
Archangel Michael Speaks to Steve Beckow About Greg Giles' Channeling

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Thu, 01/12/2012 - 14:44



Originally posted by Steve Beckow @ /11/12tt//


In my private reading with Archangel Michael yesterday, I asked him about Greg Giles’ prediction of Disclosure and the dependability of Saul’s discussion of the time of clearing. Here are his comments.


Steve: There was a Galactic Federation message through Greg Giles on the 8th of Jan. that said that Disclosure was happening almost any day. Was that an accurate transmission?

Archangel Michael: Yes, it was an accurate transmission. And understand what is happening is that it is coming forth in bits and pieces and in little ways. So look for Disclosure right now not as one big announcement, one big recognition, for many of the politicians are very involved in their own concerns.

But also know that in many ways, your President … or your American President … Barack Obama, is being regritted (refitted??) and filled up. So you may look to him in the future for more support as well.

S: Alright. That’s good. Lord, Saul said the other day that a lot of people were cycling through negative emotion …

AAM: Yes.

S: … that is being brought up and released. Do you care to comment for our readers about the situation we’re facing right now and what we need to do to meet it, based on what Saul said.

Message from the Pleiadians 1/11/12 ~Divorce proceedings are soon to begin

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 14:07


Divorce proceedings are soon to begin. Many of you will be separating from the illusion that you have been married to for many long years. In any separation there may be those partners who wish for the split, understanding that their lives will prosper now that the partner who was holding them back will fade into their past, and also those within the marriage who want for the relationship to continue just as it is. Your split from the 3D illusion is no different, and it is the illusion who understands they will be losing out, and it is the illusion that today seeks desperately to lull you back into this dysfunctional relationship. It is the wise soul who understands and recognizes when a relationship no longer bears fruit, and it is the strong that are able to make the split and move on.


There will be those who will remain with their abusive partner who drains them of their youth, their joy, and their exuberance for life. These souls are caught in the clutches of a codependent relationship and will have to continue with the experience until they too have learned all they can from it and move on. You are the ones today who seek a separation, and it is this that you shall receive. A new life and a new relationship awaits you, and again, your partner will match perfectly your energetic frequency. This is how your universe has been designed, and these are the parameters you have agreed upon. You will always find the perfect match for yourself.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/10/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Tue, 01/10/2012 - 13:39


The operation is not yet a success. We still have a few more tasks at hand before matters can be considered accomplished. There is the matter of a few more space fighters that must be rounded up, and rounded up they will be very quickly and efficiently in the coming days. The cabal is now down to the bottom of their once filled bag of tricks, and they finally see there is no other choice but surrender. Already, last-minute deals are being bargained for the sale price of leniency and access to a few of their ill-gotten gains. We have them where we want them, and very soon we will be able to go ahead with the long anticipated public announcements of our existence and our purpose here in your world.


The time to celebrate is almost at hand, though this celebration shall be but brief, as there is much work to do and we all must get started on the many varied projects immediately. Returning your governments to constitutional governments of the people, by the people, and for the people is a top priority, and this will also be done quickly and smoothly as we have souls dedicated to the light waiting just off in the wings. It will not take long for one former politician to pack up his or her desk and go home, and many of these corrupt members of your governments are already away from their designated posts, as they have been preparing themselves for their inevitable demise.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/9/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Mon, 01/09/2012 - 14:09

Looking back at what you have done here, we see a miraculous change from humanity's past and humanity today. Your collective journey here has been a journey through awakening, of learning what is important in life and what is not. You have all learned the value of truth, the value of justice, the value of hard work, the value of commitment, the value of honor, the value of love, the value of life.


Before you set sail on this long journey through a soul’s evolutionary path, you may have overlooked some of these virtues as much in the higher realms comes very easily. As beings of great power you easily create what it is you need, what it is you want, and lack for nothing. When you first began your incarnate journey, you may have been quite shocked at how hard you must work for everything you have here. You learned sometimes life isn't fair, and that sometimes no matter how much you want something, it may not always come to you. You learned better the laws of karma, of action and reaction. You learned what it was like to feel separated from all others, from your friends, family, and even your Creator, although this feeling of detachment and separation was merely an illusion, staged to help facilitate your learning process.


We see you now so much greater than you once were before you set out on this journey. We see a wise, seer- like soul when before you may have reflected more a ‘babe in the woods’. Many of you have grown so much and attained such wisdom that soon you will be teachers of other souls who yearn for your knowledge and wisdom. You will have earned your honors at one of the most difficult academic universities in this universe, the planet you call Earth. All will know where it is you have come from, as the earmarks of your pedigree will shine through.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/8/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sun, 01/08/2012 - 11:59

We, the Galactic Federation, have been communicating with you through our channels for quite some time now, and it is necessary to begin making formal announcements of our presence in your skies as a window of opportunity has been opened and we wish to take full advantage of this. These announcements will be sent through your electronic media such as television, radio, and Internet. Please be advised that we expect a number of disturbances to your society, some at the hands of the dark, and some due to fear that is likely to spread upon our introduction.


