
The Proof You Need Lies Within Your Hearts: Pleiadian Message, channeled by Caroline K.A.

Submitted by Starlight Journeys on Mon, 04/08/2013 - 07:14


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Posted April 8, 2013


We are the guardians of light.  We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.

It is time to gather yourselves in balance, and in light as you go within on a daily basis, if not more.  Your connection with spirit, and the essence of your true identity is now being made known to many of you, as your awakening is proceeding at an accelerated rate.

Within these new-found realizations coming to you now, many are eager to know more, and you often ask for physical proof as to what the higher realms are showing you.  Dear ones, we say to you in all sincerity, the proof you need lies within your hearts.  It is only from within shall you completely align with the truth of what is, and it is you, the creator human, who choses what to do with the information you receive in manifesting and creating your reality.

Reality Shifts

Submitted by Xaniel777 on Thu, 04/04/2013 - 11:38


Reality Shifts. Nothing is written in stone!

The Old Reality is falling and The New One is Shifting in. Our old reality was controlled by those who call themselves our masters : YOU ARE THE POWER ! There is no reason anymore not to know this. Because NOW, you are the only one who is stopping you !!

Weekly Tarot Reading ~ April 1 - April 7

Submitted by yourgypsysoul on Wed, 04/03/2013 - 18:41


This week, I got some guidance toward the colors of the energies that we’ll be immersed in this coming week. This is the first time that this has happened and I’m still trying to integrate it into the readings, so if you have any questions just let me know.

Some days have a rather short reading, but I get the feeling that a lot of this week’s energy has to do with the decisions we make on a daily basis. Nothing is “set in stone” so to speak until we actually take the first steps on the path we choose to make. Make a conscious effort to set aside time each day to be still and get in touch with your heart center. The information and knowing that comes through this center is very valuable at this moment.

Along those lines, energy is fluid, so the specific influences of the cards may be felt prior to and in the days after the card is pulled for. This is especially true for Major Arcana cards, signified by a capital M in parenthesis. Reversed cards are signified with an R in parentheses. If a card is reversed, it means that its energy has not fully manifested yet. This week, we seem to be building to a crescendo of energies which arrive on Saturday.

The theme for this week seems to be balance.

Science and Spirituality: Chat Room tomorrow at 9:00 am PST

Submitted by lemme howdt on Wed, 03/20/2013 - 09:32

Tomorrow morning, thursday equinox 3/21/13 - Dr. Lenny Thyme - lemme's alter ego - will be conducting a formal group discussion on science and spirituallity in the tinychatroom at http://tinychat.com/soundofheart  .


The discussion will take place from a 3D science perspective - attempting to figure out what we can believe and what we really do not know.  The borders of consciousness are found in molecular water - as above, so below holds according to the Fibonacci sequence. (note the date contains three fibonacci numbers)


The idea is to bring science to everybody's understanding level.  This is an experiment - lemme doesn't want to lose people, but there are things we think we know that we have no idea aren't real.   There are many topics in science - Dr. Lenny Thyme is a PhD chemist/philosopher and shares his blog with lemme - who is a poet and a bard.  We hope to have fun - no topic is off limits, although some will be postponed to a later date.


We are going to figure out a common form of 5-D that people can grok.  Namaste'



Submitted by Angel News Network on Tue, 03/19/2013 - 18:08

My partner at the Angel News Network, Phillip Collins, is becoming quite a channeler. Last week we filmed an interview in which Phillip channeled Adama, high priest of Lemuria and Telos, The Council of Twelve and the Archangelic Realm of Uriel. They came in with an introductory teaching before my questioning began.



Here is an excerpt from their introduction in which they explain that during this period of Ascension, mankind was being given an opportunity to restore five chakras that had been disempowered from us as part of our dumbing down in the past. They give us an exercise for "rebooting", so to speak, our chakras eight through twelve.



"Your planet is an amalgamation of twelve diverse star systems that bring all of their diversity and all of their intentions into one planet which you call mother Earth. And it has been an arduous, divine evolution where you have gone through six previous golden ages, which have lost themselves due to their disconnection from source, which had maintained and sustained them. Now, at this time, your final golden age will allow you to be permanently connected to source, the forces that maintain and sustain you, and allow you to go into full service to this source, to God, to this all that there is.


So what are the tools? What are the teachings? What are the mechanics, the science that is exactly taking place? Many of you know about the seven chakras that you have, which have to do with survival all the way to your highest self, within your formatting.


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