
Waking Up

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 06/28/2014 - 09:41

Hispanic woman in bed with arms outstretchedFor those whom are interested in waking up to know their soul more intimately, you may want to chose the feminine way to meditate, which is an interactive process. But then again, Mother Teresa used prayer, and Rumi chanted and danced.  

There is no hand-me-down formula for contacting your soul and basking with the Sacred. The key is: to become One with what you are doing.

Remember, waking up and meeting your soul more intimately results from embodying your spirituality and making your own rules.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Think Outside the Box

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 06/21/2014 - 06:30

Allow your soul to create your personal meditation style. Do not get stuck in the thinking that you do not know how. Be fluid, creative and follow your inner-wisdom. When you become rigid, following someone else’s prescription for meditation, you are destined to block Spirit's flow and not get the results you seek.

gratitude2Many people begin their meditation with a prayer and invocations. In the Feminine Way of Meditation, you simply love God-dess. You sit in gratitude and in awe. You make love to Spirit. You bask in Spirit’s love, you feel it, and in return, you love Spirit back.

You give thanks from the deepest part of you, for what you have, regardless. Release things that no longer serve your life’s journey. This can be accomplished either by internalizing your thoughts, or if no one else is meditating with you, you can speak aloud.

You may choose to have some periods of silence or you may choose periods of loving and gratitude – both are meditating; however, one is interactive and the other is not.

In the Feminine Way of Meditation, think of creating a rapport or relationship with your soul and God-dess, as you would with a friend. The Relationship is developed through love and communing – intimate conversation. You may communicate either aloud or in your heart-mind.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Choosing Not to Judge Isn't Always Easy

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 06/14/2014 - 05:06

On our last trip to Disney World, I hopped a tram to cross the park quickly. Once on board, I couldn’t help but notice an older man who was also standing. Finally, a gentleman got up and offered me his seat. I nodded and smiled in appreciation and sat down. Next I looked around to see if some younger person would give the older man a seat. An amiable gentleman scooted over to make room for the older man. How kind, I thought to myself; however, the older man refused the gesture. Yet it was more…he declined with an air of disdain. I was dismayed.

sending_loveHow could this seemingly nice older white man turn down this offer? It occurred to me that he had turned down the seat because the man who scooted over was black and overweight. I could read his bigoted energy. It telegraphed that he was prejudiced against almost everyone and everything. Most importantly, it reflected that he truly disliked himself. Life had been tough on him and out of fear he had become the antithesis of his soul.

I wanted to kindly judge him because he represented an old ugly paradigm. Instead, I began to send him love and compassion (admittedly this was hard at first.) Realizing I, too, was heading down that same slippery slope by judging him, I then sent myself love and compassion. Perhaps a judgment might have been justifiable by some, instead, I made a choice and went into my soul, and remembered we are One.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

3 Spiritual Truths to Ponder

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 06/07/2014 - 04:57

It is only our longing that awakens us to Wisdom…into the arms of the Divine.spiritual_truth

Wisdom is only wisdom when the mind is emptied of its own per-conceived thought forms.

There is an entire Universe within each one of us. We do not need to develop or create anything; we only need to remember or discover things.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Maya, Goddess of Illusion

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sat, 05/10/2014 - 07:57

In Vedic philosophy, Maya is the Goddess of Illusion. Maya means the illusion from a limited consciousness, or the absence of Wisdom. One who knows life only through the physical and mental aspects, and has become enmeshed in the illusion…the covering of the true Self.

Maya is not real, since it disappears on the dawn of Wisdom. Maya is the veil that each person must remove before she or he can see behind it ro the Creator of All Life.

Ponder: Maya originally meant wisdom in the earlier languages of many cultures, but its meaning has transformed over the years to mean "illusion."

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Wisdom Incarnates All

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Sun, 05/04/2014 - 08:08

We each have been incarnated by Wisdom, God-dess. She infuses All Life, and lives as each and every life form: humans, animals, plants, water, earth, planets, etc. It is Her Heart that supplies the energy to All Creation. It is Her Breath that fills our lungs with sweet air and breathes us. It is Her Awareness and Creativity that pulsates through our cells and Her Dream that we live in. If we look to Nature and equally honor all It encompasses - be it the peaceful or wild and wonderful expressions of Her Being - we will have a greater respect for the rest of our family...all creation.

