need to worry about how it looks. From our perspective, you look magnificent. You are learning how to navigate the switch from linear thinking to multidimensional thought.


With all the changes in your DNA and Light Bodies, nothing is the same, minute to minute. There appears to be no starting point or threshold to base things on anymore. You are flying free, dear ones, and learning to navigate your wings, so to speak. As you leave 3rd dimensional frameworks, the sky is the limit as to what you can create. It will be tempting at times to go back to the old ways of thinking, the old ways of doing things. But try and launch yourselves off from this point and explore the possibilities.


As you spend more time in meditation, allow yourselves to soar into unknown territory. Conjure up new combinations of realities. Mix and match and consider new perspectives in solutions. Expand your brain. Your DNA will go the length with you now. Open up those doors that are being presented to you now and venture to go through them. Be brave. You are all equipped with the blueprints to shatter the parameters of your realities. Meditate on this and take it as a Truth and see where it takes you.


Transcending Limitation: Walking The Highest Path

Submitted by Ryan on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 18:30


Modern science has advanced to where it now can comprehend and show that we are all the exact same energy expressed in various forms. This confirms what consciousness scientists of the past have documented thousands of years ago: we are all unique aspects of the SAME source, which makes us all EQUAL to one another. In fact, it makes us one in the same. Rather than viewing each other as separate, its time to embrace the concept that we are all one. 

So if we are all the same thing, why all the variation, why are we all split up? It is an interesting question that has a simple answer: to experience all thefacets of life, to increase intelligence, and to find our way back to our true-self. Each of us, through our own eyes, has a different perspective of  life, not one is the same. Understand there is no right or wrong way to experience life, rather it is about simply EXPERIENCING, however that may be for you.

Pleiadian Messages 12/14/11

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Wed, 12/14/2011 - 16:01

Now that many avenues and lanes of communication have opened, you have begun to awaken to your possibilities. All that has been promised you and a great deal more is available to you, and with just the right amount of encouragement we feel you will be motivated to go after all your heartfelt desires. Understand that all is choice and that there are many who choose at this time to delay their journey back to the higher realms. This is their decision and we honor the free will choice of each and every individual. All will reach the same destination at some point, and we respect their decision to remain in the lower dimensions to continue their schooling amongst the familiar. You are the ones who have chosen to begin a new and exciting adventure. You are the ones who are showing your desire to pursue expanded lanes of consciousness. The door is open for you. Step through it now confidently and know that there is nothing to fear. We cannot stress enough that today is the day to step away from your fears, your doubts, your reservations, your distrust, and don your new polished armor of courage. You have learned throughout your long journey through duality to distrust strangers, fear the unknown, and shelter yourself with the familiar. Your days existing within the limited confines of duality are over for you now if you so choose this. Is this not what you want? If it is, then step out of the old and into the new with bravery as the day is yours. You have earned all that you are to receive. Think not that you are accepting gifts from a stranger. Know in your hearts dear ones that through all your hardships you have earned all that the Creator now offers you. There are no free rides in this universe, and a free ride is not what you are about to receive. Trust that the universe is a safe and protected sphere for the Creator's children to learn, grow, and to play. You have never been left alone.

Personal Message from my Star Family 12/11/11

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 09:22

Hello old friend, the light has hit the dark in many vital areas over the last days and weeks. We have seen a drastic decline in their weaponry and manpower. We of the light are prevailing and it will be soon that we will be victorious in our long battle with these dark ones. Be prepared to embark on your new journey soon as we will come for you when you least expect us. This is the way it must be for now as the dark still has plans to disrupt the plans for the new Earth. All your dreams remain safely preserved for you and you will soon be reunited with all your old friends and acquaintances. Exciting times are indeed ahead for you and we look so forward to this reunion. Give us the opportunity to prepare for your safe journey and to make final preparations for your arrival. Your homecoming will take place; there is no doubt of this. Prepare for the unexpected. We will see you soon. We are your friends from many years past and we would never let any harm come to you. You are loved and you can count on us to safeguard your well being. We will see you shortly.

Your friends from the stars.


As channeled through Greg Giles

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