Hello, Beloveds. It is amazing to see your progress already. Many are lifting as we speak, absorbing the Light and riding the wave of ascension. You are doing splendidly. You are not alone in this process, as we have been saying.
You each have a team of angels, archangels, and/or ascended masters who are assigned to you for this entire process. They have been there all along, but full attention and purpose is now aligned with your Being for a successful and mind-blowing experience of ascension. I say that not to alarm you, but to prepare you for the most exquisite experience you could ever imagine, dear ones.
The more you open and receive right now, the more it will be complete and perfect for you. What I mean by that, is of course to tell you that ascension is assured, but your full experience of it, your smooth experience of it, and your highest experience of it will be dependent on how much you let go and receive. We have been saying this, but we want you to relax and enjoy the ride as much as possible. There is nothing more important than your complete surrender and openness.
Many of you are completing your clearing, and do not worry; you do not need to do it all. Just do your best. There is no amount of unresolved issues and karma that will stop you from ascending and much can be cleared now with just giving yourself complete and utter Love and accepting it from Creator and us. You have made it, dear ones; you have traversed the treacherous part of your journey already, and now it is just for you to enjoy the crowning glory of it.