
Mythology's Guide to Ascension

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 01/23/2014 - 09:16

The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension
Maurice Turmel PhD


Now available for Free Preview on Goodreads until February 10, 2014:


(Excerpted from Foreword)

    What is this book about?  A group of souls, as physical individuals, come together to learn lessons about life, love and purpose.  They have chosen to do so.  These individuals are set to go through an ascension training program, during which they grow individually and together as an extended family of sorts.  They challenge and support each other through their training process in anticipation of a greater purpose which they had all agreed upon, prior to incarnating.

    In The Voice our characters learn that the human individual’s common enemy is fear.  Fear is the greatest detractor to growth.  It causes humans to retreat.  These characters go through a cleansing process so they can heal all the remaining impediments to their growth by dealing with that fear in all of its forms.  They have chosen to evolve to their full potential and they have chosen this particular set of circumstances in which to do so.

    How was this book written?  As mentioned above, The Voice wrote this book through me.  As my higher self, God speaks through me whenever I open myself and access that part of me which is Source.  The Voice lives inside all of us and is able to surface as we embrace our self and our soul.  The Great Creator is waiting for us to choose our moment of opening and make our individual connection.   

LightWorkers GO Beyond....

Submitted by Sacredfemale30 on Tue, 01/07/2014 - 18:36

~~~~Hands for the Light-

Remove the Darkness

Find Peace within so much LOVE

That is from Self DeEPly Embedded…

Never forget the skies from which you came

Always remember Galactic/Angelic/ other Beings

 of Light are Always with you…..

Gifting us all with Unlimited POTENTIAL…

With Unlimited Consciousness… 

 with the ways to become even greater,  

to become One with All of LIFE—to see the Truth,

to Know our Animal, Plant, Tree,                                                                         

Human, Galactic Friends,…on Every Level….

That even those who say it is Impossible

to Co Exist on Gaia without Harming any Being

Can/is Becoming POSSIBLE….


That those who say that we cannot have a Golden Age-      


 A world of Peace for All Beings everywhere…..

We say we CAN! 

 We lightworkers KNOW….

We see beyond their Illusions, beyond what they see

We see the Abnormality of their Normal ways….

We see the COLORs/LIGHTs/ENERGIES that they cannot quite Comprehend….yet…..

We see the Love coming from the Beings of LIGHT

The Angels, Fairies, Power Animals, Spirit Guides

We see and Know their Presence are Real indeed

WE know that Something BIG is COMING in our Sphere! 


We have to Prepare all who we KNOW...NOW!

Please Spread the LOVE and LIGHT..................




Changing Extreme Weather Patterns

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 16:10

Every where around the world GAIA is receiving extreme weather conditions.

Lord Ashtar with the Ashtar Command gave a special presentation during our retreat in December on how they want to partner with the lightworkers to help heal our Earth while receiving better weather conditions.

We, at Walking Terra Christa, want to share this visualization and announcement as everyone's active participation is essential.

To read more and to listen to the audio portion of our tele-call, please go to our website,

Please share far and wide so that we can work together.  We will be participating in a group tele-call periodically throughout the year so stay tuned to our updates to receive the dates and time.  We hope you will join us.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically in its full entirety with no alteration on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and audio, printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

2014 ~ The Year of GROUNDING UNITY - The New Earth Frequency Update

Submitted by WTC Mel and Mike on Fri, 01/03/2014 - 14:59

Planetary ~ As Shared by Meleriessee

We are now standing within the threshold of 2014.  The year of 2013 represented great changes within each of us and on the planet in various ways.  We experienced high activations through each of the cycles through the months and now we have stepped into a new doorway to Unite our True Self’s with our Physical Reality.  It was the year of “Synchronization”.  Now we take that synchronization and blend into our present experience as we walk as renewed Beings of Light.

With the oncoming energies of 2014, the theme of this New Year represents Walking into Grounding Unity.  This is bringing in the energies of the Oneness Consciousness that we all have been accessing in our thought forms, down into our physical energies, and grounding them into GAIA which is important in the structure of this year in 2014.

It is important to take time to reflect on our recent past experiences to truly measure the power of walking into a new year at any given time.  This year of 2014 there is an alignment occurring for more individuals to understand themselves in a completely and different manner.

