Mother Earth

The Light of Sion

Submitted by Doreen Smith on Sun, 05/13/2012 - 09:17


                                         LOVE YOUR MOTHER!





What would you do if you weren't afraid? This is the message of Sion...To overcome our fear..connect with our higher self..operate from that finer, higher place...NOW is the time for us to do this. To put away our fear, overcome our limitations and become the true Divine humans we know we can become..


Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3

Fairy Card reading for a Sun-Filled Saturday: Peace of Mind, Magic of Nature, and Making New Friends!

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Sat, 05/12/2012 - 06:45


Fairy Card Reading for a sun-filled Saturday,

The light of the sun has a beautiful ethereal quality to it this morning as it sparkles on the surface of the lake like so many brilliant diamonds....a perfect day for millions of people to meditate on peace and love around the planet together.

Today's reading for our beloved planet Gaia:

Fran Zepeda - Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven - Feel Your Bliss - May 10, 2012

Submitted by franheal on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 19:51

Archangel Michael and the Company of Heaven ~ Feel Your Bliss ~ May 10, 2012

We speak to you today about Bliss. Bliss is your natural state. You go in and out of this state many times in the day. Many things bring you out of it. You are learning to monitor this, and not allow your thoughts to drift into lower vibrations, more and more.


You may not recognize Bliss at times. For it is becoming more and more a part of you in these days of parting 3rd dimensional thought. Breathing in that feeling of Bliss in the moment will help you to sustain it.


The love in your hearts that you are cultivating more and more is expanding your reality of Bliss and Joy, dear ones. When it comes into your heart, revel in it and feel it deeply. Be still and take it in. You can even see it in your minds-eye and feel it in your body. Take note of it and expand it and allow it and just be in it.


We are all watching you expand your repertoire of experiences in the 5th Dimension. You go there much more than you realize. Sometimes you stop yourselves because it doesn’t feel real or it takes you out of your body and this makes you uncomfortable. Just go with it. You are learning to integrate these experiences into your physical being. Always staying connected and grounded with Mother Earth will help you with this.


Fairy Card Reading for a Spring evening: 'Make music, Trust your Intuition and save Mother Gaia'

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 09:01


Hello darlings!

Madame Butterfly here with a fairy card reading for this beautiful rainy spring evening...the sound of the raindrops on the roof giving a warm cosy feeling inside the house....the first card is 'Make Music' showing a beautiful girl playing harp in a garden, a reminder to us all to take the time to listen to beautiful music throughout the day.  In fact this is something I have been doing recently, playing classical and even some 'OM' music, very relaxing and rejuvenating to the body, mind and soul.    

The next fairy card is 'Trust Your Intuition.'  The fairy wears a diaphanous flowing white gown and is wandering through the night garden, a huge red planet behind her left shoulder in the night sky.  Never has there been a time when this was more important.  It has been the driving message all along. Trusting your intuition sounds simple, but there are times when it can prove to be difficult too. The planets are exerting their influence upon us also. 

Sananda ~ You Are The Light of the Divine ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.26.12

Submitted by franheal on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 00:20





Greetings, beautiful Souls of Mother Earth and beyond. I come before you today to bring you news that will lift your heart and cleanse your soul.


Many events are about to commence, Dear Ones. All around the Universes, beings wait with bated breath and awe at what you have all done to increase the Light and raise the energies all around you. We bow before you, for you are all great beings of the Light, all you Lightworkers and Lightbearers who have come to witness the great awakening, to herald it and bring it about.


I am in no way different from you in that I want the Light to overcome and infiltrate all who is here to the degree that there is so much transformation in each being, with so much Joy and so much Love.


Many of you are feeling the Shifts so much that you are in awe; you are feeling a sense of anticipation and wonder. You are starting to forget what you have been experiencing for so many eons, and starting to remember your True Selves, your God Selves, your Divinity. It is a wonderful spectacle to behold, dear friends.


If I could take you by the hand and lead each of you personally to your final destination, I would. The truth is, you are leading yourselves. You are taking to heart the deep, deep wisdom spewing out from within yourselves, and taking it forward.


Yeshua and the Company of Heaven ~ Be In Harmony With Each Other ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.23.12

Submitted by franheal on Mon, 04/23/2012 - 20:12

April 23, 2012

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:

From time beginning, there has been confusion. That is not necessarily a bad thing. It precedes change. And change brings upliftment and Light. It has always been that way and it is no different now, except that change is much more dramatic and the Light much brighter in these drastically changing times you find yourselves in now.


This was meant to be so and you have all been readied for this momentous time in ways you may not yet fully comprehend. From this may bring confusion, and a feeling of suspended moments of clarity, each quickly following on the heels of the other. But this is to be expected, as you make your way through the quagmire of change, dear ones.


We are here to tell you that the amount of change taking place just underneath and beyond your current state of consciousness is immense. While you may not fully be able to quantify it, it is seeping into every bit of your being.


