Ascension Update ~ Riding the Wave of Conscious Dreaming

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Wed, 07/22/2015 - 06:45

Image: “The World of Dreams” ~

Years ago when I did the NLP practitioners course I was able to also do Energy Resourcing,  a technique whereby we learn how to view and access our timeline to connect with ourselves in the various nodules/capsules/spaces in time that have taken place during our current reality (lifetime). I learned then already, some 14 years ago,  that we can take a step back and instead of viewing our time line with our ‘past’ behind us and the ‘future’ in front, we could view our time line as though we are looking at a long ruler stretched out horizontally in front of us. In other words, you are at all times facing your entire time line, with the ‘past’ on the left, the present directly in front of you and the furture to your right.

Since we now know, everything is happening NOW, so there is no past or future, as such. Only this moment of NOW.

We know now that time,  as humans have perceived/ viewed/ understood it, is an illusion to help us gain a certain perspective in our day to day lives.

So I invite you now to take a step back out of linear time and look at your time line stretched out horizontally in front of you as though you were holding a ruler in both hands. Now I’m going to ask you to stretch your imagination even further and imagine several of your timelines stretched out before you. Take your imagination even further still, and imagine countless timelines… Do you see them?

In each and every one of these timelines is a reality of yours! And each one is happening NOW!

Falling In Love with Your Lower Consciousness

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 07/05/2015 - 03:01

Artwork ~ Rainbow Nebula by Madhatter17

One of the best feelings you can ever experience while in your earthly physical body is knowing yourself on all levels of consciousness, and falling in love with every level of your Self as you continue to be elevated even higher.  You begin to communicate even easier within your elevated consciousness as you find yourself being intuitively guided in every aspect of your earthly existence. You may even hear several answers at once, but all of them are in alignment and resonating in love.

You fall in love with your lower Self as you now can clearly see your worth and how beautiful you truly are. You see how difficult your life has been, and how brave and courageous you were during those times. You see what you used to think of as your shortcomings as gifts that have allowed you to know yourself at an even deeper level of understanding. As you feel greater love and compassion for your Self at this lower level of consciousness you begin to appreciate her even more.

You realize now that your lower consciousness has always done her best to love and support you in every way. You realize now that all resistance has come from the shadow aspect of yourself which is the illusion you created so that you could experience duality in this school of learning.

And with this realization you fall even deeper in love with yourself.  You tell her “I love you, I love you, I love you!” and you wrap your arms around her now and hold her in pure love. There are no need for words. Your love is enough. More than enough. It is healing, it is transforming.

The Solstice and Twin Flame Alignments

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/21/2015 - 06:16

Happy Solstice Everyone! Any alignment is a powerful event, but what makes this alignment even more powerful than any other before today is the fact that Twins are more in alignment now than ever before!

The Twin Flame energy is now becoming a real and very tangible energy now on Earth. Now we are literally a beacon of light that is receiving and transmitting high frequency light codes to Planet Earth. You are now the gateways and portals through which energy flows!

I will write more about this in the days to come, but for now I am just going to wish you a HAPPY ALIGNMENT today!

Enjoy the energy and spend as much time as possible in meditation with your Beloved counterpart.

YOU are extremely powerful as your Twin Flame is now ignited to another new level completely. Use your powerful energy to CREATE Beloveds!

Your Love is POWERFUL when you are in complete alignment.

Express this Love within and without today! By expressing this Love you MAGNIFY the effect and become even more powerful when you attract more Love back into yourself. THIS IS CONSCIOUS CREATION!

There is nothing – NO THING – that Love cannot give you!

I wish you a MAGICAL SOLSTICE and PERFECT New Day!

Love love love!


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A Message from My CREATOR, My GREAT I AM ~ Never before have you had such manifesting power!

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Mon, 06/15/2015 - 03:25

Never before have you had such manifesting power at your fingertips.

Never before has it been so easy to create a life of bliss…..or the opposite.

Never before has your manifesting ability been so great.

We have said before that you are a creative being and that you create through your thoughts primarily. Thoughts are the most powerful creatives meaning they create the most powerful creative (manifesting) energy there is.

Literally, you are living (experiencing) your thoughts. You are living your life experience manifested through thought. Your thoughts are shaping your reality, and you can literally change your reality overnight. In fact you can change it within a moment.