The number “14” represents our karmic rebirth.  This is the year in which we are “righting” all our past deeds and in doing so, we are receiving the Divine Dispensation from our Higher Essence to be manifested within our world.  The keywords for this year represent, “harmony, balance, temperance, and prudence”.  It is a year in which elements will come into alignment to allow for the true manifestation of our heart’s desire from our highest consciousness into a physical reality.

The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 12/30/2013 - 05:59

The time has come to launch my book "The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension". This video tells the story of the book's evolution over the past 17 years, and what I've come to recognize as: A Wake Up Call for All of Us. The Voice speaks to us from the Heart, and - Home is Where the Heart Is - Remember?



The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 12/30/2013 - 05:56

The time has come to launch my book "The Voice - A Mythological Guide to Mankind's Ascension". This video tells the story of the book's evolution over the past 17 years, and what I've come to recognize as: A Wake Up Call for All of Us. The Voice speaks to us from the Heart, and - Home is Where the Heart Is - Remember?



Undercover Agent - Secret Agent of Mine

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 10/23/2013 - 10:16

Message to Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers across the planet. Time to show yourselves and deliver the gifts you have been developing as part of your mission. This song is your "Call to Arms"

Undercover Agent
Copyright: Maurice Turmel PhD - Dr Moe - Sept., 2013

Slipping and sliding
Through waves of time
Looking for signals
To show me the line

Where am I going
Why am I here
This roundabout reason is nothing to fear

New Music Video from Dr Moe "Undercover Agent"

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 10/23/2013 - 10:13

Message to Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers across the planet. Time to show yourselves and deliver the gifts you have been developing as part of your mission. This song is your "Call to Arms"

Undercover Agent
Copyright: Maurice Turmel PhD - Dr Moe - Sept., 2013

Slipping and sliding
Through waves of time
Looking for signals
To show me the line

Where am I going
Why am I here
This roundabout reason is nothing to fear

Undercover agent, secret agent of mine
Time to wake up and see the design
Undercover agent, secret agent of mine
It is time - to restore - the Divine

It’s a Maypole Wanderer
Moving across the sky
Looking for love, it seems
Beyond all the lies

Deception galore, we know
Let’s testify
This Maypole Wanderer wears a disguise


PAUSE: "undercover agent, secret agent of mine"

You better wake up now
Secret agent of mine
Time for you to come and see
This house so Divine

Secret agent wanderer
Undercover till now
Step forward please, and come to the prow

Undercover agent, secret agent of mine
Time to wake up and see the design
Undercover agent, secret agent of mine
It is time - to restore - the Divine

END: "undercover agent, secret agent of mine"

Note to Lightworkers, Starseeds and Wayshowers around the Globe:
"Take your place please, Among the many who wait, All poised and ready, To enter Heaven’s gate"


Lightworkers fighting.

Submitted by nathanlow89 on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 12:50

I am still reeling from the aftershocks of an ugly breakup. my deepest wish is to start to get along again and work togeather, but as of yet that is not the case. we had our awakening togeather. i remember having dreams before i met her that i would be involved in somthing like this. i guess i was being given a forshadowing of things to come. togeather in deep love for 3 years, and in an instant it was all over. I have done some pretty "ugly" things out of hurt. and i have learned.  staying centered is very important. 

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:25am, 2013-08-24
hi. id like to come up and get the rest of my stuff/ parents stuff. when is a good time?

From : Jade
Date  : 10:36am, 2013-08-24
Not now not today, and I want the money that's owed to me

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:37am, 2013-08-24
when then?

From : Jade
Date  : 10:38am, 2013-08-24
When you have the money that's owed to me

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:40am, 2013-08-24
it would be a lot easier to help you if you dident stonewall me every chance you got.

From : Jade
Date  : 10:42am, 2013-08-24
I don't trust you, and I just want what's owed to me, and if you go up there without me knowing I will get a restraining order against you

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:43am, 2013-08-24
we dont have to fight but all you want to do is fight.

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:44am, 2013-08-24
im not going to do anything without you being there  .

From : Jade
Date  : 10:44am, 2013-08-24

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:44am, 2013-08-24
so can i come up sometime next week?

From : Jade
Date  : 10:45am, 2013-08-24
Maybe I donno yet, I've been really busy

To   : Jade
Date  : 10:46am, 2013-08-24
me too. please make an effort to work with me you will find it much easier to get along and get help.

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