
Archangel Michael 2014 Outlook

Submitted by Angel News Network on Sun, 01/12/2014 - 19:15

Archangel Michael 2014 Outlook

Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We welcome you at this wonderful and most glorious time. You are now opening to the wonderful aspects of yourself as you move deeper into the depth and breadth of your heart space. You are now opening a new doorway as you move into your year of 2014.
It is now about moving to the fruition of your soul’s divine plan and your purpose and mission in this lifetime.

Many of you are continuing to tie up lose ends from your year of 2013 and crossing over into 2014. In 2013 many of you had come to a threshold. If you have tied up loose ends in your life, both in the physical third dimensional realm, within yourself and in your relationships, you have moved to a basis of truth within yourself, the being-ness of you. If you have done this you have moved to a threshold at the end of 2013 to move into 2014.

Your year of 2013 was a jumping off point into the opening of a new doorway. What will transpire in 2014 is the opening of a brand new doorway. In the first three months of 2014 for most of you, a new doorway will open. This will be a new doorway into the unknown. When this doorway opens there will be a question asked of you: Are you ready to fully step into your divine purpose and mission in this lifetime? Moving to another level of this and expanding it. Are you ready to move to another level of the life you are living? This will transpire in the first three months in 2014.

Your year of 2014 will be a year of moving “up the ladder”, where you will be taking gradual steps up that ladder. Many of you in 2013 were still weeding out the old and why we had asked you to tie up loose ends. It is important to tie up these loose ends so you can step into the new doorways that will be opening in 2014.

A Message from Archangel Michael Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Submitted by Angel News Network on Mon, 12/30/2013 - 20:15

A Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Jeff Fasano

Transcribed by Joel Anastasi

December 9 2013


Year End 2013


As you approach the end of 2013 you are moving into a new pattern in your life where you can now begin to adjust to the shifts and changes within yourself. You are releasing old habits, patterns and rituals so that you can create a new pattern in your life that will allow you to re-entrain the nervous system and allow you to move into the next stage in your human incarnation.


Journey of the Awakened Heart: Receiving Love

Submitted by Angel News Network on Fri, 12/27/2013 - 18:13

Journey of the Awakened Heart: Receiving Love
Journey of the Awakened Heart

Jeff Fasano is a Trance Channel, Photographer and Author

Receiving Love

Begin to walk through your life with joy.

You have walked through the shadow and through the doorway into the unknown. The door has closed and is now locked behind you. For a period of time, your deepest fears of safety and security surfaced. “Will I be safe in the unknown?” “Will I be safe with myself and trust myself in the unknown?” As you now walk gingerly into the unknown, you’re not sure what is going to happen and this will bring up the aspect of control. You are now out of control and living in your natural state of being for out of control is a natural state of being. Now that you are being guided to live with “what is” and in the moment, where are you?

Where you are might not be anywhere. You are where you are and quite possibly have no explanation for it. You have found yourself in situations with wonderful and glorious souls where you could explain where you were and who you were. But now you find this is no longer a viable option. It is more important to remain in the process of moving towards the place where you connect with your soul’s divine plan. For after you reach this place, you will be presented with a new choice of whether or not to continue on the path to entirely be who you know you are.

There will no longer be a thought process involved if you stay on the path. You will simply be who you are. And, in being you, you will be the messenger for the messages that come to you. You will utilize your talents and gifts to express the messages and who you are. Where you are now is in a process of releasing whatever you still need to release to continue on the pathway towards this intersection.

Another Christmas Story & Mysteries Revealed

Submitted by Angel News Network on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 19:40


Phillip Elton Collins, Conscious Channel, Teacher and author
Chapter XXXIV
When mankind, becoming kind,
Has fully awakened and gained further wisdom,
We may join in perfect cooperation
With the magnificent force of Mother Earth,
Creating heaven on Earth,
Being one again.
Greetings, beloved children on the surface of my body. We come to you this night with many messages to God-empower you in your process, in your journey, in the choice you have made to be here once again upon this planet we call Earth, upon our body to continue your incarnational cycles.

Teachings of Michael 12-9-13

Submitted by Angel News Network on Sat, 12/21/2013 - 18:50

Channeled by Jeff Fasano, Transcribe/Edited by Joel Anastasi 

You are moving into a new pattern in your life where you can now begin to adjust to the shifts and changes within yourself. You are releasing old habits, patterns and rituals so that you can create a new pattern in your life, a new pattern that will allow you to re-entrain the nervous system that will allow you to move into the next stage in your human incarnation.


As we have said before, as you approach the end of 2013 you are tying up loose ends in your third dimensional physical realm and also within you. You will be seeing your old habits, patterns and rituals, seeing in the mirror what you need to learn, tying up the loose ends in you that have to do with the old habits, patterns and rituals—the conditioning, the old behaviors within yourself that no longer support your soul fragment’s divine plan and the opening of your year 2014. To now take the next step in your soul’s divine plan and a greater step in your purpose and mission for this lifetime.


The only way that next step can be taken is if you now fully move within and do your house cleaning—old behaviors, old wounding, old conditioning, all the aspects  of your old defense patterns of the ego defense. It is time for you to learn the lessons. To do this you must congregate in this new year with those who resonate and vibrate as you do and move on a pathway of peace, harmony, community, equality and tranquility where you are moving on a pathway of abundance to connect with abundance.


Seeing what is in your life because it is now time in your year of 2014 to congregate with those who are ready to shift the collective consciousness of your third dimensional world of form. It is now time to shift that consciousness within you by tying up these loose ends. What are you still perpetuating in your life that keeps the old in place? It is time, if you so choose, to see that and shift that.

Focus & Commitment

Submitted by Angel News Network on Fri, 08/30/2013 - 15:38


A Message From Archangel Michael

  Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano



                                            Focus and Commitment



From The Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We come to you now as you move deeper within the depth and breadth of you heart.       


mixed news (about the radio)

Submitted by Jazz on Sat, 08/24/2013 - 05:51

Our beloved Kevin Smith of KSS Radio passed away about a week ago. It would be grand if we could all pitch in and support Jerry Wills in the new radio show.There is a lot of ET info, ufo followers, research, etc. Not everything makes it to the blogs. Art Bell was once a 80meter ham operator, and yet even he acknowledges the pioneer Kevin Smith. I just think it would be great if we could all pass this info around the circles of people we are with online. These are great people. Jerry and Kathy do healing sessions that really do heal others and have thier share of being chased by MIB and coming out alive. Kevin Smith had at one point live radio feeds, so this isnt just a webcam, these are pros doing what it takes to get on air over the airwaves. Thousands of people already listen in.

Your news consumption – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 03, 2013

Submitted by Gabrielle on Sun, 08/04/2013 - 03:12



(Translated from original language german)

My child, don’t believe all that you can so hear or see in your television. Much is pretended to create fear and terror in you. When you believe you can’t live without news, so give exact attention to what your body and your heart tell you to them. Reduce your consumption of news in your television or newspapers. They hold you in a spiral of fear. It is easier for your Higher Self or your spiritual guide to connect with you and to guide you when you are lesser hooked on your television and your mass media. All addiction damages you. A happy medium is also here important. Like in all, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

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