As usual, this is your choice, your decision to make. This, and We know your are so tired of hearing these words, but this is your reality, your life and therefore your living experience. Yes, We are in this boat together, but ultimately you are the one with the free will. You can ignore Our guidance. You can listen to the chattering of your ego mind. You can continue to believe you are a victim. Or you can change your attitude.

How much longer will you continue to create a life that you so obviously don’t want?

You can change your attitude by elevating your thoughts. Elevate … lift up…. YES! Lift up your eyes, see yourself as you truly are. Know that YOU are holding all this power now. You and I have never been so close, yet you continue to think of Me as outside of you.

Made a song for this group. Hope you enjoy!

Submitted by Niya on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 03:03

When I first came here a few years ago, under the name Anra. I was a lost child living a nightmare. Had trouble even talking to people online because of Social Anxiety.
Toughened up, and joined your Livechat. Where I met alot of nice people giving me tips on how to deal with it. Aswell as where to look for answers for my obsession with the truth. I thought that If I read the truth somewhere. I'd come to realize what is actually going on around the world. When in reality, I'm living the truth. Love is the truth.

And while all of this was going on, I started to create music. Not trying to create a Hit record or get famous. But get my thoughts and feelings out there.
Dedicated a song to this site because through my learning, I wanted to share the feelings I've been experiencing without trying to explain it with words.

Love you all, and hope you enjoy!

(Also adding a new free track I'm working on, in the hopes I get some feedback ;)



Sunday Musings ~ Life is full of surprises…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 04/19/2015 - 09:39

Beautiful Artwork by Lori Portker

As we go deeper and deeper into our Selves (Love), life is filled with more and more surprises! Dreams become surreal hovering between worlds in which myth is created. I’ve ceased asking myself if what I am dreaming is real or not. Is this dream part of another reality/timeline, or is it my imagination? I am constantly being told that my imagination is real, so who knows. This is the mystery we call life. Michael certainly enjoys keeping me in suspense and I’m not complaining. I’m learning to cease the need of being in control and just allowing myself to go with the flow.

What I know for sure is that these last 2 Eclipses have moved us deeper together in ways that continue to astound me. It seems unreal that just a few years ago I hadn’t the foggiest idea that I am so deeply loved. It just blows my mind thinking about this! This has to be the biggest surprise so far. How do people go live without knowing this kind of love? I cannot go back to before… It would be unconscionable.

I want to tell you that I am living in a world of which dreams are made. My physical circumstances have yet to follow the upward path of my rising consciousness, and it will in due course. In the meantime nothing matters. And I mean that literally. It doesn’t matter because it doesn’t have any substance, it holds no meaning, lest I give it meaning. My life is just another hologram that I can continue to mold, change and recreate as I go along. I can stand outside of the hologram and view it from where I AM and it no longer holds power over me. I know I can change and recreate it at any point in time.

Alchemy for Courage: The Power of Love

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Mon, 03/30/2015 - 11:38

Each of us have fears that drive us, even if we do not acknowledge them. They cause us to avoid situations. They cause us to not speak our truth, to live less than our full potential. It makes for a mixed energy inside that wants to go one direction, our soul's calling and the other direction, the voice of fear. Fear can be a friend. It can be a guidance system. It can also be the ego's voice that holds us back from our greatness.


Time nexus

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 03/17/2015 - 22:10

Time nexus

Flowing freely in abundance, what runs smoothly in our relationships has us wondering how a companion can take care in how we do things together. In simplicity having a human with you has many possible venues in which we can have as interactions none the less expressive experiences, emotional, condensed experiences sometimes, secrecy, allowance, exposure, doubts, conflicts, troubles, love, compassion, expectancy etc... These are all things which can be experienced in a relationship, tough some of them can be used in excess, while others are good some other things can be bad, or good at the same time.

When we are talking about a relationship as a couple, what makes us unique, is how we express ourselves in our togetherness, our experiences... If we are adept to fine tuning the fields which corresponds to some of the written words as compassion, or love, in a way it can traverse some potential links in which it opens us up to venues which were not there before, which is not always good, as we can manipulate, in other words try to control, this is not meant to be... We should be able to be free in all that we choose to do.

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