Dear friends, we prepare you now for the manifestation of that seemingly illusive change, a kind of change that by following a period of confusion explodes on the scene and nothing is ever the same afterwards. Be heartened by this now and leave no room for the fear or trepidation that sometimes accompanies great change.


You have been building up to this. This is your rightful gift, bestowed on all who have come to be in this glorious developing Golden Age. We of the Company of Heaven are here in full force and presence, to accompany you down the precipitous path of Ascension with Mother Earth.


Sananda ~ Be Your Exalted Self ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.18.12

Submitted by franheal on Wed, 04/18/2012 - 17:36


I am Sananda, with words of encouragement for everlasting peace, for you are the Key and the Source for this endeavor, my dear friends.


Many times you ask the question, when will there be peace, all encompassing peace,

for all to see, and experience and enjoy?  You know the answer, deep inside you, all of you. It is in your hearts. It comes from there. It always has.


From the time you fell into duality, you have known this, but it has been replaced and covered up with the need to blame others. You lost your knowledge of the Source and so you journeyed far and wide searching for the truth of it.


Now you are coming back to Source, to the Truth in your hearts. And you are discovering that every breath you take, every thought you have, creates Peace or it doesn’t. It is not what your neighbors are thinking or doing; it is what you are thinking and doing, and they will thus be able to connect to your vibration and it builds from there.


You all know this, but how much do you realize that in this moment you can make a greater difference than you have previously thought? Imagine a world of Peace, but first imagine and connect with the Peace in your hearts. What is covering it up? What is holding it down? Is it resentment, fear, or hate? You have a chance now to wash it away with the intense energies coming into you now.


Please try to avoid the tendency to look around you and see what is not peaceful, what is not Love, and generate Love and Peace from within you, daily, minute by minute, dear friends. You are the Key, you are the Source,  you are the impetus for change. It has to be your focus, every thought and action you make ~ Peace comes from you.


Sananda ~ Open to Truth ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.13.12

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 22:06


I come before you today to speak of the Truth that is in your hearts, dear ones. No one can deny that you are waking up to it. The depths to which you are reaching are astounding and unequalled. The expansion of your energy has contributed to this and you are just beginning to see the ramifications of it. Your bravery in opening up to consciousness that you have not perceived for eons is applauded and cherished by all of the Company of Heaven. We thank you for this.


Be prepared for even more widening of your energy fields. This may cause a discomfort in your physical bodies, a kind of opening that you may be unfamiliar with. All openings seem unfamiliar at first, dear ones, as you attempt to understand it from a point of reference from your third dimensional experience.


We ask you to let go of that urge or tendency to define it based on what you have experienced in your un-awakened state and be open to just being with it, without engaging your mind. With this, you will begin to activate the memories you all carry within you.  Be aggressive with this to the degree of abandoning your tendency to control your frame of reference in attempting to understand.


Waking up your memories has begun with the new influx of golden energy from the Central Sun. Your DNA are becoming fully activated and you are making the rapid changeover from carbon-based structure of your physical bodies to crystalline substance.


To experience this in complete safety and confidence, it is necessary that you frequently ground yourselves into Mother Earth, with your beloved Gaia. She will hold you in Love as you share your Love with her. Becoming fully committed to ascending with Her will insure your development to a greater degree and increase your abilities to keep raising your vibration in your Ascension with Gaia to the 5th Dimension.



Returning what is not ours to keep ~

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 04:52


When my children were little, I brought them here. They were mesmerized by the wild, natural beauty and energy of this place. We left with keepsakes of our trip including a can full of sea shells. Over the years, as the dusty can of shells would show up, I remember feeling little nudges of pain shoot through me. Why did we have to take so much from what was so freely given to us? Why did I not see this as a tremendous teaching opportunity for my children that day? The point is this: No matter how light or heavy our trespasses, we are in a period of compassion and forgiveness. Take action on this theme however you can throughout the time ahead. Many truths are being uncovered about transgressions of all kinds, some that have affected Gaia and humanity in horrendous ways. This journey home begins with gratitude and forgiveness no matter what you will learn that you did not ever think possible. Hereon, move ahead in the light and with love, and if you get a nudge about something, follow up and see where it takes you. We are waking up. The language of the people and animals closet to Mother Earth is becoming clearer now, and soon we will know how to teach our children the language of love and light. The forests, trees, animals and elements are rejoicing in our great awakening. Thank you ~ Dawn.


L O V E  &  L I G H T  Westcoast Tour 2012


F R E E D O M Video: 

New world order in a positive way

Submitted by strongwings on Thu, 03/29/2012 - 02:41



Please forgive the mistakes in the informations given down. if i am wrong at some point please correct me so i can correct my mistake.



New World Order (In a positive way)


Hello friends. I want to share with you all my newest realizations.



this morning i was once more watching Matias De Stefano's video.( if some of you don't know about him; short info: he is a young enlightened person who is on earth

for preparing humanity for the evolution in a positive way. he answers the biggest questions of the existence history) . I will try to explain what i realized by using one of his examples.


subject: Learning trough hard way or easy way

info: we are all on earth for evolving to oneness by getting wisdom trough our experiences.

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