spiritual growth

Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 7 - Conscious Evolution

Submitted by drmoe on Mon, 10/29/2012 - 15:58



What are those deep dark secrets that we keep to ourselves?  Are they the soundings of some distant past trying to break through to a new reality?  The voice of reason perhaps, wanting to cut across the chatter that is our brain feverishly at work?  Or, is it something else altogether, so remote and bizarre that we can’t even fathom it with the best of detailed roadmaps?


     Is this our heritage knocking at the door?  Is it a source of pride perhaps, or a bit of whimsy?  All these possibilities exist in one form or another.  They are real to those who attend to them.  But to us who are waking up to something meaningful and deep, is it not possible that the Creator is knocking at the door and we are about to receive a very important message?


     “Remember when I sent you here. Remember our agreement.  I provide the resources and you provide the commitment.  We work together to elevate your life to a new plateau, so that others can see what is possible.”


Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 4 - Life as Movie and Myth

Submitted by drmoe on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 09:11




Sometimes it’s hard to make a change in our lives.  It requires such stamina, a wealth of desire.  Is it any wonder many give up before they start?  The aching inside drives us forward, to a hopefully better place, where we can be relieved of our dissatisfaction.


So where do we go on this quest? Do we cross the mighty ocean?  Scale the tallest mountain? Or simply take stock of ourselves and issue another edict.  “I will not live like I did before”, “I will change the script of my life”,  “I will scale what is mine to scale, and I will go it alone if I have to”.


There is no need to go it alone.  The Great Creator is always there with a helping hand.  He is right behind you, giving a little push.  Saying things like, “You can do more if you want”, “There is much you have to offer”, “You’re just getting started”.  A gentle prodding it will be, because He’s sensitive that way.  Pushing too hard elicits resistance.  That’s not the way to go.  Gentle prodding, with generous doses of encouragement, will take you further.


Drain the Banks - Join a Credit Union

Submitted by drmoe on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 07:51

Note:  I wrote the following as a comment to the story about the 86 year old woman standing up to her bank.  I felt "urged" to share this as a Blog Post.




This Letter would be more Hilarious, if it weren't so True.


Who hasn't been nailed with fee after fee when banks automated systems skip a beat? Then, who's responsibility is it to correct to matter? One month I was nailed with $200.00 in fees for not having the required money in my account at the exact moment when some payment was due as opposed to seconds later - a scenario that never existed when I first joined the bank 40 years ago.


I'm through begging the banks to treat me with respect and return money they stole from my account. That was the respect they used to give me for over 3 decades of good banking relations before they became the Undead Zombies that they are today. I've closed my accounts and abandonned ship. They are not representative of me or my needs. And they are called Banksters for good reason.


Just Google "Bankers Arrested 2012" and see the list of criminals that pretend to be your ally.


Drain the Banks and Join a Credit Union. Member owned and operated. Unless you like being Abused, which is what the banks do - while still pretentding they are the stalwart protectors of truth and honesty in banking.


Let Your Feelings be Your Guide

Submitted by drmoe on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 08:14

"Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide"


A Prayer for Your Soul



The light of all eternity shines with me now

My feelings light up my life

How I find my way is determined by them

They illumine my path and show me who I am


When I was young, I felt so many things

Then came the day when I could not stand the pain

My world was chaos then, filled with sorrow and grief

So I closed up to protect that fragile Self within


What if...

Submitted by Rain on Sun, 07/22/2012 - 05:08

Published on Jul 19, 2012 by

Follow me on my Facebook page called EYE AM (all capital letters) as I share my journey from how I went through life like a caterpillar... struggling through life, struggling to keep up with my to-do-list, struggling to see the purpose of my existence. Follow me as I share my experience of being part of a system, a religious system for 28 years and how I took a leap of faith the day I left the church as a Priests wife to find my own truth, my own path, my own voice... and how I have discovered my wings and found my freedom, my bliss, my love, my own song...

The beautiful piece of music is from Mother Medicine, she is awesome!!


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