There is something that is true about weight loss, acting and fifth dimensional, eternally youthful light beings. It is that an actual, believable transformation must begin on the inside.
All of us are prone to “magical thinking”. We believe that if we put on the cape we can fly, if we lose 20 pounds we will be happier, younger and surrounded by lovers, if we look the part we become the part, and if we somehow end up in another “dimension” that all of our current challenges will vanish.
Real magic happens when you believe you can fly. No one has to tell you the truth of who you are. You know this. It is the power of this illusion that invokes recurring forgetfulness.
One of my children, at about 9 years of age, wrote a comic strip. In the first panel was a boy in a cape, announcing his super flying powers. In the next panel he climbs the roof and jumps off. In the third panel he shouts “See! I’m flying!” It is the next panel where doubt crosses his face and he says, while flying, “I’m flying! I can’t believe it!” In the final panel, he slowly crashes to earth.
This is how we live our lives. Over and over we wish for change and even as it occurs, we doubt it. Actual change occurs gradually and starts within. I am sort of a Queen of Magic. My friends say I have rose colored glasses. I see the best possible scenario most every time. This may be because I’ve had so many chances; this lifetime has been a remedial class for self improvement. I’m getting better at it. It’s always going to be great in my heart.
We are in a sea of waiting, floating along on rafts of hope. We need to jump in and swim in the direction of whatever beach works for us. This drifting is not getting us anywhere.