
#VIDEO: READING the STORYBOOK, "Walk Now In Beauty; The Legend of Changing Woman" by Janine Canan, illustrated by Ernest Posey ❤

Submitted by hollyirenecardoza on Tue, 11/29/2016 - 19:30

#VIDEO: READING the STORYBOOK, "Walk Now In Beauty; The Legend of Changing Woman" by Janine Canan, illustrated by Ernest Posey "The story of the Navajo Creation Goddess, Changing Woman, by poet Janine Canan, exquisitely illustrated with contemporary “sand paintings” by artist Ernest Posey."

Beginnings & Endings ~ A Message from Spirit

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Fri, 05/24/2013 - 11:32

I’m getting lots of messages from Spirit about beginnings and endings. In my life, this takes the form of my transition between jobs. I was worrying about it lately, wondering if I would be able to handle it. I thought about how comfortable I was here. It’s what I know. But, that’s where we can get stuck. We need to push our boundaries.

As I was driving around listening to happy music on my lunch break today I was stopped at a stop sign behind a light green volkswagon beetle. The back lights had a plastic flower overlay on them. Like this, but the color of the car and the covers were a light, jade green. (For the heart chakra I am now realizing.)

It made me smile. I gave thanks to Spirit for putting a smile on my face, then I remembered to look at the license plate.

You Do What You Love and Fuck the Rest

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Tue, 05/21/2013 - 17:01


So on Sunday I sat down, pulled my cards and laid out a Celtic Cross spread. I got through two cards before I decided that I wasn’t feeling it. Today was a different story. I was sitting on the couch before I had to sign back into work, with my husband’s head in my lap and him stretched out, relaxing. My cards were just on the table right beside me so I picked them up. I shuffled them some and started flipping, only intending to get to know the cards.

Before I knew it, I was sucked into a reading. I’ve described it below.

I should maybe give a little background. I’m leaving my current job in just over a week. After that, I start a new job where I will be working from home. Very excited, this girl is. It’s kind of a scary thing and I am doing my best to work though it. These past few weeks, and especially days I have been working through some major stuff. Today is the first time in a while I’ve really felt at peace. I spent a good chunk of the afternoon in the (hot!) sunshine. I was sweating something fierce but boy did it feel good.

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/25/13 ~ Sprouting Seeds

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Mon, 02/25/2013 - 06:43

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/25/13


Ace of Wands


"A time of passion is beginning. You will be able to assert your best for all to see."



What have you been planting in your garden? The Ace of Wands shows us that whatever you have been planting is ready to sprout! It may not be something you recognize, though, so keep your eyes peeled for inspiration, synchronicities, "chance" encounters and opportunities today. You may have to harness your bold, confident energy to take full advantage of your sprout, though. Look at the opportunity, and see how it could work out for you. It might be scary to accept what it may mean, but you are brave, strong and confident and you can handle whatever it brings you.

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/17/13

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 05:54

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/17/13


I've mentioned before that Cups are the suit of emotions and feelings -- basically anything that happens in your inner state is represented by this suit. It is associated with the element of water. Court cards also have a specific meaning. Pages are like a playful child - acting with pleasure, spontonaeity and a symbol of adventure and possibilities.

We've been taking an adventure inside of ourselves lately, to clear out any remaining "gunk" - you know, the stuff that no longer serves you. Old belief patterns, relationships, habits or routines, etc. It's time now to love ourselves in spite of all of that. Accept ourselves for what we are and work on improving the items we do not like. You CANNOT do this for anyone except yourself. "Be the change" as Gandhi would say. The Page of Cups could indicate an opening in your life which will call to it. If you're worried you will miss it - you won't be able to ignore it. This opportunity will pull at your heartstrings and your emotions until you act on it. Don't be afraid to, please! It could also indicate that there is a child or young at heart adult whose interactins with you involve emotional needs, moodiness, love, intimacy or spirituality. REgardless, the Page of Cups reminds us that at all times, we are surrounded with great Love. Don't be afraid to express and enjoy yourself!

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/9/13

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Sat, 02/09/2013 - 06:50


Today's card is the 10 of Wands. The first thing that I thought of when I saw this card was the Beatle's song "Carry That Weight". Wands are the suit of creativity, action and movement. Here's today's message:


"For many of us, life can be overwhelming at times. The ten of wands represents this. If you are feeling overwhelmed it's time to ascertain your priorities. Is there someone or something in your life that's particularly draining? If so, it's time to take a hard look at the situation, to see if it's worth your well-being to continue as you were.


This card can also represent times when it's necessary to step up and take responsibility. It may be because you have difficulty saying no, maybe because you feel you got "stuck" doing it, or perhaps it's because you're the only one who is capable of the task.


Regardless of the situation which applies, it's important to take time out, even just a few minutes help, to breathe and just be -- especially times when things can seem overwhelming."


For some reason, I finished writing this with a heavy heart. I get the feeling that so many of you -- of us -- are dealing with so much more than we should. I send my love and light to you all, and have faith that the way the world operates will be changing soon. Until then, here's Winston Churchill:


"The day may dawn when fair play, love for one's fellow men, respect for justice and freedom, will enable tormented generations to march forth triumphant from the hideous epoch in which we have to dwell. Meanwhile, never flinch, never weary, never despair."


Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/2/13

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Sat, 02/02/2013 - 06:12


We are teenagers, now in the Golden Age. We've made it through infancy, childhood (boy, they grow up fast) and now we think we know it all and it's up to us to put that knowledge into action. Since cups represent the emotional and spiritual side of things (think, inner) we are being asked today to take a look at how we are doing personally in the Golden Age. How are we handling our emotions? Are we in touch with our emotions or do we indulge ourselves in them, and get lost in fancy daydreams? Are we spending enough time being alone with ourselves, comfortably? Are we going into our heart to understand? Are putting what we've learned into action, or are we spending too much time in introspection? How are our relationships holding up in the new age? Are there any where it's time to let go and move forward? Knights are all about finding the balance between polarities. We need to be able to balance our emotional and spiritual life with our active life. We need to understand the situation with the heart, and then move into action.

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