
The Science of Healing (You can Heal any Disease)

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Sat, 08/04/2012 - 19:31


You can "HEAL" any Disease..!!! "SEE" it to "BELIEVE" it..!!! Startling Scientific discoveries about the Power of Thoughts and Intentions..!!!
" If you think you have an incurable disease, if you think it yourself, you are right! If you think your problem is curable then you are also right!" - Herman Koning MD, Medical Director of Medipoint. Latest Scientific studies and experiments by leading Universities and Scientific Journals on the Astounding Power of Belief and how to apply it in our life.
This is the Most Inspiring and Uplifting video for Cancer patients. "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed." - Louise Hay, New York Times Bestseller.
My humble "Gift" to all of you for an Extremely Healthy and Disease Free Life..!!!

7/7/12 Energies & Beyond

Submitted by sarah shepherd on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 05:15

Did you all feel the huge energy download on 7/7/12?!  I certainly did and it left me feeling very tired and a bit spacey!  So, I felt that I should add to my previous blog on clearing after yesterday's energies.

As I said before, we have been grounding the energies from June up to 7/7/12, ready to put it all into action for the rest of the month.  As everything is moving at an intense speed it felt right to pull a couple of cards to see what is going on!

I have chosen the Goddess Guidance oracle cards by Doreen Virtue this time as July is also about balancing the masculine and feminine energies.  I have pulled two cards and they are definitely in tune with what I wanted to talk about!  The first card is 'Aeracura - Blossoming' and it says "You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process, and do not give up."  I think we are all feeling a bit like we have gone through the washing machine on a deep cycle, then straight into the dryer which has left us feeling a bit frazzled!  This card is showing us that we need to be patient as we have just finished drying out and we are now starting to blossom.  I love the word 'blossoming', it says to me that we are coming into our power and everything is going in the right direction.  They say patience is a virtue, but it is also really hard work!  I have been learning the art of patience all my life and even though I understand that things happen when the time is right it is still hard when you want to manifest everything right now!  So, for all of you that feel like me know that all the hard work you have done is starting to come together.  The best way to do this is to stop for a moment and look back on what you have achieved and how far you have come and be proud of yourself!

The Science of Healing (You can Heal any Disease)

Submitted by Gagan Polanki on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 08:38


Dear Friends,

Kindly watch The Science of Healing (You can Heal any Disease). 


Startling Scientific discoveries about the Power of Thoughts, Intentions and Beliefs..!!!

This is the Most Inspiring and Uplifting video for Cancer patients. 


As Louise Hay, New York Times Bestseller says "If we are willing to do the mental work, almost anything can be healed."



Kindly share and help everyone.




Gagan Polanki

Fran Zepeda ~ Be One With The Macrocosm ~ May 30, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 20:26

Sananda ~ Be One With The Macrocosm ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 30, 2012





Abiding by the Laws of the Universe has not always been a priority for humanity. There has been a major disconnect for such a long time. Now humanity’s collective consciousness has more fully embraced the Laws of the Universe. Even though these laws have always been in force, humanity has not been in rhythm with them up until now.


Behold the massive shift in Light and Love. That could not have been possible had the power not shifted in rhythm with the Laws of the Universe. You are going to find much more synchronicity as a result of this.


Now, with the impending alignment and balance of the masculine and feminine energies, much more is possible. This is a major step in returning to Source and becoming One with All That Is.


You are beginning to see the Divine Plan in Action, in complete full forward action. The major shifts you, our beloved Lightworkers, have initiated are seeping into every corner of the Multiverse. Be assured of that.


Sananda ~ Be Your Exalted Self ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.18.12

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 17:36


I am Sananda, with words of encouragement for everlasting peace, for you are the Key and the Source for this endeavor, my dear friends.


Many times you ask the question, when will there be peace, all encompassing peace,

for all to see, and experience and enjoy?  You know the answer, deep inside you, all of you. It is in your hearts. It comes from there. It always has.


From the time you fell into duality, you have known this, but it has been replaced and covered up with the need to blame others. You lost your knowledge of the Source and so you journeyed far and wide searching for the truth of it.


Now you are coming back to Source, to the Truth in your hearts. And you are discovering that every breath you take, every thought you have, creates Peace or it doesn’t. It is not what your neighbors are thinking or doing; it is what you are thinking and doing, and they will thus be able to connect to your vibration and it builds from there.


You all know this, but how much do you realize that in this moment you can make a greater difference than you have previously thought? Imagine a world of Peace, but first imagine and connect with the Peace in your hearts. What is covering it up? What is holding it down? Is it resentment, fear, or hate? You have a chance now to wash it away with the intense energies coming into you now.


Please try to avoid the tendency to look around you and see what is not peaceful, what is not Love, and generate Love and Peace from within you, daily, minute by minute, dear friends. You are the Key, you are the Source,  you are the impetus for change. It has to be your focus, every thought and action you make ~ Peace comes from you.


Message from Yeshua ~ Be The Divine That You Are ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~4.8.12

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 04/08/2012 - 18:27

Message from Yeshua ~ Be The Divine That You Are ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~4.8.12


Greetings beloveds. I come before you on the eve of this glorious day, to all those celebrating this day, a time of renewal, but mostly of acknowledging your Divine Self. This has been a day of rejoicing, in preparation of greater things to come. Love abounds. The significance of today is not just of resurrection of one being, but of a new beginning for all.


Take a moment now to ponder your essence, your True Self, dear ones, which is Divinity. Yes, each and every one of you is Divinity. Some of you are not in complete awareness of this fact; some of you are only allowing the awareness of it to bubble up occasionally from your consciousness. In whatever way you may want to look at it, through whatever eyes you may want to look at it, it is your True Essence.


More and more of you are beginning to grasp the complete weight of it, beginning to dance to the full chords of its celestial song. Your Soul Song is harmonizing quite well now with others’ Soul Songs, and what a beautiful symphony you are creating. Behold the wonders that the notes are creating in your outer world, dear ones, my comrades of Peace and Love. What a joy you are to behold!


Embrace the Joy that is bubbling up more and more from your depths, from your consciousness, as you dip into the Reality you are creating. “The Wonders never cease”, as they say. You are not letting it. You are creating more and more Miracles as you try out your wings and your powers of Creation.


You are on the precipice of many more Wonders, and all will see the effects before much time has passed. And time is relative, as you know, so consider it a done deal, as it really is, for you are just to reveal the effects of its manifestation as you uncover the Truth.


A Closer Look At Consciousness

Submitted by Ryan on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 13:09



In previous posts we have established our mind plays a huge role in determining how our “reality” is played out. Lets go a little into the process. Why, for example, can I hold thoughts and intentions (vibrations) to be rich and have the perfect job, and it doesn’t happen right away? Why are there some people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, etc. that seem to already have that wealth consciousness? All three were school dropouts, in the case of Richard Branson high school dropout, yet they still were able to become some of the most rich and successful people in the world. Why not me?

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