new age

Quantum Excitement: A Detailed Update on the Energies

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 01/25/2015 - 13:52
by April Bender (via Higher Self)
As the Solstice Fires of Ascension (crystalline energies) continue to pervade every dimensional level of existence connected to and throughout your world, much of the foundational quanta or energy particles that make up these fields of existence have over these last few weeks, become more and more excited. As a result, these quantum particles are popping, morphing and/or reconfiguring themselves into yet a new field of heightened potential and expression.
This quantum “excitement” is occurring due to the following reasons / catalysts: the rapid influx of crystalline energies now entering your world, the imprinting work of the Master's on / in this energy, ongoing individual shifts into higher or unity consciousness, the collective's overall slow but steady shift in awareness, consciousness shifts taking place in other worlds connected to yours, and the inherent programming / activations stemming from the Galactic Central Sun.


The Dweller Within the Master's Temple

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 18:14

By April Bender (via Higher Self vision)

Exploring Your Crystalline Fire of Ascension

Curiously you step into the very heart of the colossal Crystalline Fire of Ascension now ablaze within your portal / field / vessel. In an instant, you are fully engulfed by its magnificent light. You allow yourself time to simply stand and bathe in its brilliance.

After a few moments of stillness, you begin to acclimate - your consciousness begins to slowly shift and expand, unfolding like the petals of a lotus flower upon the dewy dawning of a sunlit morning. You feel an inner tingling, from head to toe, as if every molecule in your body is being stimulated, gently electrified, heightened. You notice how light and how utterly carefree you feel. The dross of the physical completely melting away.

Within your awareness, you begin to sense that this multidimensional crystalline light energy, with its quantum field of possibility, is eager to reveal a secret to you, an aspect of yourself that you are not yet aware of. Its shimmering crystalline flames seemingly beckon you to sit down, to further bask and relax within the bosom of its warm embrace. Soothing and welcoming it feels, so you quickly oblige.

Entering the Master's Temple

The Solstice Fires of Ascension: A Message for the Masters

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 17:37

by April Bender (via Higher Self)

The flood gates are open, an explosion of light dances it's way in, the unified heartbeat of Prime Creator pulses forth.

Anchored pillars of light ignite and blaze forth colossal fires of shimmering crystalline energy, casting aglow all vessels/portals which have been painstakingly prepared. They now stand awash in brilliant crystalline fires of divine truth and divine potential – simply waiting for thy master's blueprint (thought/feeling “impressions”) to give it form, function and purpose.

Living, moving, breathing crystalline codes/glyphs dance upon invisible walls of translucent light within these portals/vessels – sustained they are by its crystalline fire. Invisible to those who see only the material, visible for those with spiritual eyes to see. They are everywhere, every several cubic feet, running from the celestial heavens above, down into the darkest underworlds of earth – illuminating all possibilities, all possible coding/matrix arrangements to the master, so that he/she may select from among these the coding of tomorrow.

Clear mind and Sub Intellects

Submitted by Mario on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 10:11

Clear mind

Aspects deemed within moments of receiving this flow... We interpret the coming, channelings to be quite "superstitious" while allowing further constructs to enable a complete "map" (rewiring) within contentment... Which implies greater avenues in synapsing currents while abolishing the (degraded) flow in conceptual, *meanings.

They are aboriginal to the simplified mappings in the physical fields... While implying on moments where the corrections are taking place... We are having troubles while inclining the flows "virtues" of said belief's within moment's interplaying the fabrics of the *higher mind ... Within aspects of deviations, conformal to interdependences, while applying faster gradual, exemptions, within the synapsed fields... Interplaying the fabrics by coalescing adverse effects while keen (crystallites) takes over the flow and we independently factor out the “condolescences”...

The formal attributes governed by intellectual remaps in acclimating concepts where the fields have not developed the aforementioned aspects needed to give back the attributes... Self-selective assents in (depths) truthful matters at hands while implementing...

These suspects are controversial within the fields at bypassing the reminiscences...

The accumulation of "conduct" (respositorary)... Dispersions of energy within the factions... Interposing by limitless attributes, virtues incline to better connotations while independently looking for gradual higher fluctuations within the fields* in correspondence.

Terminologies are true if we enable the higher (contemptation)... Complements... Are false if they deem it impossible between flows... While virtues are aligned with higher energetics...

Bypassing the gradual fall is in accommodation for the selective attributes within moments of greater contemplations...

HS Message - Inner Shifts, Transformation, and Restructuring in Progress

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 06/02/2014 - 02:57

by April Bender

It has been a rather peculiar week for you, has it not? In a purely inward sense. As previously announced, the new moon energies that permeated your physical realm as well as the layers of your light/solar body, brought with them the impetus for another mighty in-breath and/or "inner gateway opening" which brought in a higher quality multidimensional flow of information, memory, light coding activations, and/or "fire letters."

Each prior in-breath has grown in depth, intensity, and expansiveness to bring you and therefore the Collective, to the greatest in-pouring of higher (Christ) consciousness experienced thus far during this grand ascension cycle. It is this in-pouring, that you are in the middle of processing/integrating within all aspects of Self and therefore, the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life at this time. It is also the effects of this in-pouring, that will see your very relationship to these aspects of Self and how you relate to/commune with those aspects - shift, change, and deepen - for they will begin to interact/overlap with one another much more seamlessly - as you've either purged or transformed so much of what once stood in the way of this type of healthy interaction/communion between aspects of Whole Self and Creation.