You have been informed to begin preparing for this inevitability and the time for you to be fully prepared is upon you. Stock your homes now with enough food and supplies to last a number of days or even weeks as it is foreseen that services you have become so accustomed may be temporarily down. Electricity, gas, phone, and food stores are just a sampling of the services our monitoring personnel conclude will be affected. We will immediately begin the stages of operations to restore all necessary services throughout your societies. We have highly trained personnel on standby prepared to fulfill the tasks they have been assigned.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/7/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Sat, 01/07/2012 - 12:58




Understanding better the process which you are now going through requires one to set aside notions of extraterrestrials, agents of the dark cabal, instances of seismic activity, and focus on what it's really all about, which is love. Love is the key. It is love that you have found a way to safeguard in your hearts and soul and it is through love that all things, either mundane or miraculous, are possible. Your ascension into the higher realms is all about the amount of love your race, the human race, has been able to build and has been able to maintain. Everything else involved is a branch of the mighty tree which is love.


The Galactic Federation and the Ashtar Command are here with you yes, but they are not here to issue you your pass into the higher dimensions, they are here in a supporting role to assist you in your time of ascension. Their roles are limited to keeping the cabal and their many minions at bay while you work on the things that will bring you through ascension. They are also in charge of monitoring your Earth systems and keeping in check as much seismic activity as is possible to allow your planet to ascend without severe earthly rumblings. These Galactic alliances are also monitoring many more processes at this time, but what is important to remember is that they are not the overseers of your ascension. The Creator is the overseer, and you are the participants. The Cabal are your antagonists, and the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation are your allies.

Message from the Galactic Federation 1/6/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Fri, 01/06/2012 - 13:03

Life here in the physical world of the 3rd dimension has seen many that have pursued objects of the material, forsaking many ideals and even morals in this blinkered pursuit. As you are preparing yourselves for your homes in the higher realms, many intangible ideas and concepts will move to the forefront of your consciousness. Freedom is one such intangible concept that we now speak of, and it is this concept that has slowly, and at times secretly, and other times quite publicly been stripped away from you, sometimes with your willful consent, other times without.


We wish to restore your true freedom to you and all your inalienable rights you possess as gifts from your Creator. Many of you have never known absolute freedom in any of your previous incarnations though others of you have journeyed here from lands of true freedom to instill this concept into this world’s collective consciousness. Today, you are told what to think, how to behave, how to speak, where to live, yet so many of you falsely believe you are free citizens living in a land of endless opportunity. This is part of the illusion so many of you have fallen for, and many of you will not even be able to see this until your first day of breathing in the fresh air of your new lives released from the shackles that have bound you into lives of indebted servitude.


Message from the Galactic Federation 1/5/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 14:56


There have been periods throughout your lifetimes when things just didn't seem to be working out for you, and then you came full circle and may have come out of it all better for the experience. Such may be where you find yourself today, with so many obstacles that seem at times to fall from the skies and find themselves in your path. Try to look at these bumps in the road as learning experiences, for indeed they are. More of your life than you may be aware of has been carefully planned. This goes for the good times as well as the difficult periods. We say to you to try to find the best way to rise above these obstacles and persevere. Only through your determined efforts will you move on and through these detours along your journey’s path.


Through the many long years you have worn many hats; sinner, saint, victim, predator, robber baron, law man, militia man, and philosopher. All the parts in this theatrical production were co-scripted and performed by you, as only you know what is truly best for your learning and growth, and although there are many others involved in your play, it all comes down to you which act will follow, decided by the choices you make along your way.


Message from the Pleiadians 1/4/12

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 14:28


The Ashtar Command reclamation project is a joint cooperation between the forces of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The goal of this project is to bring back light and freedom of thought and expression to the people of this planet. This project has long been in the planning stages and has also been fully underway for many ages. Today, you stand at the threshold of this elaborate project’s success and you are the forerunners of what can be expected of many more of your brothers and sisters in the days ahead.


Each being in your world today responds and is motivated by unique stimuli and educational tools. We, the Ashtar Command, in cooperation with the Galactic Federation, have carefully mapped out an educational plan to facilitate the most efficient means to a soul's maturation. We are very pleased to report that so many of you have clearly demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and wisdom attained from the lessons that have been offered you. Please allow others that have yet to reap the benefits of these lessons to advance at their own pace, according to their own incarnate blueprint. Have patience with these souls, for they are your brothers and your sisters and as such deserve your love and support. As we have so often said, you have all reached this point together and you shall all move through ascension and into the higher realms together. No one who so chooses will not ascend in the days ahead and we will see to it that all will receive the benefits of our experience and our assistance in this process.


Should We Trust the Galactic Federation?

Submitted by Greg_ Giles on Tue, 01/03/2012 - 19:22



There is an energy sweeping through our world. You feel it and I feel it. It is a transformational wave; uplifting, assuring, nurturing, illuminating, loving and reconnecting. Without the influence of anyone else, we all know, we just ‘know’, these winds of change are divinely sent, and at this moment in our collective journey, a critical necessity. Our God given powers of intuition and self discernment reawakened, we need not be taken by the hand and instructed that it is time for many to leave behind the illusion of fear, darkness, distrust and separation, and return to the frequency of love, light, trust, and unity. Now is the time for us to reconnect with Source, which is everything and every being throughout God’s magnificent creation, the oneness of all.


The awakened soul understands we are not alone and have never been so. Our Creator, Ascended Masters, Angels and guides are with us and have always been with us every step of the way, nurturing us, guiding us, teaching us. Our lesson today is the reconnection. Our return to the one we are, have always been, and always will be. Yet there are those souls incarnate today who choose to distrust and shun our higher dimensional brethren of the Galactic Federation, who are here only through the Creator’s divine decree to assist humanity at this, our most challenging moment throughout our collective journey.


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