When we erroneously remove Wisdom/Sophia from Nature, we can easily abuse and say we have domination over It.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

The Dark Mother and Her Power of Transformation

Submitted by wisdomteacherbev on Fri, 05/02/2014 - 16:53

Each person must eventually come face to Face with the Dark Mother. She is the fierce devouring energy that unravels us so we can heal and become whole once again. She is the complementary balance to Light – the pure rich darkness from which we are nurtured and birthed.

When organized religion took away the The Dark Mother, they took away our connection to Nature, the cycles of seasons and the moon, death and rebirth…. When this happened, we no longer knew how to deal with aging, death, change, or transformation. People became confused about how life worked.

The patriarchy demonized and distorted the Black Mother because of her power of transformation – transformation through darkness. The patriarchal God is solely of Light – the only "darkness" you see is when he loses his temper and throws lightning bolts of condemnation and judgement – you know, the ominous wrath of God stuff (very similar to the Greek God Zeus). The Black Mother's nurturing was removed when the patriarchal version of God was promoted. Church Fathers maligned Darkness and contorted Her gift of transformation to suit "The Devil," thereby creating a sanitized God.

I AM The 7th Archangel & The Ascended Masters'

Submitted by Angeline83 on Sun, 09/29/2013 - 12:28

Hello everyone,

I AM the 7th Archangel Sophia & The Ascended Masters'

I have reunited with my brother Archangel Michael (Jesus), Magdalene, Archangel Raphael, El Moyra, Kuan Yin, Lady Portia & Saint Germain.

I have been teaching people the I AM presence in Violet Flame. I am extremely excited to put LOVE back into the earth. I AM sounding the trumpet!

I understand this may be hard to understand for some, but I AM who I AM and I hope to restore balance and love :)


The Ego Roars

Submitted by SophiaLove on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 07:41

Like the rain here this morning, readership is steadily increasing and very welcome.  It’s interesting that as more people read this blog, I struggle with why I do it.  I love to write.  I also write to love.  I can do both more effectively if I get out of my own way.


I am my ego, and sometimes she is roaring.  It feels great to have recognition, yet that is not the point.  The point is love.  I started writing in earnest six years ago, as a method of transformation.  I discovered I had access to a deeper and wiser part of myself there.  She is a part of me that I don’t want to lose touch with.


Yet there are times when she sits in the background while I strut around, basking in self-importance.  She doesn’t say anything, but waits and watches.  Her expression is contemplative.  She knows self destruction is coming. She can wait.  This ego roar cannot sustain itself long.


When my ego roars, it’s so loud I can’t hear myself.  If you’ve ever heard the roar of a lion, you know the volume and range it commands.  For that moment it is the only sound.  You never forget it.  This ego noise is similar, yet it leaves a sort of hollow ring.  You may remember hearing it, but its meaning escapes you.


I am not here to roar, I’m here to love.  There is a ripple effect.  Eventually, everyone is breathing the same air and feeling the same love. That’s how it works.  To focus on numbers is to become enmeshed in the illusion.  We are not these bodies; they exist as a vehicle for our light.



Submitted by SophiaLove on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 09:50

My dreams changed last weekend.  I was away from home, and they took me even further.  I was not in a place I’ve ever imagined or with anyone I’ve consciously known this lifetime.  I believe I had a glimpse of what life can be like when we are outside the constraints of this dimension. I loosed the bonds of the systems in place and saw a world with different priorities.  It was beautiful and very different.


I was part of a group that went by the moniker L.O.H.  I do not remember what it stood for, only those three initials. We were in New York City.  I understood that crime still existed and we were there for the victims.  There were hundreds of us.  We wore clothing unlike any I’ve ever seen; it was iridescent.  We were strong, vital and committed.


My best friend tells me that maybe L.O.H. stood for “Love Over Head”.  Here’s why.


We went into the apartment where a murder had just occurred.  There was no one there but the body – no police, no yellow tape, no news reporters or eyewitnesses.  Our job was to grant dignity and love to the victim and to care for the body.  It was a different New York – yet not everyone was “on board” and some violent physical dramas still played out.


We were the transitory team – loving the soul who had volunteered to experience this crime as a victim.  I see a long line of us, physically and energetically loving this body.  We lift him up and pass him carefully overhead; carrying the body from this dimension to the next. 


This is someone to be honored and gently moved to his next destination, and we are here to do just that.  Each of us handles him, loves him and thanks him.  We create a path of love he travels on over our heads, cushioned in our light.  We sort of glow and are all beaming with joy.  It is a privilege to do this work.

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