29 Days of Gratitude: Appreciating Men, Appreciating The Masculine ~ Starting July 1st, 2013

Submitted by Rosangel on Fri, 06/21/2013 - 21:10

The Gratitude Movement is dedicating the month of July to our beautiful brothers.

We realize that so often, it is the men we leave out or celebrate the least. We also realize that often we have not allowed our brothers a safe space where they can be themselves freely, where they can cry, allow their soft side to express, or simply sit in stillness.

Too often we find ourselves sending low vibrations for those brothers who have taken actions that have hurt us, our earth, women, children, other brothers, and beings. Our special focus and intention is to send love and light to all men all over the world, especially those brothers who are lost or are in places of so much darkness.

Our intention is to love, honor, appreciate men and everything masculine... So please share your gratitude and appreciation here.

Darkness can not drive out darkness. Hate can not drive out hate, but love and gratitude can outshine anything.

Let's lead the way in this mastermind of love and appreciation.

May our brothers feel our love and know that they are appreciated. May our brothers feel our intentions and know we energetically hold them up. May our brothers know that in this sweet gratitude event, they are being held unconditionally within the divine feminine embrace.

(You can do this face to face with a partner or in a group. Speak this aloud and look at the person in the eyes. Set the intention to connect heart to heart )


Submitted by janetairelle on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 19:41

I am in the beginning stages of putting a Galactic Love Tour together. I am looking for contacts in UK, France, Italy, New Zealand, Romania, Japan, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and Romania. Now is the time to call upon each other and work together!!! Please e mail    Janet Airelle


Divine Light transmission to harmonize and integrate the Real You!

Submitted by ryan_just_ryan on Thu, 05/23/2013 - 06:41

Good morning! I am looking forward to a Divine Light party. Come join us in person or stay where you are, no problem. All you have to do is "tune" and receive. Buenos dias ! Estoy feliz de anunciar la fiesta de Luz Divina , unanse con nosotros en persona o desde donde esten , todo lo que deben hacer is relajarse y ser habiertos a recibir Like this post or comment to be added to the list or shoot me an email at Para agregar su nombre a la lista dale me gusta a este post o manda un email a I am very fortunate to be able serve the Source and totally enjoy the opportunity. Soy muy afortunado de servir a La Luz Divina y disfruto estas oportunidades Remember beyond all else that the effects come from you doing this for you. You are connecting with Source via You. So all the benefits should be honored from the Source as gift of harmony. Consider me as a witness at most :-) Recuerden que mas alla de todo los efectos de esta transmission son debido a sus propios esfuerzos . Ustedes mismos se estan conectando con la fuente de esta energia , entonces todos los beneficios deben ser honrados como regalos de esta fuente como un regalo de harmonia . mi trabajo solo es de presenciar estos milagros. Love you all, see you tonight. 7pm-10pm EST los amo a todos , y los veo esta noche ryan

You Do What You Love and Fuck the Rest

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 17:01


So on Sunday I sat down, pulled my cards and laid out a Celtic Cross spread. I got through two cards before I decided that I wasn’t feeling it. Today was a different story. I was sitting on the couch before I had to sign back into work, with my husband’s head in my lap and him stretched out, relaxing. My cards were just on the table right beside me so I picked them up. I shuffled them some and started flipping, only intending to get to know the cards.

Before I knew it, I was sucked into a reading. I’ve described it below.

I should maybe give a little background. I’m leaving my current job in just over a week. After that, I start a new job where I will be working from home. Very excited, this girl is. It’s kind of a scary thing and I am doing my best to work though it. These past few weeks, and especially days I have been working through some major stuff. Today is the first time in a while I’ve really felt at peace. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon in the (hot!) sunshine. I was sweating something fierce but boy did it feel good.

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