
The I AM That I AM in Me Speaks…

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 09:18


Dear Readers,

The I AM That I AM in me, comes forth to remind me/us of the bigger picture at hand…

“There are levels of Mastery that can only be attained at this physical level of existence in which you and I find ourselves at present. There comes a time, such as now, when a gap or window of opportunity is created whereby a Soul can make a significant breakthrough. This is similar to the board breaking ceremony enjoyed by NLP students after their training, where the student experiences a taste of the power within the higher dimensions of their reality. That time is upon us once again. By choosing to stay present, and by consciously merging your essence with Mine, you are now for the first time experiencing how easy it can be to move mountains, to breakthrough the 3D veil that separates you from your 5D and higher realities.

In the higher 5D reality a Soul can see and think more clearly as most of the dross is cleared away. There are still minor challenges lurking in this reality, but they are easily recognised and swiftly dealt with. So you can now appreciate why existence at the 3D level is so sought after. It is because breakthrough’s at this level require the most discipline and dedication in order to accomplish the most preferable and desired outcome. This means that existence at this level also carries the greatest rewards. The 3D level of existence provides the most excellent of training grounds for a Soul’s growth.


Submitted by hollyirenecardoza on Fri, 12/30/2016 - 11:15

#1) You have to understand that they're not "people." 
#2) They're mean & don't really care--AT ALL.
#3) They talk mostly in code, and think the rest of us are idiots and can't decipher it.
#4) That was they're reminder that I AM ACTUALLY OF THE GREAT SPIRIT & THEY HAVE NO POWER OVER ME.


Energy update – It is imperative now that you begin to see yourself in a Whole New Light.

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 03/13/2016 - 05:28

Image Source:

Dear One, it is imperative that you begin to see yourself in a whole New Light. A good mantra for you at this time would be:

Shhhhh…..Be still and know that I AM God.

Say this silently to yourself to calm your busy mind. There is much happening within you, many physical changes of which you are not aware.

The Solar Eclipse brought in a lot of energy and your body is still in the process of integrating this energy. The energy is being felt even stronger now in the wake of the first eclipse, and as you prepare yourself for the Equinox on the 19/20th and the Lunar eclipse on the 23rd, the energy is beginning to have an even stronger effect on your physical body. Know that the integration of this energy will take at least 2 to 3 months.

It is vitally important that you keep your space clear of low frequency energy and pollutants/contaminants (poisons/chemicals/toxins/impurities). By “your space” we mean not just the environment in which you live, but also your physical body. Pollutants are low frequency toxic energy. Your body is always responding to energy and detoxing itself of low frequency energy. Remember also that your body is a metaphor for the Body of the Whole Planet. What you do to yourself, you do to and for the Planet, therefore be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Everything has an energetic imprint and effect. Ensure that your thoughts/words/actions are in alignment.

The Divine Masculine and Feminine Archetypes ~ Myth or Real?

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Thu, 08/13/2015 - 04:03

As currently understood by many, the Divine Feminine and the Divine masculine, are both archetypes, as are God/Goddess. Not so much ‘God’, as the word ‘God’ is still associated by many as as religious deity, but definitely the Goddess is understood to be an archetype. This is how the dictionary explains the word:

The Solstice and Twin Flame Alignments

Submitted by Blue Diamon on Sun, 06/21/2015 - 06:16

Happy Solstice Everyone! Any alignment is a powerful event, but what makes this alignment even more powerful than any other before today is the fact that Twins are more in alignment now than ever before!

The Twin Flame energy is now becoming a real and very tangible energy now on Earth. Now we are literally a beacon of light that is receiving and transmitting high frequency light codes to Planet Earth. You are now the gateways and portals through which energy flows!

I will write more about this in the days to come, but for now I am just going to wish you a HAPPY ALIGNMENT today!

Enjoy the energy and spend as much time as possible in meditation with your Beloved counterpart.

YOU are extremely powerful as your Twin Flame is now ignited to another new level completely. Use your powerful energy to CREATE Beloveds!

Your Love is POWERFUL when you are in complete alignment.

Express this Love within and without today! By expressing this Love you MAGNIFY the effect and become even more powerful when you attract more Love back into yourself. THIS IS CONSCIOUS CREATION!

There is nothing – NO THING – that Love cannot give you!

I wish you a MAGICAL SOLSTICE and PERFECT New Day!

Love love love!


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MasterQuote12: Mary Magdalene and Yeshua on Bliss and ONEness

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 06/01/2014 - 19:11


Mary Magdalene and Yeshua:


“Dear Beloveds. We are blended together in Bliss as we encompass your energy in ours and ours in yours. We are Bliss Personified and together we open up new vistas and roads to the Divine today.

Forever and always we touch Source and Source touches us all. We are Source. We are Love. We are Bliss. We are Abundance. We are Harmony.

There is no separation anymore – Can you feel it? Surrender now, dear ones, to the welcoming embrace of Source, your true core – Your true Divine Nature is unfolding and never will you be the same. Pull out all the stops and melt into the Bliss that is your core, that is your True Being.

Together we embrace all of humanity, we embrace all of the Universe, and we embrace all of the Multiverse. We embrace Source in Oneness. Can you feel it, dear Beloveds? We are One.”


Channeled by Fran Zepeda June 1, 2014


Unified Wave Structure of Consciousness

Submitted by Mario on Wed, 05/07/2014 - 14:11

I am uncertain of how the unified field works as of yet but have a focus in interpretations of how it works and have experienced what you would call a unified wave that in those previous times where being wired within me, working with the Earth's wake/sleep cycles (The line where the sun divides the dark) as an example of one unified connection measuring the next assimilated process of creation's (Conscious energy) coming in and affecting us from the point left off where the source connection (intention of choice) had occurred in time. The intentions would of began as a 24h window getting shorter link's to 8hours and 2hours then back 3h and so on, measuring out the effects of the wave depending on the creativity the intentions allowed and formed.

When waking up in the morning, connecting to the source field is important to get to source within (The awareness), the magnitude expands the possibilities of co-creation or reliability in the 5th dimensional users, and measurements of the informational constructs, from reading within the unified field, those that are working in or have achieved it, link's those times, event's, up to the point of those that are beginning to see (experience) and those that are unconscious (Experiencing without notice) to view the purpose of their intent (choices) in full agreement to the level of creation that the moment brings into being... Someone getting hit by a car as an example, you would get pin point realization's of why, how, what, the purpose, the effects, the causes, and understandings (Higher aspects) as to why this happened and you can jump up in a higher construct which activates automatically.

Mother Mary: Breathe Out The Breath of Creator – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – April 29, 2014

Submitted by franheal on Tue, 04/29/2014 - 21:05

Mother Mary:


Hello, my dear sweet beautiful Beings of Light. And so rightly addressed. For you are all taking on such a beautiful hue and radiance not seen ever. The recent downloads of light and energy, still continuing, have blessed you all with such an increase of radiance and luminance that it is difficult to quantify on any present scale of definition.

Lady Nada: You Are Each Special and Unique – Channeled by Fran Zepeda 4.18.14

Submitted by franheal on Sun, 04/20/2014 - 14:39

Lady Nada (Received 4.18.14):


Of all the souls in the Universe, you are special. You are EACH special in your own right. No one soul possesses what you have to offer. The key is to know that and then to be in the frame of mind and heart to want to offer it, regardless of what your neighbor or friend or colleague or loved one does or says or offers themselves. You know you are each unique.

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