Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 3/19/12
I hope these readings that we will perform amount to the data we wish to collect in order to better understand the development of the human psyche at this time. We are conducting these readings in order to better understand the human mental processes and their function. Please bear with us as we develop these tests to perform better our tasks of reading your collective, as well as individual, levels of consciousness. We feel this is a very important area in our research to more clearly define your development as a species and as individuals, and we believe we have made great gains in understanding the people of your planet better.
Please be advised that many of you have agreed to participate in these tests, and that we would never invade your privacy without your prior consent. Many of you agreed to these undertakings before your current incarnations as part of your duties as members of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we thank you very much for your cooperation as we continue to read your consciousness levels while you read the messages sent through our channels. We are conducting tests to better our mental and telepathic connections as well, and through these tests we are able to identify areas of strength and of weakness that can be improved upon. Readings indicate the human psyche development is proceeding very well, and we see a day when telepathic communication will become common place between yourselves, and other dimensional beings as well.