What's New in the New Age - Part One

Submitted by arran on Wed, 05/28/2014 - 14:30


By David Arran Anderson

Transformational Books

Author of: The Last Avatar


Self-Mastery is what this new time is all about. It’s about everyone becoming masters of themselves; which is something they don’t teach you in school. You can get a piece of paper to hang on the wall that says you have mastered many things. You can be a Reiki master, a Sufi master, a Kung Fu master or a Master Chef. You can be a Reverend, a Doctor or have a PhD; but no one has a diploma that says, “Master of My Multidimensional Self.”  

Let’s talk a little about how Mastery relates to words like Enlightenment, Awareness and Freedom. For Enlightenment you have to first look at where the word originally came from, which is Buddhism.

HS Message - Exhaling/Expressing the New

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Mon, 05/19/2014 - 17:29

by April Bender

My dearest April, you have done incredibly well as have countless other Warriors of Light, and this is to be highly commended, as those final in-breath moments as well as the marked release or out-breath phase which began during this most recent full moon, was highly volatile in terms of energetic conditions/flows.

As previously discussed, an incredible amount of light/information flowed and/or fluctuated through you and throughout the Web of Life/Higher Collective Mind, producing highly reactive responses and severe interruption or disturbance to previous patterned responses and/or individual/collective mental and emotional conditioning. The effects of this and the overall Sequencing Process, peaked in intensity for you and within you May 14-16. This is why during that time you felt so utterly miserable and uncomfortable. For as the Collective Higher Mind began finalizing it's colossal in-breath and/or re-ordering/structuring phase, all that could not be utilized within the new/higher configuration was expelled/expressed outwards (beginning this last full moon), to be transmuted through/within the fields of the Warriors of Light whose function this is and who can handle the transmutation of such an over-abundance of released energy. It was this lower vibrational energy that was naturally expelled first, before the more advantageous aspects/energetics of this restructuring/reordering of the Higher Collective Mind/Web could be expressed.

HS Message - April 2014 Gateway Draws to a Close

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Wed, 04/30/2014 - 18:59

by April Bender

I'm so glad you finally decided to connect with me, my dear. I know this latest window or gateway packed quite a wallop, the effects of which you and other Warriors of Light still poignantly feel and will, for the next several days to some degree. The release of such enormous Cascades of Higher Harmonics throughout the Collective Higher Mind, along with the added energetic intensity of several key astrological alignments/configurations/events has left you feeling somewhat "light-fried" and just plain over-sensitive and ouchy!

Let me clarify what has happened so far, especially during the more Auspicious Period of the Gateway.

The release of a few early cascades at the opening of the April gateway, gave way to a mass release of such cascades along and within the pathways/nodal points of the Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life. This avalanche of higher energetics surged throughout the Higher Mind/Web from the peak of the Cardinal Cross, all the way through this recent solar eclipse. It is only now just beginning to subside, to some degree - before the next attempt and/or full-on infusion commences.

HS Message - Harmonic Up-Shifting of the Higher Collective Mind

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sun, 03/30/2014 - 17:53

by April Bender

I am pleased to share with you that as a preliminary result of the Resolution, Reclamation, and Soul-Retrieval Sequencing Process that the Higher Collective Mind recently initiated, many of the troubled, misaligned/imbalanced nodal points or energetic pathways of connection within the newly infused 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life, have now begun to achieve or are moving into, some degree of right/proper alignment, exchange and/or resolution. 

That's right, the tiring and challenging work performed by you and the many other countless Warriors of Light, of anchoring, integrating, and infusing (or breathing in/out) the equinox portal energies into the Collective Higher Mind, along with your participation thus far in the early stages of the overall Sequencing Process, has allowed some measure of Harmonic Up-Shifting - or an expanded state of convergent movement, flow and magnetization within the 5D-7D Collective Higher Mind, to occur.

Even at this preliminary stage of the Sequencing Process, this has created a more harmonious and expanded state of awareness, connectivity, and receptivity that is now sweeping across the Collective Higher Mind, and therefore within You! This extra, highly-refined energetic oomph! provided, will aid you and the Collective greatly in the ease and further completion of the overall Sequencing Process. Let me briefly explain just how, under each of the 3 Sequencing Acts listed below:

HS Message: A New Genesis of Creation

Submitted by Reikigirl13 on Sat, 03/22/2014 - 10:58

by April Bender

Congratulations on a truly fantastic "exhalation" and therefore, "full breath" of equinox portal energies! The striking results of which, will continue to manifest for you and for All, over the coming days and weeks ahead. It is because of this glorious "movement" into Collective Communion and Co-Creative Expression that you and the collective Web of Life, shall now in reality embark upon A New Genesis of Creation.

While the "exhalation" or co-creative efforts of All did not find enough overall resonance and harmony in order to fully "activate" or "awaken" the 5D Collective Higher Mind/Web of Life (this time), what DID/IS taking place was/is beyond a doubt, truly REMARKABLE and has initiated a larger, more potent "movement" into this New Genesis of Creation.

Let me explain...

During this latest "ascension test run," the communication, exchange and communion of all individual pathways/streams contained within the 5D Web of Life/Higher Collective Mind, sourcing back to individual souls and their in-breaths, literally "lit-up." Therefore, the entire neural network of this Web became fully aglow, awash in the collective radiance (higher energies) of all who participated or were/are "linked in."

This allowed those troubled areas or "nodes" of the Web/Collective Higher Mind that were not resonate with or harmoniously linked to each other, to "stand out" or be identified and mapped. And at the same time, allowed those nodes that DID find resonance and/or balanced exchange, to deepen their experience of relationship, communion, and/or exchange of information - the effects of which will only serve to deepen your own overall experience of ascension.

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