making choices

Pruning the Non-Resonant Energetic Branches of Life

Submitted by nerdalicious on Sun, 01/26/2014 - 14:47

Look at he well deveoloped ego mind, certain of its correctness!

Greetings Dear ones,

Higher self here, maybe someone else. <grin> What is it that steers you away from your purpose? What is it that you are constantly trying to do but always get pulled away from? Why is that? What are the possible or likely culprits? What are you struggling with all the time or just frequently that you can’t quite get yourself to conquer? This body in its current incarnation is a troubleshooter and technical by nature and has a decent ability to eventually get things right. Perhaps there is a divine plan at work that your ego is battling against. Perhaps your ego really wants to do items A, B and C but can’t quite get there for some reason and this happens all the time? The rest of the alphabet keeps wanting in on the action.

Maybe there are divine influences at work in your subconscious that you are either fighting or denying.  Your ego or behavioral programmed mind keep trying to do certain things but you never quite get there in the timeframe or manner that you originally intended. Maybe you are actually operating in a divine-influenced timeframe that is not linear at all. We all have a menu of life paths to choose from. Some people have more choices than others for varying reasons. We consciously or unconsciously choose  from these on a minute by minute basis. We are after all in a free-will world and this law constantly applies. So what is it that you choose to do now? Is it in your best interest to pursue this path right now? Perhaps you are on a wild goose chase yet again? Maybe you have been on wild goose chases your whole life for more reasons that are not entirely of your own making?

Diamonds are a man's best friend? aka Dream log night of 7/1/13

Submitted by nerdalicious on Tue, 07/02/2013 - 20:38

Greetings lovebots,

Today will be a short update on what on earth is going on in my little piece of heaven. Last night I had a dream that needless to say was a little unnerving. I can only paraphrase it now but here goes:

I remember being outside my apartment looking around for something and it caught my attention that there was a group of thugs with rifles wandering around looking for trouble.  My neighborhood was in some sort of state of upheaval and unrest to understate the obvious. My wife was back at our place. There was something on the ground I needed to get. By the time I got there the thugs had seen me and headed my way. In my pile of things I wanted to get on the ground was a white package and a gun. I grabbed both and basically ran for my place. The thugs chased me all the way back to my apartment. Once there I was able to shut the door and supposedly keep them out. Odd thing was was that there was a sliding door right next to the main door where anybody could just walk on through if they wanted anyways, thus rendering door lock useless.[this may be a future 5d thing, with new tech, who knows?] Anyhow I yell at the thugs to stay away or they are dead men. Then I hear a voice state that I have collected many more diamonds than the last time we had met. I wasn't sure if the voice was from the thugs or some otherworldly dis-embodied voice. I basically awoke at this point, quite a bit shaken; no shots fired or dead/injured people.

I know we're not really supposed to interpret our own dreams, which is why I use third party websites and my own divine intuition. I also had not read any GFP updates today either, which is the kicker for me (more on that later). I won't bore the reader with too much of a interpretation, but I will sum it up as best I can.

Making Right Choices – By Debbie Erasmus

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 14:00

Many are now standing at a crossroads in their life and are faced with making a choice. This can be daunting because how do you know you’re making the right choice? I get asked this question all the time. As human beings we would love to be told which is the ‘right’ choice for us, but in all honesty, there is no wrong or right choice. There is only what works for you and what doesn’t. Know also that you cannot get it wrong! There are lessons and gifts on every road you choose! It’s all about the choosing. You cannot grow and learn unless you choose something that will help you accomplish this growth and learning. As Spiritual beings we have come here to do exactly that ~ grow and learn. This is how we expand our consciousness as Spiritual beings.


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